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Site Poll - Chat Box 135 - Role of Romance

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12:52 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 10734

How much romance do you like in a series?

Question: Your view of romance in a manga
All series need at least some romance! - votes: 5975 (42.9%)
I'd rather see some romance - votes: 4406 (31.7%)
Doesn't matter to me - votes: 2822 (20.3%)
I'd rather not read any - votes: 551 (4%)
I hate romance. I want none at all - votes: 163 (1.2%)
There were 13917 total votes.
The poll ended: May 21st 2011

Last edited by lambchopsil at 1:16 am, May 21 2011

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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1:47 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 301

As much as possible! Just stuff it in there! I don't care if it won't fit, you make it fit in!

About 85% of my manga has at least some romance in it. 75% has romance as a main element.

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Lone Wanderer

1:59 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 2130

As little as possible. That being said, I don't care if all the side characters are up to their eyebrows in romance, as long as the protagonist isn't romantically involved with anyone. All of my top favourites (manga as well as characters) have only that feature in common.

And so...I'm in the sad, sad, minority who voted for the 4th option cry

Post #468757

2:00 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 184

Doesn't matter to me, but I prefer when it's not central to the story.

1. Romance isn't my favourite genre anyway.
2. The relationship shouldn't insist on themselves and they shouldn't overshadow everything else.
3. It should leave more to the imagination; I enjoy seeing/reading the enthusiasm and passion people put into their fan ships. I don't see nearly as much thought and effort put into fan ships of relationships of stories in which romance is central and glaring. Fanboys/Fangirls will pay attention to every little detail and dig up anything they can to fuel their frenzy. It's great.

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3:05 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 1205

love romance.
it depends on how the mangaka brew the love potion.. it could be a great story or it could be a cheap soap opera.

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4:44 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 41

I'd rather see at least some romance.

If I put it like Turbophoenix, probably about 90-95% of my manga has at least some romance, and most of that has romance central to the story. When I've searched for manga, it's almost always been with the Romance category as a prerequisite, except for one point when I discovered the "Romantic subplot" tag, and also some random searches like sports or martial arts manga (which I still mostly weed out by potential for romantic relationships, even if it doesn't say "Romantic subplot"). As a rule, it's pretty rare for me to read something I don't expect any sort of romance from.

Now, pretty much everything I read has some romance, sure, but the reason I don't say "all series need some romance" is because I can read a fine story with no romance, but if including romance were required, that could screw up the original story to some extent. I'm happy if mangaka are writing what they're good at...and I'll pick out what interests me from their works. wink

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4:51 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 18

I LOVE romance, and I read a lot of mangas with romance as their main theme, but I actually prefer it as an "on the side" sort of thing, where the plot is separate from it. eyes

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Mad With a Hat

5:09 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 4764

I love romance, but I prefer it as a side dish.

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6:01 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 307

I had a really hard time choosing, so I didn't vote at all. For me it depends if the romance is well written and I like the characters, and if it's original then I'll like it more too. But honestly I'd say the romance could be left out of the manga or just to the side, because I find there are way more interesting things to focus on in manga.

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6:55 am, May 14 2011
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Don't mind some, but I'd rather not have it is the main point, because
then I just don't want to read that stuff.

Post #468808
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9:00 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 278

If it's a totally non-romantic manga then I don't want any romance. Like...Bleach say. If romance had had been a more important plot it would have ruined the manga because there would undoubtedly have been a section where the characters were really uncomfortable with each other etc. etc.
But otherwise, I hate it when the author constantly suggests that there might be some then doesn't develop it, or drags it on so slowly that they'll probably die before they confess etc. That really annoys me. I'd rather it became a more important aspect than was constantly suggested at the side. Like, they get together at the end. Great. I want them to get together in the middle.

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I rate manga with 5 being the average score.
Post #468813
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9:33 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 1

i don't really like the manga has a lots of romantic, so I think just enough

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Post #468816
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10:04 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 746

As little as possible. I tend to dislike romance plots.

Though, of course, there are some exceptions. I'm not totally against romance!

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In hibernation.

10:18 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 315

I love romance, but I don't need it in all the manga I read (though maybe 85% bigrazz ) and I don't want the mangaka to put romance in, if it doesn't compliment the main-plot...

Post #468819
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Is a female

10:35 am, May 14 2011
Posts: 3457

Yay for romance!
Always like a bit of romance in the manga I read. Not always necessary though. There are some manga that just wouldn't work if they had romance in, but at least 90% of the manga I read obtain some sort of romance within it, so yeah...

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