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Disgaea DS

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Post #250947
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9:13 am, Jan 22 2009
Posts: 188

So yesterday I was on youtube about to look up some Disgaea episodes when the drop down bar showed there was a Disgaea DS was released in September of 08. Now I find this kinda of pointless since a year before that in October is was remade for the PSP. And so now for those of us who bought it when it was out for the PSP, we are kinda out of luck because it would be a waste to already buy it again for another system. Instead of taking the time to release it again for the DS, they could of used it to finish the remake of Disgaea 2 for the PSP. And now I am kinda nervous about buying that because what if they remake it for the DS a year later aswell, because personally I would rather own it on the DS, but it's a bit too late for that. And yes I understand some people have a DS and not a PSP, so they are all excited about it, but seriously I have to sit here and miss out on any other added features just because I didn't wait a year before deciding to buy it.

So I was wondering what everyone thinks about re-releasing a game a year after being released on another system.

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3:20 am, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 18

Who cares, if it is good? smile I think Disgaea will suit the DS perfectly

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