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Which one of the two?
Contemplated suicide seriously before
Contemplated suicide not once in my life
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8:50 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 9026

Dundundun, controversial topic.

Acknowledge it as an option or not?

What do you think of people who did? Had any close people commit the act? Did it come as a shock to you? Ever contemplated suicide yourself? Etcetera. :>

I find it sad. Since we're all going to die anyways. And you can't predict the future, so who knows how it might've turned up. There have been many inspirational people who had horrible pasts, and they only came stronger out of it. >:[ So yeah, persevere!! o.o

Last edited by Dr. Love at 10:45 am, May 13 2010

source: animenewsnetwork

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Mad With a Hat

9:01 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 4764

A few people I didn't know too well.
The most shocking was when a friend of my mother's killed his wife and then himself.

I think everyone can do whatever they want with their life.
It's not anyone's place to tell them otherwise.

To have a good life you need to find something worth living for.
Some people just can't find it.
Or don't see a possibility they ever would.

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If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
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Lone Wanderer

9:13 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 2127

I've never contemplated suicide, because I'd rather die naturally. I'd never put my parents through that kind of terrible experience! They love me and brought me up as well as they could. The least I can do is value that life which they sacrificed so much to create and rear, right?

I've seen how the families of people who committed suicide suffer. They wonder if they could have changed anything, whether it was their negligence that caused this, etc. But actually, the person was probably just suffering from depression, which is a disease that can strike without any known cause or reason.
I've never actually know such a person myself; but, well- you see it so often on TV and in the newspapers that it feels quite close to home.

That being said, I don't think that attempting / committing suicide should be treated as a criminal act (actually, that was so up until very recently in my country- and the law punishing such individuals was only removed a decade or so back).
After all, there are various mental conditions that cause suicidal tendencies, right? And in the end, it's not like they're hurting anyone else...only themselves. I don't think condemning such people and throwing them in to mental institutions, or labeling them as 'crazy' is the right way to bring about a cure. They should get medical attention, of course; but they also need love and have to be treated as normal, functional members of society.

The sad thing is, it's the social structure nowadays that seems to be driving people to suicide. Stress-levels are through the roof wherever you go; work, school and even home. Human morals and social values are degrading, and with that, materialism and growing intolerance towards even the smallest short-comings of others is creating an atmosphere where some really sensitive people just can't go on, I guess.

Still- I do wish people who contemplate suicide would think twice before they do anything drastic. Sure, this world is miserable and cruel, but maybe you can do something to make it a better place...but you can only hope to achieve that if you're alive, right?

Last edited by calstine at 9:18 am, May 13 2010

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9:20 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 1145

Never. Suicide is a selfish act. No one thinks about what the people they leave behind feel. The sorrow that they have. And sometimes guilt in not noticing that something was bothering the person so much to point that they would take their own life. Life is hard. If it was easy it wouldn't make it worth living. Bad things happen. They always will. But what about the good times? No one seems to realize that without the bad times, there wouldn't be those out the world moments that you'll remember forever. If you base your life on only the bad things, I actually feel extremely sorry for you. Not only for you, but for the people that spent those good times with you. Suicide isn't an escape, but an ending. There's no going back from it. You should take bad things and learn from them. Gain strength from them. Become a better person from them. Not dwell on things you can't change nor control.

If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.
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9:37 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 846

Actually, it's not just the first option but that I seriously tried to or nearly took my life several times.

At that time, life was hell(too many problems to go into) and as a young teen/child, they were just too heavy for me to handle alone.

Because you probably don't want to read it:
Spoiler (highlight to view)
Let's just say that if there had been tougher kinda laws, my parents would likely have gone to jail. 'Cos they seriously challenged me to kill myself several times and attempted torture techniques on me as punishment many times over. Then, there was sexual abuse by certain people and so on... bleah oh well.

Or if not, my mind was heavily unstable from many types of abuse and I was in total shock. I kinda lost the ability to speak at times and would've rather just simply faced peace than live in endless psychological pain and agony. I was in a deep depression that lasted many years, I think.

And sure, many times I quit trying to kill myself but instead, went into worse kinda "replacements": attempted bulimia/anorexia, attempted substance abuse, self-torture and so on... I'm mostly over it now but that doesn't mean I still don't suffer from mood swings and depression. And the pain never really goes away: it stays and it's with me and will be with me forever. The moments of clarity and happiness are often short-lived and often, I wonder if it'll be better to die so I can finally be free from this torment and having to pretend that I'm all right 'cos in my society, people with problems are still kinda seen as scum of the earth. I can't even sleep with the door open nor can I even dare to "dream" 'cos to dream would be to go through the never-ending cycle of fear, hopelessness, bleakness of life, terror, horror, the screams and crying of pain, the self-hatred and so on.

And oh yes, my grandfather killed himself by jumping off the block. I didn't really know the man, though. Let's just say that it was a union of "arranged marriage" and my grandmother, probably in keeping with old customs and traditions, played the role of a good wife though she really despised him for what he represented: a drunkard, a wife abuser, and so she mostly didn't think too much about his death, I think. The way he died did come as a shock to me, though.

I think there may have been more suicides in either my father's or mother's side, I guess?

Should be allowed 'cos there are those who're born into utterly screwed-up circumstances and what's the point of living if they're likely going to snap and end up taking other people's lives?

I know there's a lot of criticism about people who take their lives about being totally losers, pathetic people, etc. but I'm just wondering whether those who make such stands and arguments actually understand the meaning of "never-ending pain and suffering". Or whether they actually know that there're lots of people "willing to" provide help but very few who actually understand the problems without jumping to conclusions and randomly imposing stereotypes and what not on you. Or therapists/counsellors who're there only to make themselves feel good or only 'cos it's a "good position" that pays out a nice amount of money or 'cos it makes their CV look good or 'cos their friends/family/society demand they help out in order to be a "law abiding citizen".

There were many therapists and counsellors I've visited and most of them were terrible: some actually took the time to verbally attack me, others were convinced that my problems didn't exist or that I was lying 'cos I didn't exactly fit the "guidelines laid out by psychiatry/psychology textbook" and on and on and on. And almost all of them added onto my depression instead. 'Cos instead of me being treated, I was like... being lectured and attacked and so on.

Last edited by VampireBanana at 10:15 am, May 13 2010

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0n3 Winged

9:39 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 603

allowed depending on circumstance.

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I believe in letting people do as they wish, as do I myself. Sometimes, of course, what I wish to do is kill them and they do not wish to die. This gives life interest.
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Post #378308
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It's him!!

9:45 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 617

I've contemplated comitting suicide three times in my life.
Once was in my first year at Uni. I was incredibly depressed for about two months, didn't go to school once then. Don't remember what it was exactly I was so depressed about though, think it was a culmination of lots of stuff.
Last time was this summer. I was just so freaking bored with everything. And I mean everything.
The first time was when i was fifteen though.
I started contemplating religion and life after death, soon after which I permanently decided there was no god, before I was deïstic. Before deciding there was no god, I was really curious as to what exists after death. So I contemplated suiciding to find out, that's how curious I was. Didn't last more than ten minutes though.
Would have been the most awesome suicide note ever though; "I'm really curious what exists after death, so I'm killing myself. Bye."

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe
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2nd wave MU user

9:48 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 7784

Half-assedly, yeah, but I've got too much pride to loathe myself.
I want to believe in a tomorrow and I will force you to do so too.

If you'll do it, I'll stay awake for you a night.
Nobody can stop you, but you won't get anybody along.
Forgive me, but I'm going to protect myself and forget about you is
what I'd say.

Post #378310
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9:49 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 1619

Jinx is right: Suicide is an incredibly selfish thing. But those who contemplate suicide usually feel that they have such extraorindary problems that they cannot seek assistance from others. Whether or not that feeling is accurate is a separate matter, but often they cannot see the bigger picture beyond themselves and their concerns to really examine the truth outside of the perception.

If you yourself can never fathom committing suicide, it's exceptionally hard to put yourself in the mindset of someone who is contemplating (or has committed) suicide. I certainly cannot.

There are chemical imbalance factors that can be treated if known, but the individual is often unaware of its presence and its influence on their emotional state.

There are emotional imbalance factors than can be assisted if known, but the individual often doesn't know how to or doesn't see the point in seeking help. (Again, there's a mindset that fits into this.)

There are situational factors that can be the root of problems that can be changed if known, but the individual often feels shame from them and will keep them hidden completely from others, until they reach the breaking point.

There are a lot of different reasons for people wanting to commit suicide, but few that I would consider legitimate enough to go through with it without at least attempting to seek help first.

And then, there's TheGuy, who was curious and bored... =)

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #378317
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It's him!!

10:11 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 617

Well excuse me for being so bored that comitting suicide seems like the most interesting thing to do.

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe
Post #378321
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10:20 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 3503

Well, I'm not sure what you mean about the "allowed/not allowed" thing. Medical related cases are in their own league and it's no easy task to determine if it should or not be allowed.

Nobody close to me had commited suicide, but a guy in high school did. Surely sometimes it seems like it the reason wasn't that big for people to kill theirselves, but who knows what is going on in their heads, it's not like one would be able to easily deal with that in the same situation.

I thought about it, not seriously, more like those "What if" that are always around your mind.

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Post #378322 - Reply to (#378317) by The Guy
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10:27 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 1619

Quote from The Guy
Well excuse me for being so bored that comitting suicide seems like the most interesting thing to do.

I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if I did. My point in saying that was that we can't pinpoint reasoning. There are always exceptions to the most likely causes.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #378324
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10:30 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 225

Suicide is always an option, it is your life after all.

The only thing we truly own is our own lives, our bodies, with which we are free to do whatever we want. And I will not allow anyone to take that away from me.

Post #378326 - Reply to (#378322) by Liria
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It's him!!

10:40 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 617

Quote from Liria
Quote from The Guy
Well excuse me for being so bored that comitting suicide seems like the most interesting thing to do.

I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if I did. My point in saying that was that we can't pinpoint reasoning. There are always exceptions to the most likely causes.

Oh I wasn't really serious there. It was intended to be a sort of mock angry reply.
Intonation really doesn't carry over well in text format does it?

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe
Post #378339 - Reply to (#378326) by The Guy
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11:47 am, May 13 2010
Posts: 1619

Quote from The Guy
Intonation really doesn't carry over well in text format does it?

Nope. It also helps to know the individual better, and I don't know your sense of humor well enough to judge. =)
No harm, no foul though.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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