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transgender bromance

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Post #650055

2:08 am, Aug 17 2014
Posts: 32

Looking for manga/manhwa where the protagonist (a guy) becomes friends with a girl who either pretends or is a serious transgender.

I'm currently reading Yuureitou, where the girl is serious about it. However now I'm looking for something less 'murdery' and dark, and more for something 'shouneny', preferably something along the typical: a bunch of kids have supernatural powers and fight bad guys.

I want minimum ecchi and harem, preferably none at all. And no gag-manga or survival/assassins manga(I don't like it when the goal of the story is having kids killing each other). And no drama-only manga, I need some fantasy or supernatural or anything out of the ordinary.

Thank you for your time smile

Favorite Manga | Yotsubato! | Hinamatsuri | Barakamon | Hayachine! | Itsuya-san

9:34 pm, Aug 18 2014
Posts: 3

All I can think of is UQ Holder? Kinda? Plenty shouneny.

(also I think something like 'cross-dressing' and/or 'genderqueer' maybe make more sense as descriptions for what I think you mean by 'pretend transgender')


10:06 pm, Aug 18 2014
Posts: 100

In Hourou Musuko the protagonist is a boy who wants to be a girl who makes friends with a girl who wants to be a boy- and their character growth. It doesn't have any real conflict in the story and is a little TOO laid back, bordering on boring... But its the only thing I can think of that kinda fits.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
The female lead drifts away from crossdressing and wanting to be a boy
so the story probably might not work for you.

Post #650201

3:36 am, Aug 19 2014
Posts: 32

UQ Holder looks cool, thanks!

Houtou Musuko doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. I don't want the guy to be transgender, only the girl. Also there doesn't seem to be any supernatural or fantasy elements in it, which probably makes it too focused on the transgender issue. Thanks though smile

Favorite Manga | Yotsubato! | Hinamatsuri | Barakamon | Hayachine! | Itsuya-san

3:11 pm, Aug 20 2014
Posts: 4

You only want a ftm character? I don't think such a manga exists honestly, or has been scanlated at least. I know a few trans guy characters but I can name them on my fingers and none fit.

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3:19 pm, Aug 24 2014
Posts: 7

Sorry that I don't have any recs for you (actually the first that popped into my mind was Yuureitou, but is that really a bromance haha) but I'd like to just say that when a
girl is serious about it
(it being transgender), like the main protagonist of Yuureitou, he'd be called a man/boy.

anyways good luck in finding one! I wanna find more transgender bromance too lol

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