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Blood Lad, new volume out

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Post #398756

3:57 am, Aug 11 2010
Posts: 1

I wish I knew. I found it in a bookstore in Japan, and bought it. I also know that on August 8th the second volume came out.
Does anyone know the plot?

Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:10 am, Aug 11 2010

Post #410632
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Trust me ima ninja

10:03 pm, Sep 28 2010
Posts: 35

what i basically got from putting the jp in a cheap, horrible online translator issss... it's about vampires lol something about how the main character, Sutazu apparently, is either one of them or is favored by them o.O iunno, i plan on scanlating this soon~ so hopefully i can get a good translation :<

the (horribly rough) translation:
Sutazu vampires have a certain district of Darkness Nawabaribosu. The natural and do not like that vampire love him one day Nawabari Japanizu culture, has come in for winter willow stray Japanese girl. Nama people, And they met Sutazu romantic stop. Yet, while aiming to defeat the intruders Nawabari little dead winter fruit eaten by monsters! ! Also lost the appeal for winter sadly has become a ghost, but always Sutazu agreed to revitalize the blood! ?

the original (if someone else wants to translate it into decent english):
魔界のとある地 区でナワバリボ スをしている吸 血鬼・スタズ。
吸血鬼然として いることが嫌い で、ジャパニー ズカルチャーを 愛する彼のナワ バリにある日、 日本人の少女・ 柳冬実が迷い込 んでくる。ナマ の人間、しかも 日本人に会えた スタズのロマン チックは止まら ない。だが、ち ょっとナワバリ を狙った侵入者 を退治している 間に、冬実がモ ンスターに食べ られて死んでし まった!!
幽霊となってし まった冬実の失 われた魅力にし ょんぼりするも 、必ず生き返ら せると血意した スタズだが…!?

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10:21 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 3

ultra rough summary (too lazy): there's a vampire boss dude named "Staz," who's obsessed with Japan. He meets a Japanese girl Yanagi Fuyumi but while he is dealing with some intruder she is eaten by a monster and dies. Then she turns into a ghost and "Staz" vows to bring her back to life.
Wait a minute, I've heard of this (better written too) somewhere before. I can't remember, where was itconfused

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