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6:43 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 4917

lol i loved how they looked on page 11, their expressions were priceless.

Nice to see a good captain fight.

(and no poll, because i care not about them)

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8:19 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 9026

Kashi, I was going to let you slip... but why attack the polls.
They've done nothing wrong to you. You should feel ashamed. sad

Awesome chapter though. Tite teased us with the Stark/Shunsui fight. Two superpowers fighting against eachother. I wonder who'll win out. Bah, and I hope Ukitake won't be having any trouble with Lilinette, I mean, he's like one of the strongest Captains. Granted Lilinette is one of the top 3 Espada's Fraccion. I bet she's stronger than she looks.

The Chimera technique is interesting too.

source: animenewsnetwork

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9:44 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 678

lol i don't think that her being one of the top three's Fraccion will amount to anything, cause so far almost all of them have dropped like flies. bigrazz no matter how you put it if Ukitake has trouble with her, then it's going to look terrible on his part unfortunately .

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10:20 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 878

Well Ukitake might get sick again or something...
Lilinette should be much stronger than the previous Fraccion, because she is Stark's lone Fraccion. I think that the Espada either have many cannon fodder Fraccion, few strong ones. Even so without some sort of intervention I just can't see a Fraccion defeating a Captain (if she could actually do it, then she would probably be an Espada instead of a Fraccion).

Maybe Stark will be really strong and Ukitake will have to help Kyoraku fight him. I think it's about time the top 3 Espada show their strenght.

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Post #229501
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10:55 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 186

i can see ukitake struggling in the fight with Lilinette not cause i think she is strong but because it doesnt seem like he wants to kill her or even fight her for that matter most likely he will hold back

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Demented Octopus

11:51 am, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 737

Interesting chapter. I really hope Lilinette is strong. I like her and don't want to see her be promptly killed off like all the other fraccion. Ukitake is sick and has already admitted that he has trouble fighting children, so I'm sure she'll at least give him some challenge. Stark and Kyoraku looks to be a most amusing match. I can't wait to see how it develops.

And yes, just as I thought, Momo's technique proved largely ineffective. Halibel's fraccions' released forms looked nice. I'm looking forward to those fights as well. The female lieutenants never seem to get enough attention. It's still strange that it's two vs three. As I said before, Nanao needs to show up; she hasn't even been close to fighting someone so far.

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12:58 pm, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 1130

Well Ukitake did say he would scare her off, how do you think he'll do that? I have a theory he might go Bankai and flash his full power in her face for an instant then go back to normal to get her to realize she's completely outclassed. Thus getting her to back down without ever fighting her.

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Post #229560 - Reply to (#229540) by Spanky151
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1:41 pm, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 193

Quote from Spanky151
Well Ukitake did say he would scare her off, how do you think he'll do that? I have a theory he might go Bankai and flash his full power in her face for an instant then go back to normal to get her to realize she's completely outclassed. Thus getting her to back down without ever fighting her.

That would be nice. I wanna see some new stuff. Stuff that aren't from the Arrancar side.

BTW, the chimera thing was kinda...weird... Anyways, I don't approve of it.

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2:31 pm, Nov 20 2008
Posts: 214

Well this gives me hope I really want to see Ukitake's and Kyoraku's bankai


6:54 pm, Nov 21 2008
Posts: 429

Wait, what about the world observant blonde kid with the teeth sticking out, where did he go?

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