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666satan's ending.

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Post #106009
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12:09 am, Dec 25 2007
Posts: 40

Anyone read this series ? Well if ya have you should have know the last chap has finally been scanlated recently , after reading the ending , any comments bout it ? Well personally i dont really like the ending [not really interested in not-so-good endings] , i personally hope the ending could be better =/ like in jio + ruby . So wa'cha guys think?

Post #106011
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Local Crack Dealer

12:48 am, Dec 25 2007
Posts: 535

Well i was a long time running fan of 666 Satan. The pre-time skip is where it really showed it's flavor and really caught my attention. As I read further I noticed the same thing like other noticed that it was similar to Naruto and DBZ but it still retained it's own flavor. The entire post-time skip, with the exeption Kirin and his brother's background story, was extreamly rushed. I think the pressure of everyone calling the mangaka a copy cat really got to him so he sort of found the quickest way of ending his story and desperatly trying to please his fans at the same time. I personally think the ending had the same effect that Evangelion had...very displeasing. The ending was way too rushed and the whole secret of the opart suck in his arm was showed off to be alot smaller than i thought it should have. I was waiting for something really exciting and i thought that it was kind of iffy. Jiro's New version of Zero was was too much of a hyperbole. In short i just thought the whole Post-Time skip was way too rushed and fell short of my expectations. If he actually decided to come back and change it i would be willing to read it. And i since u can really see it sort of hurt this mangaka personally that his own creation was being called a rip off I'm looking forward to see what he'll come up with new that will shut up all those that think mild of him.

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"You just bleed there and think about what you've done!"

1:09 am, Dec 25 2007
Posts: 2

The Whole Ending was way too rushed by the Mangaka. It seems like he just wanted to end it as soon as possible.
[spoiler]The way that it ended up as satan was a greedy scientist and jio was just a container created by other scientist named adam and eve was just a qiuck way of ending the series. I think that it would have been better off with a Jio vs Satan battle with one or both of them dying and a better ending. or Jio gets with Ruby(personally that was what kept me reading the series was to see if they ever really got together). But the Mangaka ended it like he was fed up with the series and wanted to do something else. My feelings about the end was no sad cry no

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3:03 am, Dec 25 2007
Posts: 6221

could've been better no

Post #106187
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11:48 pm, Dec 25 2007
Posts: 481

Yeah... even though the ending was dissapointing for me, i would have liked to see the rest of the group's members in the future, all we saw were Ball, Mel and their kids telling them the story of Jio... Personally i would have liked closure at the very least.

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Stealth Mode On

12:00 am, Dec 26 2007
Posts: 1141

It was a big disappointment.

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11:30 am, Jan 2 2008
Posts: 6

True the ending was mediocre. It just left us in space and did not feel as great as the story. An epilogue would have been fine. The mangaka seemed to be pressured.

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LnoE RDeiR

1:55 pm, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 116

Closure... You know it's not a bad ending but it leaves you with a bitter feeling. I mean you just cant let it be, it s there on your mind, jio and ruby (and cross) are gone(?)
Are they. I dont hate this kind of endings but they usually stick in my mind for days and evrey now and then fill me with an uneasy feeling. I dont know how many will get what I mean (my english being not so good) ...

Well overall I liked the series, true I also think it was a little rushed but at the end I enjoyed it (little tear in the eye)

PS I also think that an epilogue would be best

Post #123925
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10:31 pm, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 833

The ending should have completed Jio's story but it didnt. i think the story would've gone a different path had they not changed his personality so much. i actually found jio to be alot more likable than luffy or naruto; but after the time skip he changed for the worse.

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10:52 pm, Feb 13 2008
Posts: 641

I actually liked the post time skip jio, at least he had some new skills and got pretty cool. Too bad he wasn't as funny as before though...

The ending definitely felt rushed, everything was tidied up really fast within the last few chapters leading up to it. It didn't feel good when they were trying to explain the end, almost like the pieces were being forcibly jammed together, like jio's name.

We can always hope for bonus chapters later on for the series.

Though I'm quite interested in what his next work will be too.

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7:22 am, Mar 11 2008
Posts: 163

I actually enjoyed 666 satan alot. I actually enjoy how the whole aspect of religion and mythology fit into the story. The ending was obviously very rushed, like someone said it seems that the pressure of being called a rip-off was too much for the mangaka. I actually truly believe that had the author spent more time and written alot more chapters we would have seen a really interesting and unique post-time skip story (dare I say even better then naruto).

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11:45 am, Nov 28 2009
Posts: 1

Everything up till the end of Rock Bird was brilliant.

After the time skip everything fell apart. The ending would have been a lot better if he had at least told us what happened to Jio and Ruby after They warped Shin but to leave us completely in the dark is what makes the ending so bad. Especially since Ball is about 15 years older in the last few pages. Since it's a lot of time has elapsed and Jio and the other havn't came back the likely outcome is that they died. Now seriously who reads a story to have the main characters die(probably) at the end. to me it's like a big kick in the butt. Normally i avoid endings like this cause they'll be under the Tragedy genre and I hate tragedy's.

True he may have been under preassure from being called a copycat, but it's not his faulkt people are ignorant to the fact masashi is his twin.

He should have took his time and done things properly.

At least his new manga is pretty good although av only read 7 chapters of it so far.

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