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ROME - Collaboration Site for Scanlators

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7:30 am, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 10734

silverado writes: ROME - Easy Team Collaboration


Rome is a collaboration site designed to meet the requirements of scanlators and fansubbers. No matter how big or small your group is or where you live, Rome can save you a lot of time. Rome lets you schedule task assigments with deadlines, manage member accounts, create documents and milestones. It will automatically notify the member about his next task and keep him up to date with all necessary information he needs.

Your member is rarely online? No problem! As long as he checks his emails ROME will notify him important activities related to only him.

Working on long text files? No problem! You can create wiki pages for long text files. Changes made in your wiki are saved automatically in a history making it possible to roll back to previous versions.

Multiple persons work on the same text file? No problem! You can compare changes from the very first version up till the latest version. Different lines and words are automatically highlighted in different colors. You can go through long text files without difficulty and you can see whether your proofreader did a good job.

Check our demo account here:
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Founder of Manga Underground

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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10:15 am, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 310

or in other words, scanlating for dummies

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1:27 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 5

pretty worthless, yeah, worthless indeed, that's silverado's motto biggrin

Post #531294 - Reply to (#531293) by Reactive

1:52 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 79

Your comments are just as useless as your proofreading abilities, reactive.

Post #531295 - Reply to (#531294) by silverado
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2:02 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 5

owww, there there silverado, you're just as useless as your scanlation abilities (not that you really have any bigrazz)

Post #531296 - Reply to (#531295) by Reactive

4:07 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 79

You are already banned from several sites, irc channels and were kicked out from various scanlation groups, including Manga Underground. There is no need for me to insult you. Poor guy!

Post #531297 - Reply to (#531296) by silverado
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Dark Knight

4:56 pm, Jul 12 2008
Posts: 390

Fight, fight, fight!


I run Illuminati-Manga. You're welcome.
Post #531298 - Reply to (#531296) by silverado
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12:47 am, Jul 13 2008
Posts: 5

I can think of 2-3 sites and irc channels I'm banned from. Various scanlations groups? uhm, yeah, 2, one is your Manga Underground, which oh so many of the old staffers could say was because of your ANALness. So yeah, keep trying.

Post #531299 - Reply to (#531293) by Reactive

1:49 am, Jul 13 2008
Posts: 2

Eh, I think it's really awesome. It's taking theory from computer programming open source and applying to a methodical process called scanlation. Saves time, makes it easier to organize, so much cool stuff done by a computer so you don't have to sweat the details.

Post #531300 - Reply to (#531298) by Reactive

6:21 am, Jul 13 2008
Posts: 37

Shut up, no one fucking cares about your pissy drama.

Post #531301 - Reply to (#531298) by Reactive
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10:07 pm, Jul 13 2008
Posts: 10734

The two of you better calm down, or I'm gonna use some admin powers

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #531302 - Reply to (#531299) by math4origami
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11:25 pm, Jul 14 2008
Posts: 510

I think that a content management system with a collaborative art bent would be cool, (could be used for all sorts of projects) but don't know if this one is up to scratch. Right not it looks like trac with missing plugins, which means if you really want to implement something like this for your scan group (in theory not a bad idea), you'd probably be better off with trac/joomla/drupal/ + plugins or an art focused CMS (if it exists.)

Post #531303 - Reply to (#531302) by story645

12:04 pm, Jul 15 2008
Posts: 79

a good old trac user XD. you should migrate from trac to rome, it's just much better.


9:46 am, Jul 18 2008
Posts: 6

I really like it. Fast and useful.

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