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Does anyone else here dislike Bleach and Naruto like I do?

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Post #112936
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1:25 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 2009

Everyone knows how Naruto and Bleach are like one of the most popular manga/animes out right now (along with One Piece and whatnot). My question is WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!?! Naruto was ok for me until filler land. God after episode 50 something it just started to drag out and after a while everytime i saw that obnoxious blonde idiot I want to throw up. (oh and Sasuke is a whiny emo little bitch who needs to be slapped (sorry all you Sasuke fans out there).) Bleach too, the Bleach plot gets really repetative. Let's see the basic plot follows the "we gotta save the damsel in distress" (Rukia then Orihime) and the "no matter how strong we get, there will always be people rediculously stronger (DBZ theory).

Anyway, after a while you can see the repetitive nature of these animes. So I'm wondering why do people still watch after like 200 or so episodes, or like 20+ volumes with the end no where near sight.

Edit: Oh btw in retrospect, would it have been a better idea to post this in Shonen/Seinen?

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1:32 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 86

I agree with you partially.
Yes the anime of naruto is boring(instead of the manga that i think is very good)
I like bleach even though it has somehow the usual plot like any other good shonen series.I think because its funny i keep watching it.
About One piece i disagree.Eventhough it has 338 episodes(the manga isnt too far from the anime) i keep reading like a maniac.Dont know why but i like the series humour and character designs.

Post #112940
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1:33 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 1325

Yup, it could fit better in the shounen&seinen section.

And yes, you can find here someone who dislikes at least one of those series. Me, for example, I hate Naruto and I'm slowly starting to dislike Bleach to the stadium where I'm almost praying for it to end when it's still bearable User Posted Image

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Still the bad cop.
Post #112942
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The Gorilla King

1:35 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 1117

i'm sick and tired of Shounen manga....same goes to shoujo....maybe this is the end of my Otakunis, guess I'm cured ^^ man....what to do now? >.>

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Post #112949 - Reply to (#112942) by ranmaru
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2:02 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 1325

Quote from ranmaru
i'm sick and tired of Shounen manga....same goes to shoujo....maybe this is the end of my Otakunis, guess I'm cured ^^ man....what to do now? >.>
Destination seinen? Horror? Action? Josei? laugh

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Still the bad cop.
Post #112950 - Reply to (#112949) by Indreju
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Inactive Phantom

2:32 pm, Jan 17 2008
Posts: 1078

Quote from Indreju
Quote from ranmaru
i'm sick and tired of Shounen manga....same goes to shoujo....maybe this is the end of my Otakunis, guess I'm cured ^^ man....what to do now? >.>
Destination seinen? Horror? Action? Josei? laugh

Hello, fellow convert! biggrin
And yes, the above genres are definetely reccomended, though I've only read a small bit of Josei...
Oh, do I hate Shonen manga. Okay, there are a few exceptions (Cyborg 009, Buddha, Jing - King of Bandits), but other than that it's the same old shit. But Naruto is the tip of the freakin' ice berg. And what's up with people complaining about every single character? Not forgetting the endless Narutard spam threads that ruin forums, the crap fanart that's riddling deviantART, and the infuriating cosplayers. I swear, I'll kill someone next time I see a bearded, bespectacled 20-something year old Sakura.
Naruto/Bleach is a flash-in-the-pan fad for "otaku" teenagers.

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8:05 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 9026

Hmm, I can see where your arguments come from. But they aren't really objective. Care to make a solid argument as to why Naruto/Bleach suck?

And also why complain about Naruto because of the Anime? The anime is just a by-product. It's the manga that you should be criticizing.

source: animenewsnetwork

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9:03 am, Jan 18 2008
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These 2 creations are of the kind that pretty much appeals to the
whole mass of audience.
Personally I do not like either of them because:
1) Dundundun, the good is the winner.
2) The party on their heroic journey will kick everything's ass.
3) Predictable.
4) Boring adversaries.
5) Annoying characters with boring personalities.
6) The ordinary plot
Event 1. --> Somethig dramatic. --> Event 2. --> All is fine!

Post #113236
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9:47 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 1574

why does anybody feel the need to complain anyway?!? i personally don't like some of the "really shoujo" shoujo so i just don't bother with it. life could be so much simpler.... but i do like bleach and naruto

Post #113238 - Reply to (#112936) by funkmu1
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9:55 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 97

Quote from funkmu1
My question is WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!

That is my question also... I find those two quite boring...
I do like keeping up with long going manga, but those two can't keep my interest at all.

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Post #113255 - Reply to (#113211) by Mamsmilk
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12:19 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 1078

Quote from Mamsmilk
These 2 creations are of the kind that pretty much appeals to the
whole mass of audience.
Personally I do not like either of them because:
1) Dundundun, the good is the winner.
2) The party on their heroic journey will kick everything's ass.
3) Predictable.
4) Boring adversaries.
5) Annoying characters with boring personalities.
6) The ordinary plot
Event 1. --> Somethig dramatic. --> Event 2. --> All is fine!

What this guy said, exact to a point. That and it's far too damn long.
And yes, I do suppose I should be criticizing the manga, point taken.

Post #113257
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12:22 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 2009

Worst part is the deus ex machina. Right when the baddy has got you down, you either develop some special power or some one else comes and kicks the baddy's ass.

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9:32 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 345

Well to be honest at least good guys are actually allowed to die in Naruto, it seems they are all invincible in Bleach, and even the bad guys seem to be immortal in One Piece.

The Naruto manga isnt really that bad. Its a shounen action manga...there really cant be a great deal of deviation from the traditional power up cycle, unless you want the main character that already comes fully loaded, those are pretty much your options. What makes these manga good is how the author can make the story interesting even with the necessary use of terrible plot devices.

Theres clearly better stuff out there that isnt as mainstream or even mainstream at all, but Naruto and Bleach are better than the average, maybe even at the lower end of being considered quite good.

And also...Narutards dont really make Naruto worse...they just make you hate it more.


10:07 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 94

There are a few things that I dislike about Naruto and Bleach.

In both (more so in Naruto) you'll typically see both the hero and villain 'defeated' at least three times before they truly appear. Pretty much every time someone lands a lethal blow <replacement technique> whenever the hero is trapped in a corner with a hundred kunai headed his way <Shadow Clone Technique> whenever either side is on the ropes they will bring out their <Trump Card> which they should have used before instead of waiting till the last second when it makes no difference! And by the time someone actually wins, the impact has been so weaken you're like 'Oh, it's over already...? That only took ten chapters.'

Also, as for Bleach, no matter how amazing the 'side characters' become, it is like an unwritten rule that Ichigo has to be at least a thousand times more powerful than them. At least Naruto has things he's not good at and usually has to get support with jutsu and whatnot.

Also, when the mangaka is unwilling to kill off ANYONE it gets to the point where you have WAY too many characters, but none of them will ever be as developed or as powerful as the main character.

Post #113436
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10:38 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 2009

I say they go the way of death note and randomly kill off the main character in the middle of the series. That'd be way sick, unexpected and kickass. Of course they'd hafta make the following main character be somewhat cool but not overpowered. Also have you noticed how they talk too much? I wanna see a fight, not a pleasant conversation with the enemy (this happens a lot in Dragon Ball Z as well).

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