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Scanlation Quality

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Post #4103

5:59 pm, Jan 9 2007
Posts: 17

Is it possible to put in an option to rate the scanlation quality of a group for each manga series? Something like the rating system for group quality in anidb so it's easy to tell what quality the scans are without actually downloading them.

Post #4105
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6:06 pm, Jan 9 2007
Posts: 2659

I've considered doing this in the past--but from talking with other people, it seems most likely that it would be abused. We don't want to be responsible for discouraging groups after they put a lot of hard work into one of their releases. I think it's more important that we focus on the series & the authors and their quality, rather then the individual groups. I thank you for the suggestion, but I do not have any plans for implementing something like this at this time.

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