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your frist manga that made you enter the manga world

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Post #766540 - Reply to (#762043) by meredithbecca

7:14 am, Jan 11 2019
Posts: 1

Quote from meredithbecca
The first manga I remember reading was Death Note. It almost stopped me from reading more manga (I'm really not a FMovies YesMovies SolarMoviefan though I don't know why I don't like it). It was when I was in college, probably about 2009 or so.

I can't remember the exact manga that really got me started. I thi ...

I can't recollect the name, however its one where everybody at one point has a fantasy and this one child imparts it to this one young lady and after they wake up they all have mystic forces.

the child referenced has light powers however no one could make sense of it and figured he didn't have any due to the shading (white or not seen or something) and the young lady is a fire client, his more seasoned sibling utilizes metal and they fougth some disaster or some other.

Last edited by kamel2900 at 10:12 am, Jan 11 2019

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3:03 am, Jan 25 2019
Posts: 625

The first manga for me would be UHHH Ultra Maniac. But although it was indeed my first manga that got me into it. But the actual main manga that got me interested in knowing more about manga was something uhh inuyasha something and then something something xD I mean I don't recall the name since it was when I was 6... xD

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11:23 am, Feb 10 2019
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My first known manga series I believe was either Kodocha or Marmalade Boy. But in General, it was either Pokemon Adventures or Dragon Ball.

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1:51 pm, Feb 10 2019
Posts: 113

Yotsubato!; got a copy from my school's book fair, and never looked back!

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9:28 pm, Feb 10 2019
Posts: 40

Fruits Basket!

My best friend throughout high school dragged me into going to the anime club with her way back in freshman year, and she force-lent me Fruits Basket and OHSHC, and wow did I fall in love with manga and anime. Fell down a hole that I can never crawl out from.

Because I didn't watch anime back then, I had no idea how to pronounce Kyo's name correctly, so I kept loudly profession my love for "Kyle" every club session, until our club leader was like "umm, I'm pretty sure there's no one called Kyle in Fruits Basket, did you mean Kyo?"

Aghgh, still cringe thinking back on it even after seven years.
Thank god everyone in the club was pretty damn cringy in their own ways back then.

Anyways, I ended up watching the anime after, and I'm looking forward to the reboot!

Edit: I just realized that Fruits Basket id=3 on this site, one of the first manga added to the database! id=2 (Hana Kimi) was also one of my firsts and favourites~


10:42 pm, Feb 10 2019
Posts: 2

First manga I read was Fushigi Yūgi back in elementary school! An older girl in my acquaintance group would bring her manga to school for her friends but I borrowed them too. Unfortunately I didn't start from volume 1, I just picked up what was available that day and got spoiled by a major character death lol.

Post #767912

1:51 am, Mar 3 2019
Posts: 27

My first manga would beeeee Detective Conan. I’d watched the anime growing up, then saw the cover in a book store. it was my first time realising that i could find out what happened faster by just reading ahead 😁


5:23 am, Apr 5 2019
Posts: 3

the very first manga which i read was a comedy manga, i was skeptical in watching the anime after few episodes because everyone on net said its hilarious but i found it utterly boring, without much dragging the manga is gintama. myanimelist.Yes i found first few episodes of gintama boring but the manga was nice from the first till the end.

Last edited by kurohime7511 at 7:21 am, Apr 12 2019

Post #768566

6:38 am, Apr 5 2019
Posts: 1

I don't remember clearly, I know I first got into anime and only later I tried reading a manga. It was either Eternal Sabbath or Angel Sanctuary, don't recall which one I read first


6:49 am, Apr 5 2019
Posts: 86

The first manga I have read should be some random volumes of Ranma 1/2 that my brother had lying around.
But the first series I actually started buying for myself was D Gray Man.

Post #768593
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12:44 pm, Apr 6 2019
Posts: 14

Death Note.Also my first anime is Bakugan but first anime that I actually liked is Hetalia.

Yaoi is a mistake.

11:07 am, Apr 12 2019
Posts: 3

umm i dont remember nicely probably one piece or naruto . though i don't read mangas which has anime adaptations now

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10:56 pm, Oct 3 2019
Posts: 2

For me, it would have been either Basara or Shaman King. I cannot for the life of me remember which of the two I read first, but out of all the manga I used to check out from the library and read religiously, those were among the first.

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1:48 am, Oct 4 2019
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Dragon Ball.

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9:14 am, Oct 4 2019
Posts: 8

Black Butler

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