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- It's as breathing air for me.
- Only on the computer!
- Nop! Only one thing at a time!
- Nop! Only one thing at a time! (Ok, I can't but I wish I could).
- Other.
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Post #329464
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6:22 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 3503

So, what about multitasking?

For me, maybe only on the computer, but it's only reading manga and browsing around the web. Other than that I prefer to do one thing at a time.

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!
Post #329465
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6:24 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 1975

Doing homework while watching TV..
And I chose other..O_O..?

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Crazy Cat Lady

6:28 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 1850

Ehhhh it really depends...usually limited to one "brain" task and one "hands" task, though (like, talk on the phone while chopping veggies for dinner...). I prefer to focus on one thing, though.

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6:29 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 24

I can listen 2 music while doing homework and I'll do research (homework) while going on msn and listening 2 music and, sometimes, while reading manga...

Wow, I just realized how freaky that is. eek

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6:30 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 35

Well something as reading a book or manga definitely can't do anything else but that to truly experience and appreciate it. For other things i usually multitask from chatting with friends on aim/msn, surfing the web, talking on the phone, and watching a movie/tv show. I only do my homework with other things when it doesn't need my full attention which is rare...

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7:20 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 776

For me, it really is like breathing air. If I'm not doing it, I can't concentrate on what I need to. At the very least, I need something to listen to while I work on something else. In fact, the only time I can think of that I don't multitask is when I'm watching a movie in theaters...
For example, earlier this week, I tried just sitting and watching The Proposal with my roommates, but couldn't even last 15 minutes before I had to pull out my latest art project and work on that as well.

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7:26 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 807

I love multitasking! biggrin I find it easier to work while multitasking than focusing on one single task. So it's like breathing air for me.

Like right now: Writing fanfic, typing this on MU, listening to music, reading manga, and watching YouTube videos laugh

I would be doing my Pre-cal homework but I don't have my book with me none

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Lowly Member

7:26 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 3888

I multitask.
A lot.
People don't like it because it's almost like I'm doing everything...especially when I'm in a group...
I can't help that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like projects and work. I hate working with people who are incompetent.

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7:38 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 221

I can't multitask. My roommate can definitely back me up on this one.

I think the most "multitasking" I've ever done was either "listening" to music while reading (although I just use music to block out conversations) or watching TV while doing homework (but in that case I only do homework during commercials).

Other than that, I seem incapable of multitasking. It's kind of sad, really.

Post #329498
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Dungeon Master

7:41 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 38

I multitask all the time. I don't have the attention span to work on one thing for too long but if I'm doing 2 or 3 things at once I can last a lot longer. It freaks out my friends sometime when they watch me using 2 or 3 computers at once.


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sleepy ghost

7:54 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 1140

I can't multitask at all. I may have music playing while I'm doing homework or reading manga but I can't say I actually listen to the music while reading. The same if I have the TV on and I'm using my laptop. I'm either doing one or the other, but never at the same time.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
- Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
Post #329505

7:59 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 1762

I'm a multi-tasker. I got really good at it while working, and now use that to my advantage when things have to be done at home.

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8:01 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 2028

I'm exceptional at it.

Post #329508 - Reply to (#329490) by IMustBeInsane
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8:01 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 574

I multitask a lot. A post here reminds me that I HATE it when I'm watching a movie with someone, and they are constantly looking away from the screen, getting up, reading, etc. But I've noticed that I find it really hard to just sit there and watch the movie, mostly because they seem so uninteresting lately, but I'll usually be eating or even coloring because I'm bored otherwise o.o

When I'm on the computer, I'm either watching some of my favorite shows in another window while photoshopping (genius), or listening to music while photoshopping + browsing the web, and occasionally seeing what the heck's on the TV. Probably while waiting for my clothes to dry, and the food to finish baking in the oven.

If I don't multitask, I wouldn't have enough time for anything. There are things that must have my undivided attention, though. Like reading manga. I've tried to multitask while doing so, and I just can't. I can't listen to music, watch anything, eat or even drink soda. T^T

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8:07 pm, Oct 21 2009
Posts: 1698

Not that great at multitasking.
It's like two people talking at once! I can't concentrate!

The best I can do is listening to music while doing (something.) But in my mind, I will most likely NOT remember which songs played unless I started singing to one of them! It's especially difficult for me to concentrate on reading my novels when music with lyrics go on. Or the song is really catchy. Basically, I will focus on one subject with all my concentration, and the other would be done half-heartedly.

But well, if it's that pat head, rub tummy multitasking thingy, I can do that. XD

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