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Why your username?

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Post #579292
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7:00 am, Dec 3 2012
Posts: 45

Ivypaw comes from a series of books that I love. Warrior cats~ Meow bigrazz Ivypaw was not the main character I think... BTW, anyone reads warrior cats? My friend introduced me those books.... biggrin And since it is not a main character, no one uses this username... biggrin so I can use it in any website biggrin cool shy smile eyes wink smile wink grin roll eyes roll

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6:41 pm, Dec 3 2012
Posts: 53

I got "crimsonsnow" because I always liked snow and my friends always said I was a rather cold person. And since I was on a HUGE shounen streak then, I decided add "crimson" because it sounded cool and badass but still rather pretty. Like, elegant in a violent way? Well, probably not, but then again, I was only 14.

It's not very unique, though, as it turns out. Most sites I go to already have a "crimsonsnow", so numbers for me it is then T_T

Obsession is a drop of water in the desert- crave it, savor it, remember it. ~Unknown

3:07 am, Dec 6 2012
Posts: 10

My sister was reading Hamlet for school and suddenly she was all like"Fortinbras is so cool", so I thought why not?

Post #579632
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Come and Go

9:49 am, Dec 6 2012
Posts: 399

Because I wanna be at least like my username.
To be a "username" man. biggrin

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10:07 am, Dec 6 2012
Posts: 13

it looks different

Last edited by hblNOT at 1:02 pm, Dec 25 2012

Post #582945

7:00 pm, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 45

Chet Manly is an alias of Sterling Archer from the TV show Archer. I thought it was funny, and I liked it because it's basically the exact opposite of me. First off, I'm female. Second off, I'm really girly.

Post #582958
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Annoying Podcaster

7:35 pm, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 14

It's... It's actually my name. That's... That's not very interesting, really.

Host of Friendship! Effort! Victory!, a podcast about the history and inner workings of Weekly Shonen Jump.
Post #582959
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7:38 pm, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 1026

Dalek, one of The Doctor's enemies in Doctor Who, my favorite TV show.

Post #582962
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8:11 pm, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 95

It just came to me that day... cool biggrin cool

"Religion is like a gun, It's only as good as the people holding it and it can easily take a life."

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11:22 pm, Jan 8 2013
Posts: 18

Ari comes from "arisu" which means alice. But no, my name isn't Alice, it's just a nickname I use for cosplay since I love alice so much, at first I started using it after I said my friend I wish my name were alice and she started to call me "ari-chan" and I kinda like it LOL my real name isn't cute so.. ):

Post #637922
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7:54 pm, Mar 30 2014
Posts: 56

Cainam is the reverse of maniac smile

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Post #637932
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9:39 pm, Mar 30 2014
Posts: 41

I couldn't come up with anything clever, so I just used my name backwards.

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9:55 pm, Mar 30 2014
Posts: 140

The Michelle is my name, but ppl rarely call me it IRL, so at least I thought just let it be the cyber name. 27 is a lucky number, f is the first letter to my nickname. And x.. is just there?

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9:56 pm, Mar 30 2014
Posts: 122

Rean is shared between my brother and me, or more like... I stole it from him lol. As for meih, I like things that works well no matter what language (Chinese, Japanese & English), and I needed something that would work with an h at the end, to get it to 8 char plus something that I can use everywhere without fearing it's been already taken. H is the initial for my last name. biggrin

Basically, I had no other choice. Well, there's one more, but I'm saving that for later, when I feel like changing my username again.

There's two ways to type that username though, since the character I originally wanted, was not commonly used, so I only use it for signatures and the like. I took that character apart, and it turned into 水蓮(rean)溟(meih).

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bishounen lover

10:25 pm, Mar 30 2014
Posts: 445

A long long time ago a rather awkward teenager thought really really hard for a cool sounding name and came up with "sapphire sky". Alas, I like blue, I kinda like the way the word 'sapphire' is spelt, and I do love the night sky.

Since in the past decade I haven't come up with a better one that's typically free, I stick with it. Well I say that but at the time i registered, the name was still relatively new for me.

Unfortunately, back when I registered I hadn't started capitalizing the second 's' so a lot of people who aren't paying close attention can't figure out how to pronounce it. Need to ask to have it changed to "SapphireSky" sometime.

I'd like to come up with a new one but I'm bad at coming up with them. If I could live with myself having a gag name, I'd change it to 'SpicyDiamonds' because it cracks me up every time I see it. Cookies to whoever recognizes the manga it comes from, so long as you buy them yourself.

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