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Ever lost your game saves?

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Post #112872
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6:10 am, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 47

I've lost my game saves in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I went on holiday in the Phillipines, went to a game shop in SM and bought FFTA. I started playing straight away like the kid I was, and stopped and saved the game at Mc'ers. I got bored waiting, and I turned my GBA back on, but strangely I had no game saves to load. After trying it out and watching/playing the intro a mindless 6 times, I went back to the game store and got a replacement. I tried it out and it worked fine.
I got back to Australia and played through to the last level. When I saved and went back to play again, my game saves were gone. I didn't even touch FFTA for about half a year, I was so upset that I hid it in a deep corner of my wardrobe.

Well I was a kid, so it was probably a normal thing to hide stuff I didn't want. I didn't have the heart to throw away something my mum bought for me.

I also lost my game saves to Donkey Kong 64, but that was okay since I finished. The weird thing was that it just disappeared out of the blue. Well, I hadn't played my N64 much in about a year and a half, so it might've just been the age.

I've also had my little cousins save over my game files in Trauma Center recently, well I was a little pissed off but I was saved by the very thing that was my undoing in the beginning, saving without confirmation. I accidentally pressed another save slot only a couple levels back.

I'm sure some of you out there have shared some of my problems, it might even be a commonly shared case of stress between gamers. haha
Feel free to agonise and complain about it as much as you want

btw: never had the one where the power goes out while saving.

Post #112874
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6:20 am, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 1574

if your lost the saves on cartridges, it might have been the battery in them screwing up. cartridges save b/c of the battery in them keeps a little bit of ram with power to save your game, but usually they're supposed to last somewhere around 5-8 years

personally tho, i accidently saved over my file in FF7, only had to walk through the meteor to fight the last boss (that got me a little pissed)

Post #112875 - Reply to (#112874) by daed
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6:40 am, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 7784

Quote from daed
personally tho, i accidently saved over my file in FF7, only had to walk through the meteor to fight the last boss (that got me a little pissed)

The same but it wasn't me that saved the game. D:


7:56 am, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 24

When it first came out, I was almost at the end of Chrono Trigger on my first play through. I invited my friend over and he wanted to play it, so I let him start a new game and of course he accidently saved over mine.

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8:34 am, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 28

I lost my saves (most of them were before the last boss) of Chrono Cross, FF7, FF8 and FF9, someone broke my memory card, I was really mad at him but I want to think it was an accident mad

And recently I was playing .hack//Fragment and the save screwed my whole memory card cry I dont what happened. I had the seven .hack games saves, FFX, DMC I II and III saves, Shin Megami tensei III. Persona III and digital devil sagas saves. Now I have to start again cry

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1:14 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 345

I remember years ago when I had Pokemon Red I had like 147 Pokemon or something like that and I pretty much had the ultimate party, etc. Then of course I just had to loose my game saves on it...I never really bothered playing it again after that.

Post #112933
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1:16 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 2009

It's worse when your online characters get hacked. I remember playing Guild Wars when it first came out. Had several 20s, next day poof they were all stripped of gear and stuffs...

Post #112966 - Reply to (#112931) by manhunter098
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3:29 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 217

Quote from manhunter098
I remember years ago when I had Pokemon Red I had like 147 Pokemon or something like that and I pretty much had the ultimate party, etc. Then of course I just had to loose my game saves on it...I never really bothered playing it again after that.

That happened to me as well on Pokemon Yellow, I had 148 Pokemon and was in the process of getting the last couple when one of my cousins started a new game and saved over my save cry.

I've got to burn your eyes.
Post #112978
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4:21 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 159

Years ago my old ps1 memcard broke and all my hardwork at a couple rpg games (50+ hour * x games) gone...
Now i'm playing games on emulator so i can backup my save games regularly.

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9:53 pm, Jan 19 2008
Posts: 28

Hell yeah. On Pokemon red, I had EVERY SINGLE Pokemon(151)... Then I dropped it and it broke, and went all swaggly no

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9:58 pm, Jan 19 2008
Posts: 18

What sucks most of all is when your younger sibling is the one who does it. In this situation, you know who needs a snap kick to the face, but if you ever had parents like mine who treats the youngest like a baby, there's nothing you can do.

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10:24 pm, Jan 19 2008
Posts: 86

Yup Pokemon red. I had a level 76 Charizard and the rest were at an avg. of 28-32. This was my very first time through a pokemon game so i really didn't know what i was doing. My nephew dropped it while playing and all was lost. Couldn't even save games on that game anymore. Then there was this time when i brought my gameboy color to the philippines and my cousins wanted to play my games. They saved over my saved games. All of them. A very bad memory for me. That was probably the last time i even played a gameboy.

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11:24 pm, Jan 19 2008
Posts: 6221

I lost my memory card that had save files to my games on FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFTactics, Suikoden, Suikoden 2 and Xenogears cry

Post #114156

9:14 am, Jan 20 2008
Posts: 1650

Nope.. not yet.

Actually, I did once, but that was my brother deleting it on purpose to make me really angry. And I blew up at him.

Post #114654
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11:12 am, Jan 22 2008
Posts: 339

It's fun when your little cousins come over and save over you game files; which unlocking some characters or stuffs are pain in the ass. Super Smash Bro. Dynasty Warriors 5, other Fun packed RPG and Action games that takes a while to beat. So now I always 2 memory cards for my cousins and my self or just take out the Memory card.

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