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Sustained DDOS Attacks on MangaUpdates

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A Breathing Human
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7 years ago
Posts: 67

This makes me very mad. Freaking hackers. Thanks admins & staff for your hard work. Keep mangaupdates safe!

Post #751764 - Reply To (#751592) by Transdude1996
Post #751764 - Reply To (#751592) by Transdude1996

7 years ago
Posts: 19

It's unlikely they'd worry about MangaUpdates when there are juicier targets anyway. Ruining this site simply isn't very effective when you think about all the normal aggregator sites.

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7 years ago
Posts: 67

Good luck. The attacks have been super annoying. Why in the world would someone target a manga site?? Why not like,, 4-chan or something idk??


Currently getting my life together~ (unsuccessfully)

Post #751770 - Reply To (#751768) by Noburo
Post #751770 - Reply To (#751768) by Noburo
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7 years ago
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from Noburo

Why not like,, 4-chan or something idk??

4chan was revealed to be a controlled site back in Fall of 2014, went in freefall from it's status and become the "edgy" counter-part to Reddit, and is now primarily used as a bitcoin mining platform via malware in the site's ads and a general dataming platform altogether.

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7 years ago
Posts: 421

Thought I find Cloudflare hella annoying at times, like many other people, you should consider cloudflare and turning it on for a period, if the attack(s) sustains.

For those who are confusing DDoS with hacking, Don't. It's not basically hacking. It's more like your everyday phone service which always gives you the busy massage, because some of your neighbourhood kids keeps redialling the number and cutting it off as the ringing starts.

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7 years ago
Posts: 10

Quote from Transdude1996

4chan was revealed to be a controlled site back in Fall of 2014, went in freefall from it's status and become the "edgy" counter-part to Reddit, and is now primarily used as a bitcoin mining platform via malware in the site's ads and a general dataming platform altogether.

Controlled by whom? How is gamergate relevant to any DDOS attack on sites related to manga and anime?
Also, what if I told you that the image of the mod post is forged?

"Stop reporting shit that doesn't break rules. I'm going to start banning people in these threads that spam the report system"
People were reporting everyone who disagreed with them. It makes sense to ban these who abused the system.

Quote from MinatoAce

Thought I find Cloudflare hella annoying at times, like many other people, you should consider cloudflare and turning it on for a period, if the attack(s) sustains.

Please do not use Cloudflare. Not only do they make it difficult/impossible for users that use tor/vpn and/or have javascript disabled to access sites but they also MitM every connection to the site.
Also, relevant

... Last edited by installgentoo 7 years ago
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Seinen is RIGHT
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7 years ago
Posts: 2431

Eh. These things happen once a year here. Sucks for the admins but that´s the web for you.
What i can´t believe though is that a discussion nearly stared if the Japanese publishing industry itself is behind a simple DDOS attack. They could cease and desist the current version of MU for the covers alone and shut this all for good with 1 email alone. 2 rival sites would rise though... US license holders would also need to do that, as this is a US site, and no domestic distributor could be bothered to start that mud battle. Even the Disney controlled Marvel isn´t interested in shutting down one of the many read/download comics platforms.
A random anon did this. Case closed.


I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb

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7 years ago
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Warn: Banned

Quote from installgentoo

Controlled by whom?

Back then, the pleasent folks over at Gawker.

Quote from installgentoo

How is gamergate relevant to any DDOS attack on sites related to manga and anime?

It isn't, I was just answering the guy's question as to why 4chan doesn't come under attack.

Quote from installgentoo

Also, what if I told you that the image of the mod post is forged?

Yeah, it says it right there on the site: "This post would go to much wider circulation in an edited version." And right above that picture is a quote from the real post the image was making fun of with a link to an archive of said post (Citation #6).

Quote from installgentoo

People were reporting everyone who disagreed with them. It makes sense to ban these who abused the system.

It had nothing to do with disagreeing with people, it had everything to do with the article being spammed across the board. Also, it wasn't just /v/ users and GG discussion getting banned: /a/ would get bans for posting about waifus, /pol/ would get bans for saying "n**r", and /tv/ would get bans for baneposting.

And, in more recent news, even 4/d/ began handing out bans about half a year ago for topics such as caption, CYOA, and censorship threads.

Also, did you miss the part about them firing the original mods earlier in 2014?

To bring this offtopic discussion to an end, 4chan is just a relic these days that only servers to continue pushing a "Boogieman of the internet" narrative, be used as a mining platform for any idiot who decides to even go to the site, and give immature people a place where they can act all edgy without facing much repercussion aside from getting bullied when taking that discussion elsewhere (Including other imageboards).

Post #751786 - Reply To (#751570) by HikaruYami
Post #751786 - Reply To (#751570) by HikaruYami
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7 years ago
Posts: 46

Batoto primarily got bot who will steal his content so he has no exclusivity because in the hour after an update the others sites are updated


My perfect sentence when someone suspect me : "I'm not suspect, it's not me I swear"

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7 years ago
Posts: 46

Thanks for your efforts, I like this site a lot.


My perfect sentence when someone suspect me : "I'm not suspect, it's not me I swear"


7 years ago
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Thanks for your effort in maintaining this site!

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