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Looking for a specific manga about ghosts...?

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Proud otaku

10:44 am, Jul 31 2013
Posts: 1

I've been looking for a particular manga for a long time, and I'd love it if someone could help me!

All I can remember is that it was about a girl who is a ghost hunter, and she wants a boyfriend who is a ghost. Then she meets some boy who can see guy, and drags him (unwillingly) to find a ghost boyfriend. There's one part where she finally meets a ghost guy and wants to make him her boyfriend, only to find out he's trying to kill her and make her a ghost too.
Some other stuff happens, but ultimately, she falls in love with the human boy.

I don't remember it being a particularly long manga, but I don't think it was a one-shot either.


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12:10 pm, Jul 31 2013
Posts: 89

It sounds sort of like the side story in S x M.

Post #609705
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3:40 am, Aug 4 2013
Posts: 101

Well, I've read it too. It's not a one-shot. It's a recent one. And I can't seem to remember its name either.
So frustrating cry

Last edited by ElanorR at 5:02 am, Aug 4 2013

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6:31 pm, Nov 17 2015
Posts: 51

bumps thread*

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