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15 years ago
Posts: 838

Go to:

old one not working

and enter your mangaupdates login, password and the list name you want to track (wish, read, hold, complete or unfinish ) Example:

Click on the button RUN PIPE and below you will see a preview of the search, now you can export this as an RSS by clicking on:

Add this RSS to a yahoo mail alert, just go to:
and paste the RSS, click the mail check box and save it ^^


So every time a new release of a manga in the list you input, will be send to the RSS or to your mail 😉

... Last edited by chulian1819 12 years ago

Reading Love LuckyRecommended B Gata H Kei <3 Conveni-N XD


15 years ago
Posts: 1

What I'm concerned is that when i clone the pipe, there is a private string only shown to the pipe creator where the login & password are submitted to (presumably to do the login and switch to the list and so on).
So I have no way of knowing what happens to my password.
Moreover the password is in the URL as plaintext, if I were to use this feed in Google Reader eg everybody could search for my MU feed and get my username/pw from the URL ...

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15 years ago
Posts: 838

yes in the pipe url you pass ur login and pass word, but if you only use it for personal purposes (like google reader or yahoo alerts) then its safe 😉 well u can trust me like other mangaupdates users that are using this pipe (and another one) u can give it a try and see the results ^^ or u can forget it and simply change ur password ^^


Reading Love LuckyRecommended B Gata H Kei <3 Conveni-N XD


14 years ago
Posts: 33

Seeing how one can block releases from certain groups / certain genres on the Releases page, would it be possible to somehow adapt your pipe to convert that "personalized" releases page into RSS?
I just figured out the genre-blocking exists and am from now on excluding 5 genres; I would be very glad to have an RSS feed capable of that.
Until then my filtermyrss link will grow longer as I add groups that specialize in those genres. >_>
hopes chulian1819 shows mercy before the link would exceed max size


The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and riffle their pockets for new vocabulary - James Nicoll

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13 years ago
Posts: 5

Am I the only one this doesn't work for? It keeps returning this message "No pipe results for MU Releases crawler."

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Grateful leecher

13 years ago
Posts: 22

Do you think it would be possible to make a RSS feed for the series weekly stats? 😕


13 years ago
Posts: 1

Guess it doesn't work anymore.

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13 years ago
Posts: 298

First, please no all caps titles... Not sure if it's allowed (there probably isn't a rule against it) but it's actually quite annoying and makes it harder to read.
I understand you have made a possibly life-changing discovery and want to share it with as many people as fast as possible, but please moderate yourself.

Secondly, why not try the aforementioned (official) RSS feed and put a through a personal filter?

Or, if you're a bit more daring, build a small and simple scraper yourself. All you need to do is scrape the releases page with a tool like cURL (put your current session_id correctly in the post field -> don't log out), parse the results and optionally filter it by reading state and/or user-defined colours. After this you can decide to output the results into a personalized RSS feed or use a mailer script to notify you.
If at any point you don't know what to do or how something works (i.e. the post), don't do it at all... It's probably not for you and to many things could go wrong.

Example: My Feed, only Hentai is filtered and no 'reading state' info is displayed. All content is cached locally.

There are other ways available, but remember... Be nice to MU and try to use cache where possible.

Edit: Sorry, only just now noticed this is actually quite an old thread... Resurrect not on purpose.

... Last edited by Joentjuh 13 years ago

Who they, what are, and why?

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13 years ago
Posts: 162

I've decapped the title.


12 years ago
Posts: 1

Does it still work?

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12 years ago
Posts: 937

Yes. Not with Chrome, though; I don't think it supports RSS feeds directly.


There are times when you will miss what you never had. I wonder how you will find what you so desperately need.

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12 years ago
Posts: 838


Reading Love LuckyRecommended B Gata H Kei <3 Conveni-N XD


12 years ago
Posts: 7

Thanks chulian for working on this..

by the way, there is a space in URL so it might not work by clicking on it.. User need to copy URL and paste and then remove that space in that ending number. d02 01f...

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12 years ago
Posts: 838

its a underline _


Reading Love LuckyRecommended B Gata H Kei <3 Conveni-N XD

Post #606378 - Reply To (#572567) by chulian1819
Post #606378 - Reply To (#572567) by chulian1819

11 years ago
Posts: 1

Quote from chulian1819

its working again at

let me know of issues

This isn't working for me. I keep getting "no pipe results."

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