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Average: 8.4 / 10.0 (1496 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.36 / 10.0

Last Updated
May 19th 2024, 5:29pm



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Bessatsu Margaret (Shueisha)

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Viz (10 Volumes - Completed)

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finally i read it...  
by athinyuni89
July 27th, 2011, 2:16am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
finally i read it. i am really glad though i pick this one to kill my time. this story is so good, art + storyline is superb. i love how the story goes, emotion that has been put in this manga, i totally can feel it.absolutely recommend for those who do not pick this one yet.
the female lead i really do love Ninako, she is unexpectedly different from what i have always imagined for shoujo female lead. she is very caring and considerate with others feeling.
i love this!!!!
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by monkry
July 19th, 2011, 1:11am
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
Actually I thought that this will going pathetic like parfait tic, but too bad not bigrazz
I like this one because
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Ninako's eyes that never see another but Ren eventhough the temptation is so~ tempting :p
And I love its slow plot

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others pretty cliche
like when Ren said to Ninako "you're weirdo" Graooo too much shoujo manga has used it

but because I don't like general shoujo manga long series this series must be very good
As far, I agree with the user rating 8.8
btw, 10 for artwork!

... Last updated on July 19th, 2011, 1:22am
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One of those rare rated-10 shoujos you come across once in a blue moon  
by awavingflag
July 7th, 2011, 4:39pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I think that a successful shoujo has the following criteria: enjoyable, efficient, and well-crafted plot that doesn’t get bogged down by unnecessary details and subplots, some form of character development, artwork that compliments the story, a cast of multi-dimensional characters who are more than a backdrop, and dialogue that rings true. (Are these high expectations for a mere manga? Maybe, but I think manga can have just as much impact as literature or films.)
Strobe Edge deserves high marks on all counts, and a 10 rating (only reserved for manga I read and enjoyed so much that I would buy it.) I left the manga feeling light, cheerful, a little emotionally-drained, very emotionally-satisfied, and just a little bit more hopeful about pure unconditional love. Here are my overall impressions (Warning, I may get carried away with analyzing the characters, but it shows that I really enjoyed Strobe Edge!):
1. Artwork: One of the better ones I’ve seen. It stays extremely consistent throughout and it’s easy to tell each character apart. You can see the full range of emotions from their expressions—regret, confusion, exuberance, celebratory, etc—which only adds to the appeal. (Not to mention the male leads are quite good-looking for fictional characters. And dangit, this is why I don’t have a bf in real life, because my expectations are being raised by fiction!)
2. Characters: Very realistically-portrayed. Ninako is childish and naïve, cheerful in a healthy way and generally positive. She didn’t really have a first love until she saw how nice Ren was and along her journey to just be around him so she can enjoy his company, she becomes more perceptive of her own and others' feelings. This isn’t the kind of character growth that smacks you in the face—ie, character makes a heel-face turn, character becomes uber-powered-up—but that’s why it’s perfect. It’s subtle. Subtlety is difficult to achieve. She’s not a character you can easily sum up in a sentence, though you can try. But your sentence won’t give you a grasp of her character until you see for yourself.
Ren, as the male love interest, surprised me because he also came across as a kind of real character. Usually in reading manga I automatically slap on a label and be done with it. Ren is likeable, he’s the “popular” guy of the high school, though he hardly knows why and doesn’t bother with it. He’s calm and looks like one of those “serious, silent, and strong” types, and he kind of is—but I didn’t feel like any of these traits were forced onto me. He’s actually a hardworking, smart, nice guy, which I came to realize along with Ninako. With him, actions speak louder than words, and it’s this honest approach to everything that Ninako loves about him.
But flaws in characters are what make them three-dimensional. Ren seemed too perfect with his ‘caring nonchalance’ and good looks so at first I appreciated Ren, but I wasn’t smitten with him. I was waiting to see if he got angry, is he neglectful, is he scared of something, does he ever get embarrassed? Ren’s ‘caring nonchalance’ (oxymoron, yes, but I think it’s apt!) was cute, but it didn’t make him charming. He really seemed like an unapproachable guy whose coolness prevented him from having any negative traits. Eventually, I saw a different side to Ren: the side of him that laughed out loud, blush with embarrassment, blurt out things without thinking, and for heaven’s sake, SMILE. And he showed this range of emotion whenever he was with Ninako.
The problem with Ren was that he was too restrained with his feelings; even though he was starting to like Ninako, he tried to smother it (perhaps without even KNOWING it). The honest Ren was dishonest about his own feelings; even if he had good intentions
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(to continue loving his girlfriend, to whom he had promised he would always like),
being honest about your feelings is a part of a healthy, lasting relationship.
So you have both the female and male lead overcoming their own struggles: Ninako keeping her love strong
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despite it being unrequited,
and Ren learning to be honest with his feelings and
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pursue the girl he truly liked.
And while they have their individual struggles, it’s interesting that they both gain a greater awareness about some aspect of love.
Usually I hate love triangles, squares, polygons, whatever—I do NOT believe you must have any of these shapes in order to make a plot ‘interesting’; on the contrary, it gets annoying and dragged out and overly dramatic. Strobe Edge pulls off a successful love triangle in that the feelings of
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Ren, Andou, and Ninako
were so genuine that I became emotionally-invested in their trials and tribulations. Watching Andou struggle for
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affections was charming, painful, wistful—I wanted him to get the girl because he truly liked her for who she was. At first he’s this kind of guy who
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has no scruples with playing around with multiple girls but he eventually proves the strength of his love for Ninako.
He earnestly battled Ren knowing he would most likely lose, but he still held on to that sliver of a chance that maybe, just maybe, he could win. This was one of the more realistic, painful, and inspiring portrayals of unrequited love.
And Ren
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earnestly competed against Andou for Ninako’s affections
because he took Andou seriously and he wasn’t arrogant enough to be like, “I just need to open my arms and Ninako will come running towards me.” It’s clear that Ren respects Andou. (Their interesting friendship is another highlight of Strobe Edge.)
A final mention about the supporting cast before moving on: most of them got enough ‘screen-time’ that I enjoyed their presence and didn’t find them unnecessary or extraneous. They all had a part to play, even illuminating a truth about Ren and Ninako’s relationship (that without communication a relationship can fail, as it happened with
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Sayuri and Yutaro).
I thought it was pretty clever of the mangaka to introduce the
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detail because it leant a sense of urgency for Ren and Ninako’s budding relationship…if they didn’t act on and communicate their feelings for each other soon, it won’t happen.
3. Plot/Dialogue: Surprisingly unpredictable, and even when I did predict it, I didn’t mind because I enjoyed it anyways. You’ve got your usual stuff that happens in shoujo high school-setting mangas—sports festivals, cultural festivals, classes, summer vacation, etc, but everything was still fresh and it never got boring. Well-paced, too. The dialogue was clear and I thought the conversations really sounded like the ones of high schoolers. No jumping around or wacky transitions. And thank goodness there isn’t too much overblown, dragged out, nonsense drama-for-the-sake-of-drama drama! This manga is primarily character-driven. Strobe Edge took cliché elements (first love, high school drama, love triangle, unrequited love) and turned them into a wonderful experience.
It’s rare for a manga to make me feel the emotional ups and downs of the characters as Strobe Edge did. I lost hours of sleep completing it because it was amazing and well-written and a whole list of positive synonyms. It made me laugh, my throat hurt from sadness, and smile wide enough for my cheeks to smart at five in the morning. I disagree with anyone who says that this is 'childish'; that sounds too negative. Strobe Edge depicts a high school love that is as real and pleasant as it gets (for high school, at least). For a manga in a genre that I think is usually full of flat characters and superficial plots, Strobe Edge is one of the best.

... Last updated on July 7th, 2011, 4:54pm
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A sweet story  
by cherrykookie
June 30th, 2011, 11:19pm
Rating: 9.5  / 10.0
YES the girl is average and no bombshell beauty. But contrary to what another user said, she did not get all the cute guys. Unless everyone means two. She is an ordinary average girl (which makes her cute and very likable), which is why everyone was surprised that
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Ren liked her
, and many other guys didn't consider her. The only other guy who liked her was
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Andou. Daiki did like her in the beginning but he is ALSO an average guy, and got Sayu afterwards...
*sorry i just had to clarify that. Onto my review...

This is one of the better manga choices of this genre. Normally, i prefer josei mangas, and the summary of this manga wasn't particularly appealing, but i gave it a shot because of the artwork and the raving reviews. The characters all are generally likable, even the side characters. Its also more on the realistic side, very slice of life-y. Its slow paced yet short and sweet. At first i was surprised at how fast the end was coming, because i wanted it to be longer. I was expecting it to be one of those shoujo's where the girl and guy get together earlier and then go through hardships, etc, as we watch them get closer. This one is more about one sided love, so the story and emotions build up without the two main characters already being in a relationship. Although i wanted more, i was very satisfied in the end, and glad that the author chose not to drag it out with shoujo cliche's. The extra chapters were also exactly what i needed. The author knows what the readers want throughout the series and gives them that closure.

The two main characters were very strongly developed and likable. Ninako is naive, innocent, cute, and tries her best which is admirable. Yea, she cries, but it didn't annoy me, because you can see that she's TRYING unlike other useless crybaby heroines. She didn't have some fairytale romance on a plate. She knew it would be painful yet in the end, didn't give up. Ren is seemingly mature and serious, yet naive and very cute on the inside.The art was clean, and the emotions were well depicted. This is a manga that will make your heart throb ... a pure, sweet tale of a girl's first painful love, and a guy's new found blossomed love-- proof that people do grow apart, and go separate ways despite loving each other, and that you can find a new love stronger than the previous.

I would reread this. And you know a book is good when you'd reread it again.

... Last updated on July 18th, 2011, 12:25am
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Too childish  
by keidiarji
June 30th, 2011, 11:03am
Rating: 2.0  / 10.0
After reading lots of praises for this manga i decided to read it.

First of all, when everyone thinks that the main heroine is cute, i find her extremely dense to the point that it gets REALLY annoying. She cries a lot for just petty reasons and she has this signature annoying duckface.. It's the typical 'normal' girl falls in love and gets all the cute guys story. The other characters are tolerable except for her.

I think the only good thing about this manga is that the art is nice (the main guy IS undeniably cute.). That's why I'll give it a 2. I don't normally give reviews but the manga made my blood boil so much that i just cant help but write one. I would've liked it a bit if Ninako got Andou. Quoting someone in the forums:

Quote from brid
"Basically, all Ren has to do in this story is open his arms and Ninako will fall into his lap. (And it's not just Ninako, but pretty much any girl he runs across.) It's hard to root for a guy who has it so easy. "

I think this manga will only appeal mostly to high schoolers who are still very new to the whole love concept. It's really just too childish, predictable and cliche for me.

... Last updated on July 1st, 2011, 10:27am
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super aweesssommmee.  
by op21
June 18th, 2011, 6:06am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
i just read it for the second time now, and i still loveed it. it's so disappointing that there's no more. it would a dream come true if there was a season two. sigh. and it was my favorite shoujo manga too D: it was way too awesome. the characters were super AWESOME, especially ren and takumi. i really liked ninako. i agree with all the comments. i have no complaints at all.
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by greenish
June 12th, 2011, 2:45am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This manga was so good, it wasn't over in three volumes where they both fall in love extremely fast and all is lovey-dovey. If you haven't read it I suggest you do because this is one of a few quality shoujo manga out there.
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by willnira
June 1st, 2011, 7:53am
Rating: N/A
my heart is going doki-doki while reading it O_O!
it's really good~
the guy is nice and...she's like...dense in a cute way. biggrinDD!
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A must read manga!  
by chel111592
May 29th, 2011, 11:21am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I have read a lot of mangas especially shoujo and this one really captured me. I don't usually leaves a comment but i consider strobe edge a special one and it is one of the best shoujo manga i have read. I like how the story flows, how they've become close and also i like the characters so much like Ninako (she's so adorable and innocent, i like her character) Takumi (who is a playboy but good at heart) and last but not the least 'Ren' (he gives off a cool aura but surprisingly cute). smile
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*takes deep breath*  
by shahadsahar
May 21st, 2011, 7:00pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
ok this is coming from a 19 year old girl, who absolutely hates shoujo mangas. However, just read 10 volumes straight through. And oddly enough, I rate it 10/10!

I think most people can agree with me that 90% of shoujo mangas are as follows:
1. no character development
2. a doormat as the heroine (y'know => cry baby, selfish, and stupid.. no not naive, JUST PLAIN STUPID)
3. an all-knowing/all-doing knight in shining armor as her love interest
4. one bitchy girl who hates the heroine and tries all she can to make her life miserable
5. a bunch of other characters who are just for display
6. and finally an insanely predictable plot, to the point of stupidity.

However, that's definitely not the case with this manga. IT IS ANYTHING BUT PREDICTABLE TRUST ME.

I put off reading this a few times because, (well first because it's shoujo) and also because the description to me sounded really unappealing but after reading many gleaming comments I gave it a go, and boy am I glad I did!

The only thing you will not find in this manga is pure evil characters, which I enjoy because I don't believe anyone is "pure evil". Even though some might disagree and say no some characters are bad such as Mao. NO, even though they might seem like they are doing bad things, they still had good intention behind them (in their point of view).

Strobe Edge is full of compelling characters that you really fall in love with and revisit again and again, it doesn't just end with they got together and lived happily ever after, they feel like real relationships with all the romance, lost loves, breakups and reconciliations.One of the things I loved is that the mangaka almost didn't let any story without continuation. It was all tied up beautifully. It has a very well thought out interlinked plot that keeps you reading like an addicted (and trust me, it wont take you long before you get hooked!).

Last but certainly not least is the art, which is honestly the first thing I look for in a manga, followed but plot and characters. In this case I don't think I need to say much because the cover says it all. YES the heroine might look like a child sometimes, but it's cute at least. and also I noticed that in some mangas when the mangaka tries to make the characters look beautiful they end up all looking exactly the same except for the hair style. But you don't have to worry about that in this manga. Every character have their own features that distinguish them from others. AND they still manage to look simply ADORABLE! (Ren, Daiki, Ando, Ga-chan, Yū, AND ALL THE GIRLS) absolutely love them all.

WARNING: Ren is so CUTE! you'll almost feel like a pervert!!

Seriously. Read it. Enjoy it. Love it. Reread it. Adore it.

(because if you're not impressed with this, I honestly don't know what would impress you!)

... Last updated on July 9th, 2011, 6:42pm
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