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Girl in Need of Healing Love

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6:57 pm, Jun 11 2010
Posts: 325

So I'm tired of the guy always being the one who had an angsty past. It seems like it's always the guy who is disillusioned about love or heartbroken about some past relationship or who is still angsting over some unrequinited love (for some beautiful older woman who always seems to end up married to his brother). He sleeps around or he hates women or he uses them or he just generally avoids them or the only girl he "sees" is the one from his past. Then, in swoops the foolishly n love, innocent, an cute protagonist with her healing love magic that coaxes the boy out of his disillusinmen/heartbreak/onesided feelings.

So. Where's all the girls who had issues with relationships and love and stuff in the past? Why aren't they being healed by the plucky, naive, earnest guy who comes along and falls in love with them?

Okay, so the guy doesn't have to fall in love with her first and he doesn't have to be plucky, naive, or earnest, but I want the girl to be the one who needs the magic of love to fix her scarred heart and it needs to be the main guy who heps her.

Some examples:
Honey Bitter (as far as I can tell, that's where it seems to be headed)
Bitter Virgin (I'm sensing a trend here... but this is a little intense in terms of angsting. You never see the guy angsting about getting raped or pregnant XD)
Mars (Still not the greatest example. Can't girls just be disillusioned or have a bad break-up anymore?)

No yaoi, shounen ai, yuri, shoujo ai, or hentai. I'd prefer shoujo or josei, though I'm open to other genres as well. Please and thank you.

Post #384858
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8:11 pm, Jun 11 2010
Posts: 651

Sukitte Ii Na Yo maybe?

Post #384979
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9:17 am, Jun 12 2010
Posts: 748

Vampir--I don't think the romance aspect will be that strong. However it has what you want. Girl has problems, guy comes and helps her out and stops her suffering. There is no romance between the two though and the girl is a side character. Hope it works out for you, I found it to be really good.

Angel Beats--best anime of the 2010 spring season
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2:46 am, Jun 13 2010
Posts: 349

Cat Street ?

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2:55 am, Jun 13 2010
Posts: 215

Kimi Shika Iranai probably fit really well =)
Say Love maybe
Tokyo Crazy Paradise or Maison Ikkoku maybe

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