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Calling all Quality Checkers! [Meep-Scans]

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Post #170123
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12:58 am, Jun 15 2008
Posts: 22

WE NEED HELP! Meep-Scans has chapters from every series waiting for someone to come along and check them for the quality. Needless to say, this is slowing down our releases DRASTICALLY. If you have photoshop skills, great grammar/spelling and are OCD/anal retentive about things being perfect, then WE WANT YOU!!

Basically, the QCers look at all the aspects of the chapter: Editing (check for leveling/cropping/redraws/dirt), Typesetting (consistent throughout chap on bold/italicize etc and keeping all bubbles centered), Proofing (ensure consistency in names, does the English make sense while sticking as close to the translation as possible). You would download the photoshop files (psds) from our ftp, check for all of the above, make necessary changes, then upload the png files back to the ftp.

If interested please e-mail me at or visit our IRC chan (#meep@irc.irchighway) and talk to an op.

Last edited by yuuz at 1:14 am, Jun 15 2008

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