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Do you love your country's government?

Do you love your country's government?
Yes. My country's government does all it can to help its citizens.
No. My country's government does not care about its citizens.
Sort of. My country's government helps some people, but doesn't do enough for others.
Other. Explain.
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Post #488716
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Sleeper Agent

8:09 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 30

I set up this poll to find out what people's attitudes are towards their country's government. Do the anarchists outnumber the patriots or is it the other way around? Are most people in between? What complaints do you have about your government? What do you think it does well? These are some of the things I would like people to comment on and please offer an explanation for your opinion.

I myself live in the US and I believe the government here is one of the best in the world. Others might think differently and be very vocal about it, but it is a fact that many nations have structured their own governments after the US because they see it as an example they should follow. I do have complaints, however, and that's mostly because of the division between the two leading political parties in the US, the Democrats and Republicans. They always seem try to undermine one another instead on focusing on fixing the issues the US faces. That's my opinion and feel free to disagree, but give a reason why.

Anyways just give your opinion and hopefully we'll be able to get a good debate going.

BTW just wanted to add that it would be much clearer if you specify what country's government you are talking about.

Last edited by Jeon17 at 9:16 pm, Aug 10 2011

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8:10 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 243

Proud of my country. Appalled by my government.

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8:13 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 107

yes i love my country and its impossible for government to be perfect but at least they try...i just wish the democrats and republicans could come to an understanding...i plan to join the military when i get out of high school in four years

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Post #488730
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a possessive lover

8:30 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 445

No. The Government is corrupt to the roots.
Corruption everywhere, Bribing everytime, Politic is a shit.
It just like a Drama Theater to us, civil citizen.
Ironically, I study politic now... Geez...

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9:13 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 339

I loathe the current government and am not too happy with it normally, anyway. I guess we do okay, but we could do a lot better. Eg. environment, education, arts, poverty...

A few years ago we has a federal, provincial and municipal election in the same school year. It being my first election, and me having an opinionated, conscientious personality, I was very political and completely burnt myself out on politics. Still haven't recovered roll

After a while, all politicians seem the same. I am unhappy with our government, but feel powerless. And I think our first-past-the-post voting system is stupid, because it means that a party with a relatively small percentage of the popular vote can gain a majority of the seats in Parliament. Case in point, "the right-wing British Columbia Liberals won a provincial election, taking 97 per cent of the seats (all but 2) with just 58 per cent of the vote" (Carty 930).

I cast my vote, but I don't kid myself that it makes a difference. Oh, and I have a deeply-seated grudge against the Conservatives. To be honest, if I know someone supports the Conservatives it will colour my judgement of them at least a little. Not that the other parties inspire much faith....

Oh dear....cynical and apathetic dead

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9:25 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 468

No. When the people in power major in the science of manipulating people, instead of a proper discipline, then there's a problem with the system.

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9:55 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 157

I agree with Sun-ken Rock, governments are like Gangs.

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Post #488754
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10:03 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 746

No. I loathe it. The current one that is.

I, in the USA, love the concept and structure of the government we came up with, it is just that right now our government, most noticeably in Congress, is just a bunch of manipulative, corrupt, political-theater obsessed, childish, worthless politicians, who, by using the media (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was also by collaborating with the media, considering the corporate nature of it), play with the country pointlessly for no apparent reason other than ego and self-interest.

And I worry that my country will fall into a state of stagnation both economically and politically because the same worthless politicians might keep getting re-elected.

They pretend with great fanfare to do things, but end up being the most conspicuously inefficient government

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Certified addict

10:07 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 301

Kind of. It could be way worse. I think my country (Australia) is lucky in that we don't really have that many problems with our politicians. But there certainly is too much catering to specific groups (the church, idiotic parents who need to be told how to parent properly) at the cost of the rest of the population.

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Post #488756
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10:15 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 47

I’ve grown to hate both my country and my government (from the political establishment to the media class to the raging feral chavs thinking they now Uncle Murda), even prior to the riots in London where the UK was already known as the sick and crazy uncle of the West, the place where the absurd is the norm in such a way that comedians would find it very hard to top the material coming from the UK more or less just writes itself (such as being fined for picking up litter).

It is little wonder that people here embrace countless distractions in bread, circuses (soaps, football, etc) and soma (booze, drugs, etc), partying like it is still 1966 and as always snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in pretty much every respect, while their political class has reduced them to a dead empire and English speaking province of Brussels.

Put it simply, there is little to be proud of or identify with apart from what I’ve read in a history book (I am non-white btw).

Well, the weather's looking bad. It's bad here, bad there - bad everywhere. Nasty alien creatures raining down from the skies, devouring all life on this planet. And what does that mean to you, you ask? It means you're mine. You're all mine! - Prince (aka Death) from Lexx
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Lone Wanderer

10:20 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 2127

Sadly, no. I adore my country and the majority of its people are fine (if a bit naive; which is why said politicians keep getting elected), but the government is no good at all. I don't exactly hate it -- it's not a totalitarian dictatorship, military government or communist rule, but it's ruining our country's already fragile economy with stupid and thoughtless choices that seem to benefit only the people who're involved in politics.

Post #488758

10:22 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 100

no, i consider my self a liberal and i love the german and canadian governments, and to some extent the us government but not anymore because since i have been following us politics i noticed that the liberals lose EVERY negotiation frankly i would not be surprised if obama gave all republicans a blow job at the end of every meeting but, i digress my government is ultra conservative that means morality police who patrol the streets imprison or sometimes kill you if you do anything deemed unislamic and if you know islam a lot of things are unislamic there is also huge disparity between the rich and poor because the royal family which consists of almost 3000 members control major aspects of the government and get a monthly salary for doing nothing, also there is censorship against anything the goes against islam or government and because of that the people think their government is the greatest government in the world

Last edited by eblees at 11:22 pm, Aug 10 2011

Post #488762
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Sleeper Agent

10:34 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 30

Disappointment in governments seems to be a common theme in most of the replies. Most of the people I talk to are mostly disappointed with the empty promises politicians spout during their election campaigns, which they later fail to keep. The scandals surrounding some of the members of congress in the US recently is also disheartening.(ie. Wiener)

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11:12 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 267

Well, I live in the United States and the one thing people know what to do in this country is: complain... about the debt, every politician, being green or not, lobbying by big companies, medical care, housing market, the recession.... but.... I think that compared to other countries the government is doing a pretty good job of keeping the majority of people at an acceptable level of proper living. I mean, compared to my country, at least there are no common(everyday) terrorist groups that bring a need for a night time curfew in some cities- so I wouldn't say I love this government, but I do appreciate it. Overall, I think that even thou some countries' governments are indeed better than others, people in each will always find something wrong with it..... after all, nothing can be perfect

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11:35 pm, Aug 10 2011
Posts: 774

I like my government, but I hate hate HATE my Prime Minister.
Stephen Harper is an idiot and will single handedly destroy Canada.

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