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Fatty MC

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9:05 pm, Sep 16 2018
Posts: 13

Fat guy main character.

I just recently got into reading the Korean manga Lookism and was super impressed at how they made fat guy who a usually overlook as the unless side character in fiction and slowly grow his character and morals using the different perspective of a new handsome and athletic body.

But what really shocked me was that instead of just ditching and scorning his original body the main character chooses to value himself more and work on improving his old fat self and slowly make progress in his passed weakness and fears.

To put it simply I now love these types of stories.

Where the main character see's a problem with themselves and instead of taking the easy way out they struggle everyday, working hard, eating the dirt, get stepped on and then one day realize they have become worlds above what they use to be.

I'd gladly take a story about making a physical change like weight ,looks or physical strength but they have to come with heavy psychological impact on the MC, he can't just change because on some superficial reason, it has to be deep, like his life depends on how much effort he puts into becoming what he strives for.

A real blood sweat and tears type of hard worker.

Got anything like that?

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