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A Thing Called Love

Do you believe in the magical moment of falling in love?
Yes, I've experienced it. How?
Yes, I've seen others experience it. How?
Maybe, because I've seen it everywhere, in movies, books, manga, anime, etc. they couldn't have invented it, right?
No, It's just purely attraction in many levels, physically and personality wise... those kind of love is too idealistic. Why?
No, I've passed that age when I still believe in those things. Why?
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5:27 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 22

Julie James is an amazing writer (might want to check her out later, she's an american romance novelist and she's also a lawyer!). She makes everything seems almost perfect. But there's just one thing, they're not real.

I'm a writer too, frustrated that is... And I know how it works in the world of black and white, and sometimes red in newspaper headlines. I've seen how the real story starts and ends in the real world, I learned how it all goes. And I know what happens to it when turned into pages of surreal wonders. it's not always so happy and magical, like how it usually is portrayed in books. There usually is no second chances. No destined meetings. No love at first sight. No sparks. No fireworks. No Dynamite. No background music. No wind blowing your hair. No happy endings.

Would you agree? Or wouldn't you?

Looking around me, I thought, maybe there is this thing called LOVE, despite all those things listed above. That maybe, I was just looking for something too idealistic... searching for the wrong places, watching out for the wrong signs.

"Not because you don't experience it, it doesn't exist." -quoted from the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE (by Julie James)

I'm searching for that someone who might have experienced it... who would tell me with outmost confidence that it is love that he/she found... but for years now, still to no avail. I tried looking back from my past and found nothing either.

Writers, Authors, Mangakas, Scriptwriters and the like must be one hell of creative people that they could actually make the impossible seem right... to create illusions into something 3D, a model of the physical universe (from wikipedia). That they could make people believe this kind of crap is really amazing. It's quite a mystery that every night, despite being one of them who knew this secret, I still lay down on my bed every night, probably like those people too, wishing some of it were true.

PS. can you keep this a secret?

~Read Moderately XD~

--Jenni Ann <3

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"The most important things in life may not have monetary value... but they are never free."

9:04 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 362

I chose "No, I've passed that age when I still believe in those things."

I used to believe in true love when I was younger but I've never had those intense kinds of feelings and I honestly don't believe in them now. I've never had a relationship although I have fooled around so I can't say I've truly loved someone.

I've met people that I could see myself getting together with and having a connection that would most likely lead to a lifelong partnership but as far as some amazing revelation with intense feelings of knowing that person is the one for me no it hasn't happened and it never will.

I think you have to have that mindset to get those kinds of feelings. I personally have the I'll just be happy if we can get along with each other mindset. So I'm not looking for the one and I believe if I'm not looking for the one then I won't get those amazing love at first sight feelings.

Does this mean that my feelings of love are any less than those who have those feelings? No I don't believe so. I personally think it just means I love in a different way. I'm a realist in matters of love instead of have the dreamer attitude.

So long story short I think the magical moment of falling in love has more to do with whether or not someone tends to be a dreamer or practical.

I hope this helped you out. I'm not sure if I gave you the answers you were looking for but if you have any specific questions feel free to ask. I'll give you more details and answer truthfully regardless of the question.

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Post #541518
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Manga Eater

9:49 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 442

I was actually in love once. And I don't use that term lightly, like all the dating tweens at the moment, 90% of whom will break up in a few days time.
It's horrible. I hated the guy (for his rotten personality), but had no choice but to swoon over him and blush like crazy. The only reason I escaped it was because I moved, I only hope I don't come across him again.

Even so, it wasn't a "love at first sight" thing. I'd known him for a year before I actually fell in love with him, and I don't really know what brought it on. Stupid involuntary brain chemicals, I guess.

I believe love, and not just a crush, is rare enough to come by. Couples who are mutually in love are even rarer. Some of them might say they "fell in love at first sight" but, well, I'm a see-it-to-believe-it kind of person.

Go to work, send your kids to school;
Follow fashion, act normal;
Walk on the pavement, watch T.V.;
Save for retirement, obey the law.
Repeat after me: I am free.
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his and her sonnet

10:26 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 1127

im kind of stuck between yes and no...
well...a couple of years ago i thought i was in love with this guy, but that was before i got to really know him. the more i got to know him, the more i realised that hes not all that great, and the fainter my feelings became. until one day i stopped liking him all together. looking back now, im pretty sure that wasnt love.
since then, the same scenario happened again a couple of times.
i havent experienced love yet, but i guess thats only natural because im still young, and i dont want to rush things like most of my friends; they've all been in relationships before and it never worked out with any of them so i've come to the conclusion that love certainly has to do with age and maturity.
so as you can see, im not really the type of person to fall madly with love just like that...i would weigh down the facts and take a good look at the guy first. i would always listen to my head before listening to my heart.
to me love means finding a person you can picture yourself spending the rest of your life with. besides, i remember reading somewhere that after about three(?) years of being together with someone, the attraction is completely gone. so in the end it all comes down to the compatibility and attachment; thats what keeps a couple together.

i guess i'll go with the fourth option

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11:15 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 2028

You've just been confronted with a thread:

>Fill it with pee

And all was good.

Post #541525 - Reply to (#541489) by coolblue26
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Local Prig

11:22 pm, Mar 22 2012
Posts: 1899

Quote from coolblue26
Julie James is an amazing writer (might want to check her out later, she's an american romance novelist and she's also a lawyer!). .

That's a 'recycler,' not a writer. We're talking harlequin level, the plots have all been done before in various capacities. Might as well bash your head against a wall until Adam Sandler movies start to seem hilarious- I imagine that would inflict about the same level of brain damage.

Read better books. Literature generally reflects reality quite well. That's why we call it literature. Pulp garbage is just sentimental drivel, the linguistic equivalent of fast food. Heck, the average bad shounen manga probably has more substance, because the art actually requires some level of talent to produce.

On topic: Why not? An ordinary event can always be interpreted as an extraordinary experience. Why not idealize a moment if you have the opportunity?

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Reviews of my Work:
You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #541526 - Reply to (#541524) by kaerfehtdeelb
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An F to judge M!

12:03 am, Mar 23 2012
Posts: 387

Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
You've just been confronted with a thread:

>Fill it with pee

And all was good.

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just framing this 2000th post. Well done, sir.

Carry on.

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✯ Sarcastic

11:50 am, Mar 25 2012
Posts: 597

Well, I see someone has already used the attack option. It annoys me when idiots complain of 'unoriginal' plots. They forget that we have genres for a reason. What matters in the end is the execution, and rare are those who perfect it. Ignore the haters, CoolBlue.

As for Love, since when are great things easy to find?

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Post #542005 - Reply to (#541973) by Seijurou
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Local Prig

3:21 pm, Mar 25 2012
Posts: 1899

Quote from Seijurou
Well, I see someone has already used the attack option. It annoys me when idiots complain of 'unoriginal' plots. They forget that we have genres for a reason. What matters in the end is the execution, and rare are those who perfect it. Ignore the haters, CoolBlue.

Actually, the issue I have is with the skill level involved. I guarantee you, that if they felt like it, any serious literary author could trounce the entire romance genre fiction world under a pseudonym. Heck, serious writers (and yes, I'm using this term knowing full well the elitist connotation it has) have been doing that with young adult labels for years. A decent writer can execute perfectly well, there isn't a lot of technical skill required. The issue is that the quality of the storytelling matches the reputation. Nicholas Sparks won't ever win the Nobel because he lacks the storytelling ability, not because of the genre he writes in. Is that enough for the point to sink in, or should I direct you to the piles of awards won by genre writers like Tolkien or Bradbury?

If it's genuinely good stuff, it transcends the label. Plenty of writers we style now as literary were genre fiction originally- Vonnegut, for instance. Or Jules Verne or even Conan Doyle, to a certain extent. Heck, you could even make an argument that, say, Jane Austen might originally be relegated to genre fiction if she were writing today. But in the end she'd rise above it. Because good writing is recognized as good writing, regardless of the genre.

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Reviews of my Work:
You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #543060 - Reply to (#542005) by Crenshinibon
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✯ Sarcastic

9:30 am, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 597

Looks like the point didn't sink in on your end. I wasn't saying that romance is a particularly difficult genre for writers; I meant that it is okay to 'recycle' an idea if you make a good story out of it, and that is why we have genres, in general. An action title will always have some sort of fighting in it, just like how a historical one will always portray or simulate a period in the past, and, of course, romance having two people falling in love is a given. If we had avoided doing movies with ships sinking, since someone has done it before, we would have never got Titanic, and the same can be said about aliens and E.T.

At any rate, irrespective of how truthful your claims are, I see no reason to taunt a person's favored author, particularly when it is not the topic at hand.

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9:47 am, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 217

lol where has this dizcussion lead to?
Da gal/guy here is just askin whether love is real.
u dun rlly need to flame her/him cuz of his/her taste in books do u?

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10:24 am, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 14

I had that magical moment. once. but it was more like a love at first sight thing. it is beyond words. I can't really describe it but you feel like you are taking an x-ray of the insides of each other without even knowing the person. I am a really realistic/pessimistic person and was not sure if something like love even existed till that moment. I don't know how to describe it but it was really (really, really, really) like a spark inflamed and I know how corny this sounds.
So for me true love exists. there is even such a feeling that everything bad in this world doesn't matter if you are with this person. and it is not some teenage-feeling when you are caught up in the moment, it is something you just know for the rest of your live.
haha... I feel like I'm quoting some twilight extract.

Post #543096 - Reply to (#543060) by Seijurou
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Local Prig

12:50 pm, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 1899

Quote from Seijurou
Looks like the point didn't sink in on your end. I wasn't saying that romance is a particularly difficult genre for writers; I meant that it is okay to 'recycle' an idea if you make a good story out of it, and that is why we have genres, in general. An action title will always have some sort of fight ...

For the on topic note: The OP wonders whether a common theme they see in books by a third-rate author is present in reality. Literature should not present the same issue, because skillful writing mirrors humanity. It's relevant to the discussion, as the question wouldn't even have come up.

On 'recycling': There's clearly a disconnect on your end as well- genres don't exist for the sake of recycling plots, unless "a murder" is your idea of a plot. There's skillful recycling of eternal themes and plots and then there's changing some names and places and eight or so words and republishing. Think the six recycled plots in 1984. Perhaps my wording was chosen poorly, but come on, if you have enough marginal intelligence to nitpick you have enough to read between the lines a little.

Heck, you can be completely derivative and not run into this issue so long as the voice is original. The Hours, for instance, but then, voice is 90% of what makes something literature to begin with.

On my being a dick: Yeah, I am. I call things as see them, and oftentimes I don't feel like ignoring someone who offhandedly offends higher institutions through either sheer ignorance or ordinary idiocy. Deal with it.

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Reviews of my Work:
You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #543106 - Reply to (#543096) by Crenshinibon
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penguin king

1:31 pm, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 758

Quote from Crenshinibon
For the on topic note: The OP wonders whether a common theme they see in books by a third-rate author is present in reality. Literature should not present the same issue, because skillful writing mirrors humanity. It's relevant to the discussion, as the question wouldn't even have come up.

On 're ...etc

everything this man(woman?) says is correct for they are a drizzt fan biggrin \

Few favs
Kyou kara ore wa!!, Mx0, Angel Densetsu, Skip Beat, Ai Kora, The Devil King is Bored

Hana to Akuma, No bra, Shinigami Trilogy, kindan no koi de ikou, Usagi Drop, Threads of Time, Girl Friends

Most under rated:
Kindan no koi de ikou, kyou kara ore wa!.
m0r l83r... maybe >_>
Post #543107 - Reply to (#543060) by Seijurou
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1:34 pm, Mar 31 2012
Posts: 1096

Quote from Seijurou
Looks like the point didn't sink in on your end. I wasn't saying that romance is a particularly difficult genre for writers; I meant that it is okay to 'recycle' an idea if you make a good story out of it, and that is why we have genres, in general. An action title will always have some sort of fight ...

So basically what you are saying overall is that we shouldn't have any high expectations for fiction. Sorry, but I find that very laughable. I enjoy having my standards otherwise I'd be reading garbage like Kimi no Todoke. Also that fact that you think genres exist just for recycling plots also makes me chuckle.

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