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Recognize these quotes?

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Post #548567
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Nice desu ne

10:15 pm, Apr 30 2012
Posts: 1132

Some are obvious (like Prism: "Don't you have a cat to play with? I'll see you later.", Hanjuku Joshi: "Does sensei insert her finger when doing lecherous acts with girls?" , and Girl Friends: the web search image) but others I really don't recognize. What I'm interested in are:

"I'm a girl too. I want to bake a cake."
"My flesh transcending the boundaries of gender, wishes to join with your soul!!"
"Looks like some cats came to cheer me on."
"And I love how you look so xx when I xxx your xxx."
"She asked me "Please masturbate before the screen"!!"
"I'm a lesbian so I'm into this kind of thing."

Here's the quote image

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