This week's poll was suggested by lollylopmr. How comfortable do you feel in the kitchen with cooking/baking?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: What hair color would you prefer for a protagonist?
- Red - votes: 124 (5.4%)
- Orange - votes: 27 (1.2%)
- Yellow/blonde - votes: 50 (2.2%)
- Green - votes: 35 (1.5%)
- Blue - votes: 70 (3%)
- Purple/violet - votes: 91 (3.9%)
- Pink - votes: 62 (2.7%)
- Brown - votes: 99 (4.3%)
- Black - votes: 430 (18.6%)
- Grey - votes: 42 (1.8%)
- White - votes: 234 (10.1%)
- Don't care - votes: 1051 (45.4%)
There were 2315 total votes. The poll ended: December 7, 2024
Looks like more people prefer the standard black than anything else. And white ended up being the 2nd top color
This week's poll was also suggested by pachique. It's like last week's but now it's hair color instead of eye color.
You can submit poll ideas here
Question: What eye color would you prefer for a protagonist?
- Red - votes: 257 (10.1%)
- Orange - votes: 23 (0.9%)
- Yellow - votes: 63 (2.5%)
- Green - votes: 159 (6.3%)
- Blue - votes: 222 (8.7%)
- Purple/violet - votes: 290 (11.4%)
- Brown - votes: 101 (4%)
- Black - votes: 115 (4.5%)
- Grey - votes: 55 (2.2%)
- White - votes: 33 (1.3%)
- Don't care - votes: 1220 (48.1%)
There were 2538 total votes. The poll ended: November 30, 2024 (8 minutes ago)
Now I wonder if purple/violet hair will win this week's poll
An official dark mode is now available! On mobile, you access the option via the hamburger menu button. On desktop, it's at the bottom of the left sidebar. Don't be scared too much by the banner.
The modernization of our code last month finally enabled us to do some changes we've been wanting to do. We eventually want to reskin the entire site, but that's low in priority right now. We will try and allow an option to keep the current look and feel of the site.
This week's poll was suggested by our member pachique. What eye color do you like or think is cool on a protagonist?
You can submit poll ideas here
Question: Opinion on artists using AI?
- Art completely generated by AI is fine (100%) - votes: 285 (10.1%)
- As long as touched up by a human, it's fine (75%) - votes: 215 (7.6%)
- 50% AI and 50% human touch? (50%) - votes: 186 (6.6%)
- Acceptable if used as inspiration or reference (25%) - votes: 1241 (44%)
- Any AI art is unacceptable (0%) - votes: 893 (31.7%)
There were 2820 total votes. The poll ended: November 23rd, 2024 11:06am PST
Looks like AI art is generally frowned upon
This week's poll was suggested by Afiaki. How do you feel about AI generated art? Obviously there's a lot of potential nuance, but gotta boil it down to a short, easy poll.
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: Which UI theme do you generally prefer?
- Light mode - votes: 516 (18.4%)
- Dark mode - votes: 2287 (81.6%)
There were 2803 total votes. The poll ended: November 16th, 2024 8:38am PST
Well, good thing we're thinking about creating a dark mode
This poll was suggested by our member Afiaki. This question is very relevant because the site update we did 3 weeks ago modernizes our code and allows us to think about redoing the skin of the site and supporting an official dark mode.
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: What timezone are you in?
- UTC-12 - votes: 9 (0.4%)
- UTC-11 - votes: 3 (0.1%)
- UTC-10 - votes: 7 (0.3%)
- UTC-9 - votes: 5 (0.2%)
- UTC-8 - votes: 137 (5.4%)
- UTC-7 - votes: 72 (2.9%)
- UTC-6 - votes: 130 (5.1%)
- UTC-5 - votes: 226 (9%)
- UTC-4 - votes: 71 (2.8%)
- UTC-3 - votes: 161 (6.4%)
- UTC-2 - votes: 4 (0.2%)
- UTC-1 - votes: 9 (0.4%)
- UTC+0 - votes: 111 (4.4%)
- UTC+1 - votes: 547 (21.7%)
- UTC+2 - votes: 155 (6.1%)
- UTC+3 - votes: 116 (4.6%)
- UTC+4 - votes: 25 (1%)
- UTC+5 - votes: 79 (3.1%)
- UTC+6 - votes: 14 (0.6%)
- UTC+7 - votes: 127 (5%)
- UTC+8 - votes: 131 (5.2%)
- UTC+9 - votes: 21 (0.8%)
- UTC+10 - votes: 33 (1.3%)
- UTC+11 - votes: 8 (0.3%)
- UTC+12 - votes: 8 (0.3%)
- UTC+13 - votes: 18 (0.7%)
- UTC+14 - votes: 4 (0.2%)
- Other - votes: 54 (2.1%)
- I don't know - votes: 240 (9.5%)
There were 2525 total votes. The poll ended: November 9th, 2024 8:41am PST
I was surprised by how much discussion (anger?) there was in the comments about UTC vs. GMT and how I should've phrased the poll better
This week's poll was suggested by Afiaki. What time zone are you normally in? I just listed the most common offsets that are on the hour. If you're at a x:30 or x:45 offset, then you're in the "Other" category. If you can't be bothered to figure out what time zone you're in, we even got the "I don't know" option for you. If you're currently in daylight savings... too bad, figure it out.
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How do you protect your phone?
- Both a case and a screen protector - votes: 1328 (55.7%)
- Only a case - votes: 629 (26.4%)
- Only a screen protector - votes: 84 (3.5%)
- Neither - votes: 244 (10.2%)
- I don't have a phone - votes: 99 (4.2%)
There were 2384 total votes. The poll ended: November 2nd, 2024 12:36pm PDT
Most phones are expensive, so gotta protect your property!
This week's poll, suggested by 8-3, is about physically protecting your phone. How is your phone protected from damage?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: On the scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what would you rate the "average" manga?
- 1 - votes: 39 (1.6%)
- 2 - votes: 18 (0.7%)
- 3 - votes: 76 (3.2%)
- 4 - votes: 155 (6.5%)
- 5 - votes: 624 (26%)
- 6 - votes: 701 (29.2%)
- 7 - votes: 510 (21.2%)
- 8 - votes: 100 (4.2%)
- 9 - votes: 42 (1.7%)
- 10 - votes: 137 (5.7%)
There were 2402 total votes. The poll ended: October 26th, 2024 9:18am PDT
The people who voted for 1 or 10 are crazy
This week's poll was suggested by our user LazyReviewer. What would you rate the "average" series?
You can submit poll ideas here
Previous Poll Results:
Question: How many series have you started but stopped reading without finishing?
- <10 - votes: 281 (14%)
- 10-50 - votes: 643 (32.1%)
- 51-100 - votes: 406 (20.3%)
- 101-500 - votes: 443 (22.1%)
- 501-1k - votes: 108 (5.4%)
- 1k+ - votes: 121 (6%)
There were 2002 total votes. The poll ended: October 19th, 2024 10:37am PDT
Maybe I should've added a 10k option just to see
Hey all!
We have just deployed a site update we've been working on for a while. It will provide a strong foundation for us to add new features going forward.
If you find any issues, please report them in our bug topic here.
Have a great day! 😀