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You might want to rethink this relationship

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6:03 pm, Feb 10 2011
Posts: 323

Ever read a manga and the couple is badly in need of a break up (or a restraining order?)
I'm not talking about manga where you hate the couple/characters or any other dumb reason. I mean there are some legitimate problems within the relationship or with one of the people. This probably applies moreso to serious manga because often those relationships are supposed to be ideal or showcase something redeeming.

If so please share and explain why the relationship is a terrible idea.

manga 1

Hitoribocchi wa Samishikute
The main dude does a couple things that deserve side eyes; read the girl's journal in front of the class, said he'd slap her parents and convinced her to run away to Tokyo(which, wtf? Godzilla doesn't exist; Tokyo will still be standing when you graduate hs.) But w/e we'll chalk this up to youthful indiscretion.

Now the real signs come out on the train to Tokyo. Mayou Angelou said "If someone shows you who they are believe them.' I believe the same goes for what you say. And his words are just a bit troubling. pg1 pg2 Now this is a common shoujo trope(one i enjoy sometimes tbh) but what made this one all the more troubling he has cut her off from her parents and taking her into an unfamiliar area.

And the next day we get treated to this after he gets upset pg1a pg2a
eek let me tell you that is crazy psycho talk right there.
In conclusion I have to say Run girl RUN! no
***i should say that I haven't finished this

manga 2

Hot Gimmick
This was a hot mess, tbh the whole lot should probably be single.
Ryouko is abusive and forces you into sexual servatude, I mean seriously! wtf is this

I'm not sure if I should put this in shoujo, it's definitely not confined to that genre.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Thoreau

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Pew pew

7:04 pm, Feb 10 2011
Posts: 883

I agree with you on Hot Gimmick, NOTHING can beat that. UGH, I WANTED TO STRANGLE SOMEONE AFTER I READ IT. I think she should have just ended up with the brother.

Whenever I read a series that has a girl falling for a guy that is totally abusive to her, I can't help but think that girl is a masochist and feel as if it fits the 'badly in need of a break up' thing.

Post #446432 - Reply to (#446417) by ForteAtrox
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8:30 pm, Feb 10 2011
Posts: 323

Quote from ForteAtrox
I agree with you on Hot Gimmick, NOTHING can beat that. UGH, I WANTED TO STRANGLE SOMEONE AFTER I READ IT. I think she should have just ended up with the brother.

Whenever I read a series that has a girl falling for a guy that is totally abusive to her, I can't help but think that girl is a masochist and feel as if it fits the 'badly in need of a break up' thing.

omg yes! Hot Gimmick makes me rage. I wanted to throw the books. >( Nah I'm not cool with incest (or bootleg incest) Incestuous brother or abusive piece of crap that violates human rights. This is clearly a lose lose situation. D: It's okay to be single

The thing is it would still make me mad and disgusted but i'd probably be a little less so if it wasn't portrayed as ~true love~ I sometimes think, are you a masochist too but most people that are abused aren't.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Thoreau

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Post #446439 - Reply to (#446432) by kawaiiairbender
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Pew pew

8:56 pm, Feb 10 2011
Posts: 883

Quote from kawaiiairbender
omg yes! Hot Gimmick makes me rage. I wanted to throw the books. >( Nah I'm not cool with incest (or bootleg incest) Incestuous brother or abusive piece of crap that violates human rights. This is clearly a lose lose situation. D: It's okay to be single

The thing is it would still make me mad and disgusted but i'd probably be a little less so if it wasn't portrayed as ~true love~ I sometimes think, are you a masochist too but most people that are abused aren't.

But they weren't BLOOD siblings so I thought it would be okay. I sat there thinking "40 chapters to go, IT CAN STILL HAVE A GOOD ENDING." But it just got worse and worse. She had NO backbone at all.

True, but it annoys me more when the girl falls for the guy after meeting him recently and only because he's been nice a couple times.
For example:
Girl drops erase.
Boy picks it up.


Post #446444 - Reply to (#446439) by ForteAtrox
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9:11 pm, Feb 10 2011
Posts: 52

Quote from ForteAtrox
True, but it annoys me more when the girl falls for the guy after meeting him recently and only because he's been nice a couple times.
For example:
Girl drops erase.
Boy picks it up.


What didn't you know?
Picking up a girl's eraser MUST mean that the guy is madly in love with her!!!
And stopping a girl from falling down the stairs HAS TO BE a marriage proposal!
It's like the golden rule of shoujo! wink

In case I didn't make it painfully obvious, I am using sarcasm. dead
I couldn't agree with you more.

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Post #446520
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Manga Eater

12:10 pm, Feb 11 2011
Posts: 442

I once read what I think was a oneshot about a girl who tutored some kid younger than her that she knew from her childhood. She has a potential boyfriend, but the kid she tutored gets jealous and freaking ties her up and rapes her. Then he apologizes and whatnot, but she leaves him, meets up with the potential boyfriend guy, who also tries to rape her -- to which the tutored-kid-rapist comes in to conveniently save the day. Then she decides that she loves him or something.

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Follow fashion, act normal;
Walk on the pavement, watch T.V.;
Save for retirement, obey the law.
Repeat after me: I am free.
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12:41 pm, Feb 11 2011
Posts: 572

Hot blooded girl

A tough heroin.. an abusive sick bishie.. I dunno their names. The bishie sent some thugs to gang rape her, she beat them up. The bishie then threw her off a building...beat her up, and a few volumes later, they're friends again!

...Bloody waste of time.

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Rape is imminent.
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