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What sites you guys use for downloading manga?

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9:01 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 12

Umm well i was wondering what kind of sites you guys go to download manga? I use mangatraders and sometimes veiw online at onemanga

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9:02 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 317

I view manga at OneManga when I cannot find manga on gotlurk, or mangatraders.. But thats for 'older' manga, or releases. I use the manga scanlators websites to get new releases.

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9:03 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 6221

Technically, this is also asking for downloads isn't it?

Post #181083
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9:04 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 2342



9:05 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 12

hmm i knew megaupload was a downloading site and u can use it to download manga but dont u have to get the link from some other sites?

Post #181087 - Reply to (#181082) by blakraven66

9:09 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 12

Quote from blakraven66
Technically, this is also asking for downloads isn't it?

hmm well yea i mean mangatraders is great but it sometimes doesnt have all the manga avaiable to download so i was wondering if there was anymore site like it with a massive selection of mangas available to download. I dont like the sites with a little selection of manga to download

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 Site Admin

9:16 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 6221

Not to be rude but...asking for download or online reading sites is against the rules in the forum, just so you know...

Also, megaupload is a hosting site like mediafire or rapidshare rather than a dedicated manga downloading site

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9:18 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 38

well after searching for many hours, these are the sites i recommend: -- this is by far the best, they have practically every series -- i don't use this one that much -- this site is harder to find manga on cause its an "everything" download site, but sometimes you find rare series that you cant find anywhere else

i really recommend downloading from the actual scanlators if possible. mangaupdates is great for just this reason -- it gives you the names of the groups that are scalating the series. going directly to their sites is the best way to get the manga you are looking for. and if all else fails use irc -- it took me a while to figure it all out, but once you do, irc is a very good source.

hope this helps!

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9:23 am, Jul 19 2008
Posts: 10691

I love the people that continue posting information that's on topic (downloads) even though other people already said it's against the rules

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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