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Dug your (her) own Grave

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Black Witch

8:50 am, Oct 1 2012
Posts: 381

Well, please bear with me, I've tried to explain it as clearly and simple as possible.

Romance with some form of a Triangle Drama.
Main Character: Male
Love Intrests: Female

So I want to read a story where two (or more) females are "fighting" over the same male. I do not want the male character to be a "Classical Shounen", though I do not mind embarresment, I would prefer one honest to himself.

I want the either the main character to make up his mind of "who" he (truly) likes and "choose" her or he already knows "who he loves" but the other female(s) doesn't stop after being rejected.

At some point in the story I want the female who isn't chossen (is rejected) to put herself in a situration where she is in danger to get the Main Character to save/help her (It litteraly doesn't matter what type of situration or consequence), However (here's the main point) I want the Main Character to ignore her (fully aware of what will happen), let whatever will happen to her, happen.

I would love if its actually in the same scene where the Main Character simply watches her take this action with complete indifference to her, perhaps smiling mocklingly or even a "Goodbye" filled with a "Glad your gone" touch.

Or that the Main Character "gets rid" of the rejected one when she doesn't give up on him.
(how doesn't matter)

If the girl has a frail constitution she puts herself in a situration her body can't handle, and the main character ignores her situration/plight.

The girl running out on the road to get the main character to save her, but instead he just camly (indifferently) watch her get run over.

Intentionally Jumping/Falling off something to have the Main character save her, but he doesn't and watch her fall to her demise (or whatever).

I do not care which female is rejected/accepted, or what leads up to it, but it's vital that the Rejected one caused it to happen on her own (by her own actions), dug her own grave so to say.

Rejecting the Main Character at one time even though she feels for him, and then he finds someone else, and when she confesses to him later on he rejects her with something like "you're to late".

Theres plently of Shounens where the "childhood friend" has "always" liked the other, but only when someone else becomes intrested in the Main character does the childhood friend try to approach while thinking something like "I was here first" or that it is "Unfair that the other Female cut ahead" (or something like that) while never having made the move before.

its also very important that the other female doesn't hold anything against him due to his actions. (getting rid of or ignoring the other female)

I do not mind the Main Character "type" (innocent, sly, evil, kind or whichever).


If you want to succeed
Then you don't need Good Luck
You need the ability to overcome Bad Luck

Happines and Light needs a source to exist
Hatred fuels itself and Darkness exist where there is no Light

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Post #572036
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8:54 am, Oct 1 2012
Posts: 1179

Ability Shop - not what you are looking for, but your request made me think of it (here the guy dug his own grave)

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9:42 am, Oct 1 2012
Posts: 482

damn, i dont have it but that sound mighty interesting. yeah, if they want to off themselves, who cares?

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11:41 pm, Oct 1 2012
Posts: 764

Unless you search Josei, and short ones to boot, such as a(n?) one-shot, i don't think you are going to find something like that.

I'm a Christian, but even without that i wouldn't even let an enemy of mine suffer if i can help it (as long as i'm not the one causing it or if it's psychological pain, i'm complicated deal it with), much less a person i could call a friend or that i'm in neutral terms with.

As a human, giving the other cheek is my ultimate goal, so i can become what i want to be. Any day i will rather kill myself that know that i could save someone's life and i didn't (and i really feel this way, although i try not to show it)

Aside for the exaggeration in my own case, a lot of people would feel uncomfortable with such a main character, so unless it's a manga aimed at a very specific audience, i don't think it will ever come to be to begin with, let's not forget that manga gets axed if the people don't like it, and that a future serialization might depend on a mangaka last work.

Post #572191

12:20 pm, Oct 2 2012
Posts: 32

It is not a exact fit to your request but the closest one I can think of

Transient Future from Erotic Horror

They may be similar plots in other horror manga and to be honest I think this is the only case where I can read this sort of storyline without dropping the manga instantly.

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