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Aiko should be dead, but when she awakes in a secret hospital, she has no recollection of what happened that night. Until a monster showed up and her memories flood back. Her arm changed into a powerful weapon similar to the monster, a chimera arm.

The secret organization Atheos asked her to help them fight off the chimeras. An accident happened that led Aiko to understand how much she wants to live, and decided to join Atheos, in order to find her place.


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Variante - Requiem for the World

Groups Scanlating
Snow Kiss Scanlations
Plum City

Latest Release(s)
v.4 c.19 (end) by Deathy80 over 14 years ago
v.4 c.18 by Deathy80 over 14 years ago
v.4 c.16-17 by Deathy80 over 14 years ago
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4 Volumes (Complete)

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Average: 7.6 / 10.0 (422 votes)
Bayesian Average: 7.51 / 10.0

Last Updated
April 2nd 2020, 10:40am



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Original Publisher
Fujimi Shobo (2011)
Kadokawa (2004)

Serialized In (magazine)
Dragon Age (Fujimi Shobo)

Licensed (in English)

English Publisher
CMX (Defunct / 4 Vols - Complete)

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Quite good  
by TheRWS96
November 7th, 2016, 11:46am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
It is a good story although I do feel like it has for better or for worse taken a lot of elements from other story’s. it is certainly not bad but it is not a masterwork.

Still if you have some time on your hands than it is a good manga to read.
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need more development  
by whitespade
September 17th, 2013, 6:25am
Rating: 8.4  / 10.0
as it is, it is actually pretty good, but i would love more character development on the main male part, i just thought his feelings for aiko is a bit too abrupt. i understand his backstory, but i just wish for something more. and there are alot of characters here, but with limited chapters, not much can be known about them, some of them i just know the name but not personality.

the art is very good, i love how the chimera is drawn. but its not too sickly, so people easily scared can read this.

the ending is too ambiguous to me. i guess people need to get what they want.

... Last updated on September 17th, 2013, 6:25am
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whining?? where'd that come from??  
by blackstone
June 30th, 2011, 4:00am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
this may not have been the best manga that i've ever read but so what. the art was really good and the plot wasn't too bad either (even if it did have some cliches and was pretty predictable).
i'm glad it was short because otherwise it would've been WAY too repetitive and it would just get stupid.
and what is up with some people saying that they were sick of her whiningconfused She barely whined considering what she'd just been through. I mean seriously!
i thought the ending was really good. it may not have been fair, but it was more... ummm...realistic? (i guess).
definitely worth the read.
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by TsubamexGaeshi
June 2nd, 2011, 11:03pm
Rating: N/A
I have to say that this manga wasn't bad. Sure, it was predictable and the ending did not do the main character the most justice, but to call the MC whiny-- now that is just plain stupid. She doesn't even whine; she's just unstable. There is a difference. And she has the right to be unstable because of all the things that happened to her. Honestly, if all of that happened to you, and you weren't the least bit unstable-- then man, something is definitely wrong with you.
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by Banarok
January 24th, 2011, 6:44pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
i thought it was really great, it's merciless and the fact I vividly remember a lot of it almost 2 years later speak a bit for it.
sadly it was also fairly predictable, it reminds me a lot about parasyte the art style is detailed and really fits this rather gory manga.
it was very good but i'm sure it could have been better i just can't say how since its not really one big problem as much as everything could have been a little better, the main problem would probably be that it got stuck in the start block for to long and then flew away at a rocket-like pace.

Yes, the protagonist is whiny and lethargic but i understand her i mean its kind of hard to adapt to the new environment just like that, i mean she've lived a normal life and then suddenly a whole new environment crashes down on her with the same respect a trailer have to a frog on the freeway.

... Last updated on October 5th, 2011, 3:21pm
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good plot, but has cliches and...  
by zombiefetishlove
July 21st, 2010, 4:17pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
okay, so the overused 'evil corporation' was clearly evident here, but i didnt pay that much attention to it.
of course, i felt that this was really realistic. I mean, she's a teenager, she's going to whine and cry because
Spoiler (highlight to view)
everybody she's ever loved is dead, and she witnessed their deaths.

thats gotta be hard.
actually, i think it was that good because it was short. 5 volumes, and they did not cram it full of new plots or characters, but it was short and sweet, the art and the little bit of romance is a plus too.
the only thing that irks me is-what happened to the rest of the chimeras? the book doesnt say.
the only complaint i have is that it needed some more characterization. you have the crazy overlord of the crazy operation, but he just suddenly comes out as being batshit insane and hes a really minor character.oh, and also the author introduced some things really abrubtly. i was like, whoa! that came out of nowhere and its so unconnected to the plot!
but oh well. i suggest you read this. its gritty and dark, and just the right length.

... Last updated on July 21st, 2010, 4:19pm
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by Aikanaro
June 19th, 2010, 4:40am
Rating: 4.0  / 10.0
It's basically Elfen Lied + Kiseijuu only not very good. I'm a sucker for this sort of story but by the end I just didn't care. The characters are so incredibly dull - I don't care about her whining - she doesn't do a single thing to make me want to care about what she's going through. Cliche after cliche is regurgitated without anything to liven it up.

It's not that bad, really - it's just so mind-numbingly average that I feel it was terrible.

... Last updated on June 19th, 2010, 4:42am
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by Makro
April 4th, 2010, 5:18pm
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
If I knew from the start how it ends, I'd never read it. I cried like stupid. Seriously, how can you give such an end for her, who suffered this much? Ugh, I need to stop reading mangas, srsly.
Overall it was a good manga - great art, plot maybe not that original, but easy to read. Okay, she whinned a lot, but hey, NGE's Shinji anyone? He's, like, the biggest emo in the whole fandom and still NGE is freaking famous.
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Descent into Disappointment.  
by Fundefined
March 22nd, 2010, 10:15pm
Rating: 3.0  / 10.0
As the series progressed; not only did the writing get worse, as did the artwork. Sure mutant hands (Parasyte) and high school girls as super weapons (Saikano) are nothing new, but at least plot was bearable for the first volume. Then it fell apart. Needless back-stories, bad characterization, overused evil corporation schemes, plot holes, all help build "Variente's" grave. No requiem needed for this disappointment.
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by Ulgor
November 25th, 2008, 3:55pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Maybe some aspects of it are unoriginal, but the story itself is worthy a shot if you're into the all "becoming a monster to fight the monsters, but keeping your sanity"-kinda thing...
I also like the characters, with the cynical researchers and board of directors and the complete opposite; a policeman having learned from previous incidents and come to be more symphatizing with the main character...and the artwork is pretty good yeah.

... Last updated on November 25th, 2008, 3:56pm
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