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Chapter 34: The ending (spoilers)

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8:13 pm, Oct 8 2012
Posts: 5

Alright, so I'm not exactly sure what to say here. I'm so dumbfounded right now that it's hard to find the right words. The ending of Adachi Mitsuru's Q and A is so baffling that I can't really make any sense of it.

I wasn't even expecting a good ending. Adachi Mitsuru's stories are great, but he has this habit of not wrapping up his stories very well so I didn't really have high hopes for the ending. Even so I just don't get what that reset was, in terms of its significance and its place in the plot.

There is the possibility that the series was getting canceled and he had to rush the ending, but he could have done the same thing without the time slip and it would have been a better ending.

The reset had no meaning. By using the reset he just destroyed all the character development and plot setups that the series was building. It's not like he wrote himself into a corner, there was room to move so I just don't get it.

Someone, please, help me out here. Share your thoughts, what was the meaning of this ending for you? Anything, just share anything.......

Post #573092

3:38 pm, Oct 9 2012
Posts: 165

Honestly speaking, I read your post here first and then decided to re-read from the beginning again after I dropped the series 2 years ago.

Seriously... WTF just happened near the end. All those 34 chapters were of him dreaming all this and then those pages in the penultimate chapter.

Yeah, I just as confused as you are honestly. I guess it was too much to expect Adachi to wrap up his manga nicely. no


6:51 pm, Jan 31 2013
Posts: 23

I don't really understand the ending either. It would have fit the manga much better if it were only 1 volume (~6 chapters) rather than six.
On its own, it could be a really great twist ending (well, if I understood it...), but in this story it resets the vast majority of what happened before.

That said, the protagonist definitely wasn't dreaming. Q and A was always about hackneyed plot devices (think of the horror story author). The ghost of the dead brother is just such a device, and so is the time slip in the last chapter. A charitable interpretation could be that Adachi tried to make a good story from such devices, though it didn't really work. (If that idea appeals to you, definitely read Melo Holic.)

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