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New Poll - Manga and Real-Life Friends

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Post #594954
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4:04 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 234

I voted we don't really discuss anything.

I have two manga friends. Met them this year. One only reads mainstream shonen. The other has a much larger taste for manga, but he is an otaku in denial, most attempts to discuss manga are met by resistance like "not while the girls are near". none

Post #594958 - Reply to (#594885) by markdarkangel
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4:12 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 315

Quote from markdarkangel
I can truly say I'm a closeted otaku laugh

This. I ...think... my family knows that I read manga and watch anime, but it just became a habit not to talk about it, so I voted in the last category, "no one knows." For some reason I've kept this habit for the past ten years.

Post #594959
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4:28 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 45

yay! i have two otaku fwens! they are super! we talk abt animes and mangas all the time! OTAKU 4eva biggrin

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5:01 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 69

Aside from Slam Dunk, I don't have anyone I talk to about manga in real life. There were a couple of times some people talk to me about Naruto, but meh. Anime is a different story, however.

The early bird may have caught the early worm, but the late worm survived!!
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6:56 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 21

Let's see.... I do have friends (;D). Most of 'em know I like manga/anime. And several watch anime their self or read manga. But I have a different taste so we only share a few while trying to convince each other who's favorite is better.

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7:27 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 482

i read manga, a lot of my friends read manga, and reading manga is not that weird among the younger populations. even two of my irl friend know that i read yaoi and love shotacon, and one of my cousin know that i like yaoi and weird guro ish hentai. but yeah, we seldom talk about manga because it is such a solitary pursuit, but i like to recommend manga to them. though my taste sometimes a bit extreme. so yeah, i choose the 3rd option.

Post #594977
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7:55 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 79

I have a few friends that read manga, but I only talk about it with one of them (since we see each other every single day). But our tastes are completely different. She likes shoujo, romance and happy endings. I like seinen, action and drama.
We both like comedies, but even our sense of comedy is different...
Sometime she forces me one of her favorites. I feel diabetic after reading them...
I do the same to her so I can't complain... much.

When we find something we both like we throw a party xD

Post #594978

8:19 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 130

My friends know that i read manga and they keep making fun of it, but i won`t stop reading bigrazz

Post #594987
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10:28 am, Apr 14 2013
Posts: 14

My old best friend and I used to read manga together as well as read separately and talk about afterwards--more times than not it was together, though. Nowadays, the few friends I have the read manga and I will generally read separately. >.<

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12:35 am, Apr 15 2013
Posts: 764

I had been reading since i can remember, so all of my friends that do read manga or comics were initiated by me, the problem is that they only got into entry level stuff, except one, but he doesn't read much either way.

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manger le toupee

2:47 pm, Apr 17 2013
Posts: 306

I don't think I have any friends that read manga, and if only I could feel at home among the people who infest comi-con and anime fests and stuff, I might actually have more that do. Unfortunately, those sorts of venues (along with the cosplayers species) are just not for me.

But, well, at least I have friends who will do other things with me, like shopping for novels and going to art walks and stuff.

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Post #595611
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7:39 pm, Apr 19 2013
Posts: 437

Yes, a few of my close friends know I read manga (all of them happen to read manga too). But we don't talk about it much, mainly because I hate talking about specific series' details (like story and characters... the reason is kind of complicated, so I won't explain here)... I do enjoy talking about manga in general with them, though. My immediate family also knows I read manga, but we don't talk about it because they know pretty much zero about manga.

By the way... I'm surprised anyone voted for "we read it together"... How do you even do that? You really read the same book (or same computer screen) at once? (If so, you have crazy skills.) Or you get two copies and read next to each other?

Last edited by lynira at 1:42 pm, Apr 20 2013

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