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12:47 pm, Sep 18 2008
Posts: 2

1st off this will be my first post as a MangaUpdates user biggrin 2nd what I'm actually here for. A couple months back or maybe weeks (REALLY BAD MEMORY *cry*) I was reading a Soccer manga about a A guy that is out shined by his brother in a sport they both love, Football. The brother is playing Under 18's (guessing) Soccer (or something like that) and is the ace of the team whilst the main character is stuck as the coach of the school soccer team which his brother is also the ace of. The main character at the beginning seems to aspire to always be besides his brother and become his personal manager. Later it turns out that the main character himself is amazing at football. The reason he stopped playing is because of an accident he caused when he was younger using his left leg, which he refuses to use. The last thing I can think of about reading this manga is the fact the brother make up after falling out and the main character gets on the back of the others bike and they ride to school together. They are then hit my a truck and the main character is impaled by a pole. Sooooo if anyone has ANY idea what this manga is called please tell me I wanna get back to reading it again and sorry for HUGE post bigrazz smile dead

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Local Prig

12:48 pm, Sep 18 2008
Posts: 1899

Area no Kishi, I think. He's the manager, not the coach though.

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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...

12:59 pm, Sep 18 2008
Posts: 2

Nice one Cren spot on biggrin thanks for that you have no idea how long this has been irritating me forages. I was waiting for a while on mangafox for the update to come out then ofcourse i stopped... forgot the name and generally forgot about it for a while so by the time i remembered it I was like "ARGH WHAT'S IT CALLED!!!". again thank you Cren

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6:46 pm, Sep 18 2008
Posts: 2964

Yay, problem solved. :3

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