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Your Religion

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3:14 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 4

I am christian and believe in God, It's hard to explain, hm, I think we have soul and God is from the same substance, so we can share a bond with him, thats what I experienced. I really admire science, so I dislike Dawkin, he isn't working scientific at all but claims to do so (for uneducated people it may seem scientific). The theory of evolution is a pretty nice one with all its faults and illogical gaps. I hope we can close these gaps, but it could be that macroevolution will be proven wrong. The bible is in my opinion no scientific book (no point in arguing with fundis xD), it's not only allegorical as well. Context is helping, if you know that for example the story of the creation of the earth was a parody on the story of the babylonians as well you'll see man things in a different light.

hm thats all to say. no! I forgot to mention that i think that there were no real religion wars at all. religion is only like clothing for wars, but not its reasoning. most of all wars are about power, social unequality or a lot of other reasons. But I do think that religion can be missused as a tool for war.
And i think that religion in pair with intolerence can be quite dangerous.

greetz, da Fali


Ihr glaubt, dass ihr down mit mir seid, Vertrauen braucht Zeit, und wenn ihr aufrichtig seid, tausend Mauern aus Eis.
--- Spax ---

"trans.: You think you're down together with me? Trust needs time, and if you are honest, thousand walls made of ice."
Post #543575 - Reply to (#543540) by xtr3m3dude
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3:47 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 2028

Quote from xtr3m3dude
2. Giving an opinion on whether a character got shot in the movie is not subjective.

Han shot first.

I like tacos

This thread, like all others before it, is destined to be locked.

And I find that believing in a power higher than random chance comforting.

That is all.
This post was brought to us by the letter e and the number threve.

Post #543591 - Reply to (#543541) by Joentjuh
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5:57 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 878

Quote from Joentjuh
Euhm, you might want to re-check your sources, wikipedia quote because I'm lazy.

"The paradigm of a spherical Earth was developed in Greek astronomy, beginning with Pythagoras (6th century BC), although most Pre-Socratics retained the flat Earth model. Aristotle accepted the spherical shape o ...

Agreed. I knew about this though. I could've specified that a few hundred years ago people in Europe did not know these facts and had different opinions on these matters. My examples were based on Galileo though, so the point I was trying to make should've been evident. The Church took the wrong stance on the subjects Galileo was debating.

Edit: P.S I was raised as a Catholic and went to Catholic elementary and high school.

Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Han shot first.

lol I agree with you but Lucas doesn't.

Han shot first in the original, but second in the re-release.

Last edited by blakraven66 at 8:53 am, Apr 3 2012

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Post #543593 - Reply to (#543575) by kaerfehtdeelb
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6:01 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 597

Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
I like tacos

This thread, like all others before it, is destined to be locked.

And I find that believing in a power higher than random chance comforting.

A 3-year-old thread? Doubt it.

Also, I find believing in what does not exist illogical.

I prefer burritos (with no beans).

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Post #543605
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Mome Basher

6:52 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 3380

I'm confuzzled. The OP asked a simple question:
i want to know what religion you follow and why.

So why are people picking at other people's posts in this thread?
If you've left a certain religion for another one, good for you...but that doesn't give you the right to shit on others just because they've made a different decision - no matter what their belief is, whether it may be "wrong" from your perspective or not ._.

O' unbelievers!
I do not serve that which you serve,
Nor do you serve Him whom I serve:
Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
Nor are you going to serve Him whom I serve:
You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
Post #543611 - Reply to (#543591) by xtr3m3dude
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7:19 pm, Apr 2 2012
Posts: 636

Agreed. I knew about this though. I could've specified that a few hundred years ago people in Europe did not know these facts and had different opinions on these matters. My examples were based on Galileo though, so the point I was trying to make should've been evident. The Church took the wrong stance on the subjects Galileo was debating.

Actually, people in Galileo's time in Europe were well aware the Earth was round. The 'debate' was about Galileo claiming the Earth orbited around the sun (this contradicted certain religious writings, which claimed the Earth was the center of the universe).

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
Post #543720
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8:52 am, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 2275

threads get locked when people start being mean or stupid

threads get locked when they start deviating

But threads normally get a warning first... yeah...

just saying

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
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9:26 am, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 387

Or everyone could be missing the big picture.

Time: Locked by default.

Ain't nothing lasts forever, particularly a website that, while not direct-linking, provides me with a website that will. Or close enough.

Search: Bleach ---> click "mangazone" ---> click 'CLICK HERE'(website) ---> Read.

No, I'm not here to put on airs and say it's breaking a law, it should be stopped, or anything. All I'm saying is it's pretty easy, and if it's this easy, we're all walking a fine line. NEWS: This isn't some super-secret corner of the internet that only me and whoever's reading this knows about. Let's not be ignorant.

But that's a topic for another thread.

So how 'bout that religion? I hear that God fellow loves us, whether we love him or not. What a nice guy.

Post #543763 - Reply to (#543605) by Scyfon
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1:32 pm, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 4917

Quote from Scyfon
I'm confuzzled. The OP asked a simple question:
i want to know what religion you follow and why.

So why are people picking at other people's posts in this thread?
If you've left a certain religion for another one, good for you...but that doesn't give you the right to shit on others just because they've made a different decision - no matter what their belief is, whether it may be "wrong" from your perspective or not ._.

O' unbelievers!
I do not serve that which you serve,
Nor do you serve Him whom I serve:
Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
Nor are you going to serve Him whom I serve:
You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

This is true, as well as what Toto said.

This thread is not to criticize others, only to state your own religion and why. If you wish to criticize others then take it to a PM, but remember to be respectful either way.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)
I don't think I need to say this, but I will for the new folks. If you get reported for something offensive, with viable proof, action will be taken even if the content wasn't public.

So just sit back and relax, folks.

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4:41 pm, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 284

Changed from Jedi to Sith. Reason: Said to my niece that the ice cream van plays it's music when it's run out of ice cream. Welcome to the darkside.

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Post #543791
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5:40 pm, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 2275

That's not the dark side.

The dark side is when you tell your niece that the real reason ice cream trucks play music is to lure unsuspecting children into getting close enough. Close enough to capture and freeze in order to sell as popsicles to the rich old people down the street for their youth elixirs.

Of course, that's still being a bit nice, but the child probably would not understand what would be worse.

me: Irreligion agnostic theist or ignostic

Last edited by Toto at 5:47 pm, Apr 3 2012

"Officially, this machine doesn't exist, you didn't get it from me,
and I don't know you. Make sure it doesn't leave the building."
Post #543798 - Reply to (#543791) by Toto
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6:19 pm, Apr 3 2012
Posts: 284

Quote from Toto
That's not the dark side.

The dark side is when you tell your niece that the real reason ice cream trucks play music is to lure unsuspecting children into getting close enough. Close enough to capture and freeze in order to sell as popsicles to the rich old people down the street for their youth e ...

Forgive me, I have much to learn Darth Sidious.

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Post #543857 - Reply to (#543605) by Scyfon
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Ore Sanjou!
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12:19 am, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 1165

Quote from xtr3m3dude
The sentence in bold is a fallacy. Just because something is a personal view doesn't prove that it can't be wrong. In fact I already provided an example that leaves no room for argument: thinking that the Earth is flat. That is an opinion which is not correct. It is fact that the Earth isn't flat. You can't argue with facts. There are many other examples that could be provided. Just use google if you still refuse to believe me... Using the second definition doesn't change a thing.

It isn't a fallacy. Opinions are opinions. They are subjective and can be unique. They cannot be wrong because of the fact that they are subjective. I'm starting to think you do not know what the word subjective means.

No, it wasn't an opinion that the world was flat, it was something they believed based on the science of the times. Of course it was proven inaccurate, just as science proves other things inaccurate. It wasn't an opinion, however, so you're wrong on that point.

By the way, using a definition of a word has everything to do with it. Various words have multiple meanings. If you do not know them, or chose to ignore them to suit your own purposes, then go right ahead. If thats how you choose to discuss things, then we should just end this discussion right now, because to me that isn't logical.

Quote from xtr3m3dude
Aw c'mon! That's not even logical... In that situation you just convince yourself of something else and in your own mind your previous stand you are wrong. But admitting you are wrong doesn't necessarily make your previous view wrong in the first place! You could just be led to believe you were wrong in a variety of situations (math class for example). Basically what you believe to be true is irrelevant. What matters is what is actually true (scientific laws for example). Yes there are many cases where there is no absolute truth, but that is why we must build on our previous knowledge of what is true. That's the only way to know for sure, and that is how science operates.

I don't get this one. What isn't logical about changing your opinion on something? People do it all the time. I used to hate onions. I don't now. Based on what you just said thats wrong?

You seem to think that only opinions that make logical sense to you are important. You have that right, but I disagree with it. Each person has to decide for themselves what is right for them. You're also confusing opinions and facts. If an opinion is based on fact I believe it holds more weight in a discussion. But I won't just ignore someones opinion based it doesn't make sense to me.

Based on what you've stated, you would rather people not have that choice and just believe everything that science can prove, without having opinions that don't make sense. That itself doesn't make much sense. You're basing this under the belief that everyone puts a ton of thought in to their opinions, and thats not true, some folks don't. Thats why opinions cannot be wrong. They may not make sense to you, and you disagree with them, but part of free will is accepting that you may just not understand some people. Just like this conversation right here. You do not understand what I am writing out, so you're arguing it, because you believe I am wrong. On my end of things, I just believe you cannot comprehend what I am saying. Do I care about that? Not really. You're you, and I am I.

You claim to respect free will, but you're trying to take mine away by convincing me that I am wrong, which isn't working. Even if its grounded in science, our discussion is about opinions, not facts. A point I am making because it seems you may have missed it. Like I said, however. Thats fine. You can believe what you want. Part of being a Humanist is accepting other people believing what they want, and accepting the differences between us.

Quote from Scyfon
I'm confuzzled. The OP asked a simple question:
i want to know what religion you follow and why.

So why are people picking at other people's posts in this thread?
If you've left a certain religion for another one, good for you...but that doesn't give you the right to shit on others just because they've made a different decision - no matter what their belief is, whether it may be "wrong" from your perspective or not ._.

Agreed. I posted my thoughts, and then xtr3m3dude replied, and it became some sort of discussion in the regards of logic and thought processes. It shouldn't have, because thats not what the thread is about.

So, i'll go ahead and throw out the first warning. Xtr3m3dude, if you want to continue this discussion, send me a PM. We're done discussing it here. Its off topic, and not whats supposed to be here.

If this gets off topic again, someone make sure to report it. To be honest, I didn't pay attention and wasn't aware it had existed for as long as it has. The second it gets out of hand I am locking it, however.

We now continue you're regularly scheduled topic.

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Post #543877 - Reply to (#543857) by Kaioh

4:10 am, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 1

Quote from Kaioh
It isn't a fallacy. Opinions are opinions...

Yes, but the basis for those opinions can be proven wrong.

I used to be a Scientologist. I've never heard of anyone who understood it to be crazy actually know why it was crazy. So growing up I wanted to discuss it with others, but found it to be difficult because of that. It would be like discussing some disagreements with the various Jewish rituals I suppose.

At one point I spoke with an Ex-Scientologist and a couple of people who had exited the Sea Org, but not the Church, and found it to be a delight quite frankly.

Incidentally, I believe most if not all Scientologists accept the views of L. Ron Hubbard because they respect him so much. I've rarely heard anyone speak badly of him, even Ex-Scientologists. It's like hating Catholicism but not Jesus I guess.

However, the reason I mention this is that sometime since I left the Church I started to consider that the basis of my beliefs were my trust in someone whom I may have had overly high thoughts of at one point. And, maybe the basis for my beliefs weren't all that well formulated.


The thing about Religion is that it's the very subjective ideas of the past which have inspired people to actually find the truth - for instance, all of you. Science is just the terminology of a system of a ideas which were used to prove or disprove many of the thoughts and theories of these people.

'But', the fact of the matter is that they are wrong - and the fact of the matter is that science has been created and used 'in general' to disprove many and...probably all of the ideas these people held.

But, the above being said, Religion still exists because like Scientology, there are still ideas that are yet to be proven or disproven; ex. regarding the mind. Scientology was managed 'probably' because the Pseudo-Scientific field of Psychology wasn't and probably still isn't sufficient as a Science to the mind.

@Scyfon, he also asked if you're an Atheist and what your views are...

The above are my views, and I hope you find them entertaining if not informative.... By the way, my religious stance at the moment is Ex-Scientologist.

Post #543878

4:36 am, Apr 4 2012
Posts: 14


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