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Arienai! Needs You!

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Post #333399

10:48 am, Nov 8 2009
Posts: 63

Hello, My name is amtt and im the leader of a small group called Arienai!( ) We currently are in dire need of your help to help us scanlate more manga and expand our group!

We are hiring the following positions!

- Our current Webmaster went MIA, so therefore we have a brand new website and no one to help manage the project pages and the content of the site. Only thing I am able to do is post updates on the news page and add download links to already created pages. If you know how to use PHPFUSION based websites than please apply!

- As of now we dont really have an active proofreader. The editors are reading the scripts and are proofreading them but that takes time away from the speed of the releases! If we have a few we might be able to speed up releases.

- As on now, we have 2 editors >.< They are both handling all of our main projects. If we could get a few more than maybe we could get our releases out faster and take the load off of the 2 of them. We also have some projects that have translations but need editors! Here are a few:

Kisshou Tennyo

Saynora Japan

Asatte no Houkou

And many more!

Translators ( Any Language ! )
- We have many possible series that we would like to do and RAWS for them in plenty of languages, so if you know any other language besides english please apply! Some of the most needed are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French and Italian.

We dont really have any future projects set in stone so suggestions are open.

- So if you can help us out in any of these fields please contact me as follows:

IRC: Arienai! on Irchighway
AIM: Evilnerfy
PM me on here or on our website!

Thank you!

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