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Your Religion

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3:11 pm, Dec 15 2009
Posts: 40

Atheist here, though I was born and raised in an extremely devout Protestant family. For some reason I was never really comfortable in a religious setting like church or whatnot, and I'm beginning to see why.

While I would never deprive someone of the comfort that religion can offer, especially during times of tragedy, I don't believe religion itself is deserving of respect. What kind of a moral person would submit to a religion that condemns billions of innocents to a fate far worse than death for being born to the wrong parents?

And what if these religions are wrong? What in all of humanity can justify the misogynistic, homophobic, genophobic, murderistic preachings that all the major religions spout? While it's true there are no written moral codes that an atheist is obligated to follow, but they can equally be as moral as a religious person without the baggage.

I'm sorry but there has been no religion that has a god worth worshiping, nor is anyone even sure they are in the right path to salvation considering how many religions there are and the fact that even in one's own religion there are different sects, where the question is how different can it be before it's no longer "right".

Sorry about the rant.

Post #342243 - Reply to (#342233) by willdabeast
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3:23 pm, Dec 15 2009
Posts: 7784

Quote from willdabeast
Sorry about the rant.

No problem. It has its rationale.
I'd give you points if we'd have some
sort of a respect system.

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The last Blood Elf

9:43 pm, Dec 15 2009
Posts: 200

Errm i have officially changed from Micro Electronicism to Photonicism

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Post #342357 - Reply to (#342198) by The Guy
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11:15 pm, Dec 15 2009
Posts: 510

Quote from The Guy
Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I never really could see buddhism as a religion.
If I had to classify it, I would put it in the row of philosphies. Like existentialism is. (it's not a religion guys, its philosophy. Which either way is always way better than any stupid religion.)

a) depends on the form of Buddhism. Some forms are philosophy, some are religions (with priests, gods, canons, and all assorted dogma), and some are some weird gray region.
b) Hi, I'm a religious person who thinks existentialism is the greatest thing ever (mostly 'cause my favorite author wrote existentialist kid lit). I like that it's a philosophy 'cause it doesn't fight with religion, but can complement it all nice and shiny like.

I'm a (politically/socially liberal) orthodox Jew, picked it up as a kid and only one in my family, though they're all non-practicing Jews. I think having a multitude or belief systems is one of those cool things about humanity and it's interesting how people have come up with so many ways to make sense of the world, and so long as the person isn't taking their religion in a direction it was never meant to*, don't really care what they do with this.

*Perversions of religion drive me bats, 'cause people harp on them as a "look see, religion bad", when it's really just people being bad.

Last edited by story645 at 11:33 pm, Dec 15 2009

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8:58 pm, Dec 16 2009
Posts: 221

Just a nonreligious, agnostic atheist... I'm too skeptical/scientific-method-minded to really buy into religion and the notion of (a) god(s). Same goes for buying into the idea that there is no god. 'Can't accept something till there's positive proof for its existence (or non-existence), me.

That being said, I respect religion and the religious--as long as they respect others' beliefs in return.

My essential opinion on religion is that it's a neutral entity. It's neither good nor evil--those attributes are only applicable to people's interpretations of the texts/tenets/stories.

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10:47 pm, Feb 1 2010
Posts: 283

Muslim here...Be proud of what religion you are...

Post #354452 - Reply to (#342571) by xObscurexOmenx
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3:11 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 59

Quote from xObscurexOmenx
Just a nonreligious, agnostic atheist... I'm too skeptical/scientific-method-minded to really buy into religion and the notion of (a) god(s). Same goes for buying into the idea that there is no god. 'Can't accept something till there's positive proof for its existence (or non-existence), me.

That being said, I respect religion and the religious--as long as they respect others' beliefs in return.

My essential opinion on religion is that it's a neutral entity. It's neither good nor evil--those attributes are only applicable to people's interpretations of the texts/tenets/stories.

I just wanted to point out that agnostics believe in God, atheists don't =|

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3:20 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 134

Catholic embarrassed ... Because my parents were and I believe in my God. eyes

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3:43 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 228

Technically, I'm an Orthodox. But I don't believe in any God that any religion tries to impose upon its followers. As far as I'm concerned those books (Bible, etc) could have been written as a prank by some random person/people. I believe in science and the most convincing to me is the theory of evolution. If I really were to say who my God is, well all I can tell is that my God would be that force which started the whole creation of the Universe and later it made possible the evolution of what we call life.

As for moral values, I have them. Because I don't need to be afraid of someone punishing me in the afterlife for commiting imoral acts in order to have integrity or behave in a civilized way.

Does not compute.
Post #354469

4:12 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 103

I'm a follower of Jashin. We believe wreaking anything less than death and utter destruction in battle is considered a sin.

Just kidding XD Someone had to do it and I couldn't find anyone else who did. Anyway, I'm not really into religion. That's different than being Atheist, by the way.

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4:30 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 830

I'm a church of England Christian.

Why? Well my mum is also Church of England so she took me and my two sibling tochurch every week as kids. My dad is an atheist since his parents are strict CoE christians and he rebelled but he does like Buddist philosophy out of all the religions. My mum's parents were Catholic.

Anyway I rebelled myself when I was 11 and since it was a census year I became a Jedi but not seriously, no offence to those who do follow the jedi faith but I was into Star Wars at the time and was just being a typical teenager. When I was 13 I had an epiphany, found my faith though I have no idea why that day was any different but something inside just sparked and I became a Christian again. I got confirmed to show my faith and have been Christian ever since.

I do believe that all religions that follow a higher being, whatever they choose to call it, are following the same higher being. I am Christian because that is the family I was born into. I refuse to believe that those of other faith are going to Hell because we worship God in different ways so I'm a very liberal Christian.

I believe in God and have faith but I don't believe in every word of the bible. I think good people, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow will go to Heaven. I'm also a scientist which is practically a religion in and of itself, lol.

The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with.
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7:05 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 774

I'm a Confirmed Anglican and I do participate in the church a lot, but I do my own thing.

I hate traditions that have no more meaning. I do pray, but I don't just read some memorized prayer.
I basically try to follow the golden rule.

Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.

As for the afterlife? Heaven sounds boring. I don't think I'd be too bummed if I died and nothing happened. I mean... I'm dead....

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Post #354520
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7:07 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 1668

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Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.

well you don't actually have to be religious to follow that concept. That concept dates back to ancient Egypt times...

Religion.....can I say......Let me think about it and then I'll get back to you in a few century.

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

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I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #354526 - Reply to (#354452) by xMrxDespairx

7:18 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 3

Quote from xMrxDespairx
I just wanted to point out that agnostics believe in God, atheists don't =|

hmm... agnostics don't care if there is or isn't a god...

Post #354530 - Reply to (#354452) by xMrxDespairx
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7:36 pm, Feb 2 2010
Posts: 2275

Quote from xMrxDespairx
I just wanted to point out that agnostics believe in God, atheists don't =|

Agnostic atheism: a disbelief in god but can never know if there is indeed a god or not.

So no, agnostics do not have to believe in God. They can believe or disbelieve (agnostic theism or agnostic atheism). Agnosticism itself is the idea that one can never know if a god actually exists or not. So, it's not that they don't care, like slowdive said; it's that they can never be certain of a god's existence.

Here's another link.

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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