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Manga recommendation ???

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9:50 am, Dec 25 2013
Posts: 9

hey people. i would like to read some more manga.
would you like to give me some recommendation ? confused

I prefer shounen/seinen manga with good plot and art, has a good character and non idiot main-protagonist, and new released (maybe only up to right n 100 chapter)

I prefer action genre. maybe fighting/adventure with a lot of murder and blood eyes
but, other genre (except Yaoi no no no ) is okay as long as it's a good manga

this is the list of manga i'm reading and finished : ad omplete

and this is some manga list that i planned to read. any recommendation which manga i should read first? ish

well, please help me
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

[My teacher said "Reading a book is better than wacthing TV". Refering to that statement, reading "Manga" in better than watching anime ]

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6:41 pm, Dec 25 2013
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