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Eva vs. Bokurano

eva or bokurano for mind f*ck
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Eat Pudding Pop!

1:47 pm, Dec 30 2012
Posts: 56

Ok out of both Eva and Bokurano which one do you think had the stronger?...mind F*ck so to speak and which one do you prefer? both of them have a similar but different setting i feel that eva has a stronger psychological presence then Bokurano but at the same time Bokurano feels more...human and is more relateable in my opion

Post #582586
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Come and Go

11:41 pm, Jan 1 2013
Posts: 398

Maybe Eva, especially when they go berserk.
Has alot of different version and variation.
And now being rebuild after renew and previously already death, rebirth, the end....

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10:06 am, Jan 2 2013
Posts: 131

Eva. Last few episodes were suicidal worthy.

Oh yeah, couple people did commit suicide after watching it. Never mind.

Last edited by Jun Tenkawa at 11:40 am, Jan 2 2013


12:53 pm, Jan 2 2013
Posts: 128

Bokurano by far. Eva had more "mindfuck", but it mostly just made less sense. Also, in Bokurano it was main characters that died, whereas in NGE they fought for some arbitrary reason that wasn't even their decisions.

NGE also had worse pacing than Bokurano, and overall felt "shallow" - in Bokurano all the characters had all kinds of things in their lives, which made their deaths much more meaningful and impactful, in Eva we were mostly just shown how they fought and to a limited extent, interacted. Side characters also had less of a presence in Evangelion.

All in all, Bokurano was less cliched, more realistic and felt more personal which for me made it have a much, much bigger impact on me than Eva. NGE wasn't bad, but Bokurano was brilliant. Personally I feel that most people prefer NGE simply because "everyone else likes/knows it" factor. Well, not like I can't see why Bokurano is less popular than Eva - it was made later, most characters die eventually, and it doesn't have people saving the world(well, they do save it, but it more feels like "protecting" it, which is a subtle but important difference). The battles are also less dynamic (which makes sense since the pilots are children)

Post #582865

12:53 am, Jan 4 2013
Posts: 317

I'd have to give this one outright to Evangelion since it relied a lot on existentialist themes. And yes, Anno constantly changing the story is a mindfuck in itself - or he could just be trolling (lol).

...But having more mindfuck doesn't necessarily mean it's the better series. Bokurano is, hands down, much more superior to Eva. As asmageddon mentioned, the characters are much more relatable, and the simplicity in its execution left a deeper impression on me. Now that I think about it, perhaps that is Bokurano's own "mindfuck"; it isn't as blatant as Eva's, but it definitely makes you reexamine yourself, particularly with how you live.

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