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Romance manga with emotionally frail/weak guy?

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9:11 am, Aug 8 2016
Posts: 9

So as the title says, I'm looking for a romance manga with an emotionally weak guy. One who cries, gets insecure, and mostly a girl in a guy's body if you know what I mean. Oh, if possible, I want him to blush a lot too. It would be even better if the girl protagonist was manly.

No, I'm not looking for a manga where he LOOKS girly but is actually strong and a jerkwad. I really hate those.

I have read: Phermomania Syndrome, Ikemen, Mizutama Honey Boy, and a few more that I forgot their titles. Whoooops

I can accept smut or hentai on some levels but I am not looking for a yaoi or shounen ai manga. Preferably I just want this male mc to act like a stereotypical gay uke but actually be straight. Shoujo/romance tags preferably.

Sorry if this sounds reeeeally picky but I'm tired of the dominant, jerk male leads that never change. I just want a soft, sweet, submissive, and girly male lead.

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9:43 am, Aug 8 2016
Posts: 248

The Sensual M, he doesn't act girly but he takes a submissive role in their S-M relationship, cries and gets insecure more than the girl, the girl is pretty cool too... no need to be put off by the BDSM tag it's a light and cute series
Chotto Edo Made, here the guy both looks and acts like a girl
Oh, also Present wa Shinju and Kawaii Hito (Saitou Ken)

Last edited by bossmama at 9:51 am, Aug 8 2016

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