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New Poll - Scanlation Team

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6:17 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 67

I once helped a translator friend of mine on how she should translate a few sentences from a novel she was working on to English. Does that count? No? Okay, I'll just show myself out...

The early bird may have caught the early worm, but the late worm survived!!
Post #636208
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6:22 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 157

I have always wanted to give it a shot, and feel that I could benefit from learning to do a bit of editing as well, considering the fact that I work with satellite imagery in uni, but the main problem has always been time, I just have too much to do to be able to take on anymore work, perhaps in the summer I might give it a shot.


7:03 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 65

I heard before that the main problem with scanlations is not the lack of translators but the lack of skilled editors. That the best way to help scanlators is not taking a year or so to learn Japanese but a few weeks to learn gimp or photoshop.

That and you can edit the scanlations that really needs re-editing like the middle half of GTO.

Post #636220
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The H Emperor

7:11 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 501

I miss a

>I'm too fucking lazy to care.

option. Or is

>Never have, never will

the same just said in a nice way?

I also want the famous

>I don't time to scanlate but lots and lots of time to read the scanlations and complain if the next chapter is taking time because there's no scanlators to do it.

I find this Manga Poll quite lacking in options to choose from. bigrazz

Edit: 51.2% - No, since I don't feel qualified
ROFLMAO, thanks for proving me right. More options needed, since they only have to choose between: the feeling of not qualified and not wanting to. XDDDDDDDD

Post #636221 - Reply to (#636218) by nightazday
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7:28 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 72

I myself don't think its hard to release a chapter that is in readable quality.
The problem is finding someone who will keep on translating it and a fixed editor for it

*edit and there is always a lack of translator for a series

Post #636223 - Reply to (#636180) by SilverStorm

7:44 am, Mar 15 2014

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Post #636229 - Reply to (#636218) by nightazday
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8:08 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 525

Quote from nightazday
I heard before that the main problem with scanlations is not the lack of translators but the lack of skilled editors. That the best way to help scanlators is not taking a year or so to learn Japanese but a few weeks to learn gimp or photoshop.

That and you can edit the scanlations that really needs re-editing like the middle half of GTO.

I can only speak for our group, but we have much more trouble finding translators than any other roles. Especially good translators that don't quit after 1 week. We don't expect translators to be fully fluent, but the translations you get sometimes are... very far from the original text.

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Post #636237 - Reply to (#636218) by nightazday
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9:25 am, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 122

Quote from nightazday
I heard before that the main problem with scanlations is not the lack of translators but the lack of skilled editors. That the best way to help scanlators is not taking a year or so to learn Japanese but a few weeks to learn gimp or photoshop.

That and you can edit the scanlations that really need ...

Same can be said that a group won't go round without a translator, but can somewhat make it without an editor. I'm sure there's many people who would prefer a sucky edited release to no release at all, though it's definitely not desired. But I get what you mean, it just doesn't feel as good reading a yellowed photo of a manga page, with white blocks and Arial as font... and horrid jpg quality not to mention small image size with two pages squeezed in. Yes, I get what you mean, definitely. Gotta appreciate the editors/typesetters/cleaners and whoever else.

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1:14 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 160

I make the simple PDFs for the light novels that PrinceRevolution! translates, but I don't think that counts since I am not part of the group as I am just a reader contributing.

Post #636277 - Reply to (#636223) by Unknown
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1:23 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 388

Actually, that's probably because they never had a proofreader to start with. bigrazz

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1:29 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 243

I've been in and out of dozen's of groups. I run Mad Hatter Scans right now. But I'm thinking about retiring from the scene pretty soon. I can't run a group with no staff, and I just don't have time anymore. Real life is kinda taking over. Though I might still freelance if a series catches my eye.

Post #636286
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Evil Little Kid

2:23 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 437

A group of online friends I met at a manga forum made a scanlation site, and I helped around as an admin and as a proofreader, since I'm fluent in Spanish, I offered to help translate from Spanish-English if it was necessary, but the group quickly disbanded and since then I haven't joined a scanlation group.

I applied for the position of English-Spanish translator in an anime website, but I never heard back, which means that they rejected me. How dare they?! >__>

"Beware How You Take Hope From Another Man."
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bishounen lover

6:24 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 445

Actually it was last done in 2009
Question: Do you work in scanlations?
Yes, and I love it - votes: 837 (9.3%)
Yes, and I hate my life - votes: 236 (2.6%)
No, but I'd like to - votes: 4430 (49.3%)
No, and I don't want to - votes: 2288 (25.5%)
I used to, but not anymore - votes: 760 (8.5%)
I'm just here to hand out C&Ds - votes: 436 (4.9%)
There were 8987 total votes.
The poll ended: May 2nd 2009

But anyway, I used to be a cleaner/typesetter for Yakuza on Detective Conan back in the day, then later I did some cleaning for Manga-Rain mostly on Bleach, and a little Soul Eater. Some of those magazine scans redrawing ate a portion of my sanity. I'm done. For now at least biggrin

Post #636331 - Reply to (#636300) by Sapphiresky
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11:58 pm, Mar 15 2014
Posts: 10689

For some reason I did not see this ><

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #636335
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12:34 am, Mar 16 2014
Posts: 705

I'm just here to hand out C&Ds - votes: 436 (4.9%)

Haha, 2009 poll actually had fun choices.

"I'll shut your mouth~~~~~ with mine~~~"

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