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sports bettings based story

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5:39 am, Mar 4 2014
Posts: 96

Hii my dear friends

Thanks a lot all in advance.

I am looking for a manga with backdrop of sports betting.The sports can be of anything basketball or cricket or volleyball or boxing or any other,but the plot must revolve around betting politics and all.
Please suggest me if you find any manga or anime or book or film.

Looking forward for your valuable suggestions.
Thank you so much.

Post #634746

5:53 am, Mar 4 2014
Posts: 226

mabye Last Inning, the main focus isn't sports betting but the protagonist used to focus on making bets on baseball games, there is an arc about it and it was pretty good.

Also mabye check out One Outs, the Main character constantly gambles at baseball and ends up with enough money to purchase a pro team

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