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What chapters from the manga does this cover...?

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12:40 am, Feb 2 2014
Posts: 42

What chapters from the manga does it cover volumes 2 and 3 from the light novel, since I can't find either volume online confused

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An F to judge M!

1:46 am, Feb 2 2014
Posts: 386

Volume 2 of the light novel is covered in chapters 23-30 of the manga.

Volume 3 of the light novel is covered in chapters 46-58 (last chapter + epilogue) of the manga.

In my opinion, the anime covers Volume 2 better than the manga, and Volume 3 is covered better in the manga, if only because it goes into the true reason why Mythirl deployed Sagara to "protect" Chidori. The first season of the anime kinda glosses over it, so it's kinda confusing when you watch "The Second Raid", where they assume you have this knowledge.

Last edited by Badkarma at 11:56 pm, Feb 2 2014

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