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Do you like reading about the mangaka?

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Post #675990

8:15 pm, Jan 20 2016
Posts: 30

Mangaka : manga author/artist

In many manga there are small articles written by the mangaka talking about maybe what they did recently in life and so on.
Do you like reading those little articles? Are you interested in learning more about your favorite mangaka? Or do you prefer to focus of the chapter's current atmosphere and not lose the mood in a scene?

Post #676001 - Reply to (#675990) by Kogeki1
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1:59 am, Jan 21 2016
Posts: 55

Quote from Kogeki1
Mangaka : manga author/artist

In many manga there are small articles written by the mangaka talking about maybe what they did recently in life and so on.
Do you like reading those little articles? Are you interested in learning more about your favorite mangaka? Or do you prefer to focus of the chap ...

Personally, I am quite interested in reading those little snippets that the author adds along the chapters or at the end of the volumes.
It doesn't necessarily have to be from my favourite author, but sometimes I skip the snippets that run along the chapters, if the chapter is about something intense or hard to understand without loosing focus easily. If I remember it, I will go back and read what I skipped, and if it's my one of my favourite authors, I'll make sure to go back and catch up on the things I skipped. So, I guess it just varies. I think the author needs to know where exactly they should put those comments, if they already need to put it somewhere in the middle of the chapter, as it can't be very easily skipped over.

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Seinen is RIGHT

4:49 am, Jan 21 2016
Posts: 2409

I am always interested in what my favorite authors have to say and hunt down interviews or features about them on a regular basis. The same goes for directors, game developers, non-fiction writers and so on. It is in my personality to figure stuff out (hardy a surprise).
I love to like to read (auto)biographies too but the ones i read were all about/by EU/US comics writer as Stan Lee or Grant Morrion for obvious reasons.
I don´t have a strong interest in meeting a creator i admire but i woudn´t forfeit an easy chance to get to know one either. I get to meet published writers from time to time due to my profession and participate in reading and so on too which tend to be quite interesting.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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8:16 am, Jan 21 2016
Posts: 354

I love reading about mangakas. I enjoy getting to know what sort of people the mangakas are and what little adventures are going on in their lives no matter how "mundane". The thing is that not all scanlators translate those bits. Also aren't those little articles usually in the volume versions of the manga? Magazine chapters usually don't have those "get to know the author" bits right? I'm having a hard time thinking of whether there are chapters from magazines that have that....For those those run on the side of the manga though...if it's character stuff I don't always read it; if it's the mangaka, I might skip and then go back. of course I don't always remember

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G r e e n B o x

10:00 pm, Jan 21 2016
Posts: 31

I do!
Those extra pages where the author shows her daily life or experiences or notes and greetings....

I remember getting so addicted to Takehiko Inoue that I'd watch every interview he has available on youtube. I especially love learning their techniques. Asano Inio had that one video showing how he does his work, and it's crazy amazing.

Post #677453
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7:06 am, Mar 6 2016
Posts: 48

When I was younger, manga reading wise, I used to read absolutely everything. Later on, it came down to reading about mangaka's life if the quality of the work got me hooked real bad, otherwise, since I started reading all sorts of works to pass the time or simply enjoy certain tropes, I'd skip here and there, or at least skim over it. roll

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8:16 am, Mar 6 2016
Posts: 1737

Yeah! It's always fun to see snippets in the mangaka's life or how he/she thinks. Manga-creation is such a solitary artistic process (in that beyond their assistants, editors, etc., they are just in their homes crafting), so it's good to see the person behind the artwork when that's available.

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Post #677458

10:30 am, Mar 6 2016
Posts: 11

When I read scans, usually they are untranslated. I hate when they are in the middle of a chapter because I'm not about to mess with the narrative flow to read about what the mangaka ate for dinner (sorry not sorry)

If it's in a licensed work then I'll probably read it, but sometimes I put the book down and forget to go back to the extra thing. It's the same with non-autobiographical omakes, I won't read them unless I'm reading a licensed, hard copy of the manga.

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2nd wave MU user

10:37 am, Mar 6 2016
Posts: 7784

No, not really. If I watch a youtube video regarding how to tie a knot, I only want to see how to tie that damn knot, not know who you are or what you did in your last video. I really don't care what goes on behind the work, because I came for the product, not the process. I might read last words of thanks and brief stuff like that, but spare me the snorefest of a guy making a 4koma or something out of his studio that is identical to all the other snippets I've seen before.

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