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Genso Suikoden.

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Post #438294
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Resident Odd

7:10 pm, Jan 8 2011
Posts: 665

I noticed there's no topic made for this specific series. Anyhow, you can call this a general discussion area for the Suikoden titles.

Some things that are lingering in my mind are:

-What will Suikoden 6 be like when (or if) it comes out.
-Will they ever release the Suikogaiden series into English?
-For posters, what's your favorite and least favorite game of the series?
-Favorite and least favorite characters?


-In my opinion, it would be nice if Suikoden 6 was based in Harmonia. However, the only problem would be that basing it there would probably result in the end of the series, since most of the series' mysteries perpetuate from "Harmonia".

-I think having Suikogaiden on a handheld would be simplest. It's a visual novel after all....

-Favorite Game: 2. Least Favorite: 3. But, I haven't played 4 or Tactics yet, so I'm kind of so-so on it. 2 was excellent in story, plot, characterization, etc. 3 was good as well, but had too quiet a soundtrack, and its character models were so-so.

-Favorite characters: Flik, Viktor, Nanami, Chris Lightfellow. Least favorite characters: Zamza, Guillame, Kraze.

Post #497223
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Resident Odd

3:16 am, Sep 21 2011
Posts: 665

Adding to this topic, a new Suikoden game for the PSP has been announced.

Info: e-announced-for-psp/

I hope that it turns out well. Though, I'm just glad to see a new Suikoden in production.


5:56 am, Sep 21 2011
Posts: 1

- No idea at all. I hope it was as awesome as 2 though.

- I don't think they will release an english version.

- Least favorite game: Suikoden 4. the game plain sucks. Favorite Game: 2 The best ever in my opinion. 3,1 n 5 is not bad at all. But somehow pales in comparison to 2.

- Favorite Char: Riou, Jowy, Flik, Viktor, Georg and Luca Blight
Least Fave : No one really pops up, if i really have to say, i guess it's Neclord

Have you played Suikoden for NDS?
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
It's not good at all since they remove a really crucial element from Suikoden Universe(The Runes).
Hopefully the for PSP will be good... Any idea about when 6 is coming out?

Last edited by lambchopsil at 9:15 am, Sep 21 2011


9:57 pm, Sep 26 2011
Posts: 13

havent seen or played a suikoden game in a loooong time haha. 2nd one was my favorite though, pretty sure i cried at the end lmao. Any of the suikodens not on the ps1 suck. they got waaaay to easy, especially the character recruitments. or at least thats how i remember it haha


2:20 am, Oct 2 2011
Posts: 142

My favorites would definitely be 2 and 6. Both games made me cry. Damn these brother and sister storylines.

Least favorite would be 4. It was boring, and aside from that, sea battles didn't sit well with me :-( It was just bland. Didn't sit well with 3 either, I'm not comfortable having 3 main characters.

I'm playing the first Suikoden right now. Sigh, memories!

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3:24 am, Oct 5 2011
Posts: 974

I liked the most the first one, damn cd cover totally misleading ;P

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Post #499513 - Reply to (#438294) by Axis
Nicotine addict

4:09 am, Oct 5 2011
Posts: 183

Quote from Axis
-What will Suikoden 6 be like when (or if) it comes out.

As long as it sticks to the Suiko "concept", I'll be happy. Characters, story and atmosphere are what define Suikoden imho.

Quote from Axis
-Will they ever release the Suikogaiden series into English?

You probably knew about this, but here goes for anyone interested.
Suikogaiden Volume 1
Suikogaiden Volume 2

Quote from Axis
-For posters, what's your favorite and least favorite game of the series?

Favourite is II, slightly ahead of I.
Least favourite is IV.
Haven't played Tierkreis, and never finished Tactics.

Quote from Axis
-Favorite and least favorite characters?

Favourites: Pesmerga, Geddoe, Sierra, Clive, Killey, Tir McDohl, Viki.
Least favourite: There are too many (Nanami is high on the list, same with lots of characters from SIV).

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