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Is it okay to hit a girl?

Is it okay to hit a girl?
Yes only if she's bigger
Yes only if she's bigger and started it
Yes only if she started it
Votes: 582

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Post #177239
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Mome Basher

5:11 pm, Jul 8 2008
Posts: 3380

Ah, quite hard to vote...It's missing the option "Only if she deserves it"

I'm assuming we're talking in girls in general and not your girlfriend/wife.
I believe in chivalry and all, but sometimes, you really gotta teach them where they stand. I'm not talking about sexual supremacy, I'm just saying, yes, there's such a thing as women's rights and "ladies first", but sometimes, it could get into their heads. They start thinking that they deserve special treatment at everything. It's only one of those moments where to hit them to bring them back down to earth. They want equal treatment, give them equal treatment, no more, no less.

So yes, when in a fight with a girl, hit her if she really deserves it. Hit her up to only as much as she hit you, not over.

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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10:09 am, Jul 9 2008
Posts: 2964

Hit them when they go out of line or deserve it.
Just not for no reason whatsoever.
End of story. (:

Post #177421
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10:19 am, Jul 9 2008
Posts: 2009

Domestic violence.... backhand that bitch when she leaves the kitchen= for the lulz

On a more serious note, equal opportunity violence too bigrazz

On an even more serious note, no I don't hit wemens

Post #177983
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Dark Knight

8:35 am, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 390


Only if she started a fight with me, though.


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Post #177987
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8:59 am, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 2342

Well looking at the poll you can see what this forum thinks.
Yes 297 votes (63.2%)
No 173 votes (36.8%)

Post #178026 - Reply to (#177987) by KennEH!
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Smooth Operator
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11:14 am, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 5329

Quote from KennEH!
Well looking at the poll you can see what this forum thinks.
Yes 297 votes (63.2%)
No 173 votes (36.8%)

Domestic violence for the loss.

But, it's the internet, so people are allowed to be stupid.

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Livin just to keep from dyin
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1:18 pm, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 115

Looks as though everything that can possibly be said on the subject already has. In brief: In self-defense, or the defense of another? Yes. For any other reason? No.

Allow me to reacquaint you with... THE GROUND!
Post #178172 - Reply to (#177987) by KennEH!
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7:13 pm, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 3342

Quote from KennEH!
Well looking at the poll you can see what this forum thinks.
Yes 297 votes (63.2%)
No 173 votes (36.8%)

Did you know that {{{insert random percentage}}} of facts are made up on the spotconfused

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Post #178180 - Reply to (#177201) by ahoaho

7:33 pm, Jul 11 2008
Posts: 678

Quote from ahoaho
Quote from Rob1988
Yes... but be warned pissed off girls are seriously vicious and will scrape, gouge eyes and pull clumps of your hair out. tbh I would much rather take a few punches than this shit bigrazz

You forgot the scissors to the unmentionables.

lol Lorena Bobbet sit strikes fear in all men.(with good reason too) dead laugh

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Post #178314
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8:37 am, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 193

In Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, two wannabe mafia members are driving to the hospital after a shootout with another mafia member in the back seat, already dead on the way. A female cop pulls them over. Not wanting to be detained on account of his dead friend, the guy in the passenger seat shoots her in the face and the driver speeds away.

The driver, clearly shaken, says, "You just killed a woman."

The passenger says, "She was a cop."

"But you just killed a fucking broad."

"They want to be equal. I made her equal."

Post #178328 - Reply to (#178172) by Calíbre
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9:09 am, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from Calliber
Quote from KennEH!
Well looking at the poll you can see what this forum thinks.
Yes 297 votes (63.2%)
No 173 votes (36.8%)

Did you know that {{{insert random percentage}}} of facts are made up on the spot confused

Aren't you smart? If you actually looked at the original poll, you'd see what I did.

Post #178445
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2:01 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 38

It depends on the circumstances. I think, if she's about to kill you then yeah, go ahead and defend yourself. But otherwise!!!!
NEVER hit a woman. Arguments don't have to get physical. if you're annoyed just leave. At the end of the day, even if it's her fault for the most part, you can get in trouble. She might play victim or actually be a victim. When we are angry the mind's better if you just leave, that way you won't end up having to talk to the police... none

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3:42 pm, Jul 17 2008
Posts: 3888

I voted Yes only if she's bigger and started it. You shouldn't hit a girl half your size that looks like she's gonna break if you touched her, even if she started it. If she started it, you should just end it and walk away. I think it's okay if the girl looks like she's gonna kill you and has a real bad personality, then, it's just self defense. But try not to ever hit a woman/girl, we don't like it. But, if a guy hit me, I would hit him twice as hard in his privates. It's kind of weird how a guy can go to jail for hitting a girl, while a girl gets away with attacking a guy. It depends on the circumstances whether you can hit a woman or not. biggrin

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Post #181875
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The hope

4:02 pm, Jul 21 2008
Posts: 205

hitting a girl, ha? let me see....

seriously, it doesn't matter to me if it is a girl or a boy, if there is some one who starts a fight with me and tries to get on my nerves by throwing insults, fists and such, I wont hesitate to give them a good punch. yes, I am a violent person. laugh


12:24 pm, Jul 28 2008
Posts: 31

I think it's ridiculous how people think that just because someone is a man he can beat him. I didn't fight with anyone (okay, my sister doesn't count XD) up to now, and I hope it continues that way.

I think to hit someone, being it a woman or a man, is really idiot by itself. But, if it is for self protection, why would someone not protect himself just because it's a girl? If the girl don't want to be hitted, than she simply doesn't have to hit. The same goes for guys, of course. Violence itself is a no-no /o/

Even though I joined in 2008, I restarted my lists with only only the manga I've read since 2012 July!
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