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Post #273666
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9:43 pm, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 228

i wanted to know how the story ends so i read the raws but i don't understand japanese at all. what exactly happens between the last two chapters? well, more like chapter 65 onwards


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do ogi and nagumo break up? for what reason? there's this guy in chapter 66. is it someone nagumo knows? she seems to be attracted to him.

then ogi has a talk with nagumos friend and ogi becomes depressed. there's a little stone that appears after the talk and then breaks after he visited nagumo. does he lose interest in her? or faith in himself? faith in her?

on page 197 they're talking normally (well, seems to be a little argument) with, again, ogi being a little depressed or something, and then the only thing that happens is a monologue by ogi or some kind of narrator. ends with nagumo's back shown and a few lines.

then the time skip. the short haired guy is ogi? nagumo is shown pregnant but without the dialog, you cannot figure out by whom. and who is the girl with the mole? ogi's new girlfriend?

lots of questions, but im too impatient to wait about two years for the scanlations :/

Last edited by kizku at 11:40 pm, Apr 5 2009

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3:20 pm, Jun 9 2009
Posts: 50

yes yes someone spoil the ending pls smile

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7:07 am, Nov 2 2009
Posts: 198

can someone help us spoil this amazing manga? its been bugging me for months already dead

worrying is just wasting time

7:42 pm, Nov 2 2009
Posts: 46

ah yes, i would also like someone to just explain this. I mean

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Nagumo might be a total bitch for cheating on him with that weird coworker guy in v.4 but both of them had a learning process i suppose. Hopefully they ended up together.

I would be very grateful if someone just explained the ending as the TC asked.


11:03 am, Apr 3 2010
Posts: 3


Scans are now completed, so let discussion commence.

I thought the ending was shit.

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All that talk about "I can't live without you" was for naught. It seems like the mangaka just got bored and wanted to kill it. Maybe he [the author] is trying to make a statement about life, that it doesn't turn out how you'd planned but things go on; but I just think the mangaka is a troll.

Post #368747

9:35 am, Apr 4 2010
Posts: 1


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second time in my life i got screwed by a mangaka, first one being ichigo 100%. seriously, that's just messed up. i was like literally spaced out for about 2 hours thinking "no this can't be happening"

as sick as it may sound, unfortunately, i can't bring myself to delete it. still bad enough to finally make me post for the first time


10:49 am, Apr 4 2010
Posts: 539

a good ending.

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signing up to some shitty video session because you'll be able to see for real what you've seen on a photo. tsk

Post #368766
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10:54 am, Apr 4 2010
Posts: 2128

It was a good ending, IMHO. smile

More realistic than most sugar-coated romance drivel, for sure.
Could've used an extra chapter or two to show the protagonists' final transitional stage, but I'm obviously nitpicking here.

Still wish there was more bike related stuff in it, though sad

~Point & Squirt~
Post #369044
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9:16 pm, Apr 5 2010
Posts: 57

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed by the ending. Yeah, it felt like I was being trolled by the mangaka. But it isn't an ending that's hard to swallow. The treatment of the final chapter was realistic. If you're in your twenties (or older), you could probably relate to that. Things don't end up the way we plan them to be most of the time.

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8:25 am, Aug 13 2010
Posts: 536

bull shit ending.. BULL SHIT.
realistic, okay
presented so badly =.=

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1:11 pm, Sep 27 2010
Posts: 28

Sorry but I really didn't like the ending.
One of the worst ending ever.

It did'nt ruin the manga but it left me a bad aftertaste.
I wish I hadn't read it.

but... if I hadnt read it would have felt really incomplete... so it's better than nothing.

The only bad point, from a really good manga.

Post #585286
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6:47 pm, Jan 26 2013
Posts: 2038

I think the ending was on par with manga. I mean, it was obvious to me it wouldn't end well with the rape and adultery things that were in volume 4. I think the author just wanted to show that decisions taken in such period of life don't last in reality. Obviously a teen can't probably understand, but the ending is very realistic. People who stays with their high school girlfriend are a minority, even when you think you're gonna stay together forever (like me). From my class, I think nobody stayed with his high school gf, and in general rarely first loves work. Obviously there are exceptions, but they're exceptions indeed.
What I didn't like about the manga was some parts in the middle of the story (volumes 3-4), it was too messed up with too many unrealistic things happening, even if I can get the point the author was making, I think it was too extreme.

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