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Nagasawa Shiina is just an average 3rd year high school student until her parents' company goes bankrupt. In order to pay the bills, she sells herself into prostitution. At her first job, a mysterious masked man crashes the party... and it's someone she knows.

Akumetsu is the story of Shou, a vigilante that's out trying to straighten the corrupt Japanese Government through terrorism with his "One man, One kill" code of action.


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หน้ากากปีศาจ พิฆาตทรชน
가면전사 아쿠메츠

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Izumo no Ryuu
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v.17 c.152 by Izumo no Ryuu & Manga Downloads over 14 years ago
v.17 c.151 by Izumo no Ryuu & Manga Downloads over 14 years ago
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Akumetsu by dantd95

5 topics, 33 posts
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Average: 8.4 / 10.0 (1559 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.36 / 10.0

Last Updated
December 2nd 2023, 11:00pm



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Shuukan Shounen Champion (Akita Shoten)

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Trash tier  
by Anonymous Reader
March 5th, 2024, 2:00pm
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
Damn, what a hot mess this one is! I read 5 chapters before dumping it - it's that bad.

I'd heard a lot of good things about this title, so I waited until I was in the mood to read it, but all logic is out the window from the first episode!
This is stupid with a capital S, disjointed, and not even remotely funny... albeit, I don't think it's supposed to be.

A true dumpster fire. 12 year olds will probably love it!
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by MLGSwag
March 19th, 2023, 5:16pm
Rating: N/A
Originally interesting but as the story reveal a certain something, it started to go downhill imo. Like i would have disliked it more if they did not explain the mc ability to do what he can, but they explained it, which im happy about, but they then seem to drop the quality of the story significantly
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An okay read for me  
by Raiden94
December 19th, 2022, 7:12pm
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
Interesting start and definitely an anti hero MC.
However I'm not sure whether I like the ending or not.
I have read this long time ago and I can't remember any impactful moment except for the ending..
Give it a try if you want to kill some time..
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Reversed batman with poor pacing  
by calh
September 24th, 2020, 1:38pm
Rating: N/A
In case the mask didn’t make it obvious, the manga is just batman turned upside down. Batman lives off plot armor, this guy dies every time. Batman hides his identity, this guy likes to show it off. Batman fights criminal and weird villains, this guy plays a weird villain to upend the social hierarchy.
The premise is interesting but execution was poor at best. The manga couldn’t decide to be cool or serious so the serious bits fall flat and the cool bits feel shallow.
The biggest problem is pacing, both plot and narrative. The plot doesn’t take enough time to develop the characters so even those who had the most growth (the prime minister, the police boss) appear more like plot devices. The narrative is also rushed, events unfold too quickly and there is hardly any moment to appreciate the gravity of the situation or the relationship between the characters. It would have been better if the author threw away half of the plot and devoted the pages to flesh out the remaining half instead. The direct narration that rants about Japanese politics was somewhat informative the first time but quickly became repetitive and heavy handed; it felt like the author wanted to strengthen the premise with political context but didn’t have the time or talent to weave it into the plot organically.
For something better of the same theme, read Ouroboros instead. It has its flaws but is overall is more engaging and doesn’t try to be something it isn’t.
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I really didn't like it  
by Joese
May 23rd, 2020, 5:29am
Rating: 1.0  / 10.0
If you take it as a parody of a real life vigilante or like reading hipper-violence stuff it is not that bad ,but even then it is too long for the plot it has ,given how repetitive it is .It might have been acceptable if it only had 50 chapters+- or had less lengthy monologues and conversations.

Just google "Summary execution" to know why over thousands of years this mangas reasoning has been wrong. We aren't in the middle ages were "one life for another " principle was acceptable (even then you didn't have to accept a challenge) .And if you still aren't convinced check "Crimes against humanity".

It is totally okay having a piece of fiction including these atrocities, but, after reading prior comments about this manga ,you can see how it has easily convinced most readers that the ideals expressed are totally fine.

Akumetsu ends up being a mix of endless "justice " blabbering ,violence and many subplots .That in combination with boxed reasoning , other fallacies and tropes that try to justify that everything can be solved with killing and violence.
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by ::WonderWoman::
March 27th, 2016, 11:10pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I don't understand how anyone can not like it, claiming things like killing doesn't solve the issue or what not. It wasn't about the killing, SPOILERS
Akumetsu knew that killing evil wouldn't resolve anything, the main point of it was rehabilitation if people had actually read it... He had admitted himself that killing evil wasn't going to work, how are there still those dumb asf people reading this but not getting a single thing. They're the ones who are laughable really. Anyways, I thought that there were many different types of antagonists and not all were the same, like the cops, they were antagonists but they had helped Akumetsu in the end. And if you say there is no character development take the prime minister who grew out of his shell, or Kitsuragi who became more and more human. There is character development in this, so those who say that it doesn't have any character development, better take a look at it again. And to those who read this story for the gore and are sick of the politics, the main point of this manga is the politics and that's what drives the plot. If the plot was just gore it wouldn't be a plot at all, get your head out of the gutter please. Anyways, great manga, give it a try.

... Last updated on March 27th, 2016, 11:12pm
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No such thing as True Justice!  
by JetGT
December 2nd, 2014, 3:36am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
This manga is great! Good story telling with plenty of WTF moments. The issue it brought up is highly controversial so don't take it seriously. Would have give it perfect score if the author create a more better ending - I just didn't accept that ending since there were so much potential.
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High low high  
by butako chan
June 6th, 2014, 2:15am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
I started off really liking this manga and as it progressed, it became a little stagnant. It can become a little boring towards the middle as some of the mini-stories can be repetitious. But, I always feel the ending can either make or break something and in this case, it DEFINITELY made the manga.. Those who have not stuck to the end don't deserve to rate the manga. The final chapters leading up to the end were so dramatic and tense. Although the end was rather abrupt, I felt it was satisfactory as a conclusion that left little loose strings and was impactful. That being said, the story is far from perfect and there are some characters that were introduced then shoved aside without much development (eg. the girl that shou may have liked in the beginning chapters). Now for he actual breakdown of each of the categories:

art: 9/10
The art style is stylized and expressive. It conveys the emotions of the characters quite well and is quite good at causing moments of extreme epicness. The artist did a good job in expressing the ugliness of the "evil" through his drawings. I felt a true sense of disgust every time I looked at them. While the literal interpretation that evil is ugly might be over powering in other manga, it works well in this story where evil is shown to be so oppressive and overwhelming. While, the art isn't especially impressive and detailed, it is well drawn and creative in how showing how the story is told.

story: 8/10
The story was rather simple and straightforward but had depth at the same time. It did not try to convince the reader that what the "hero" was doing was undeniably right. The actions of Akumetsu are questionable at best and downright immoral at worst. Though there was a "good" side and "bad" side, the story gave the reader room to ponder the actions of the akumetsu. It allowed us to understand nothing is inherently evil, but will undoubtedly become corrupted with time. There some flaws and issues that I could pick out throughout manga but non that are big enough that would ruin the manga. As I mentioned before, the ending though abrupt was good enough to give a feeling of completion. The story understands that there is no end all solution for "evil" and I'm glad that they didn't pull out some bullshit method to end all evil (I'm looking at you Code Geass R2).

character(s): 7/10
I felt this was the weakest part of the manga. Aside from the main character, the side characters get little if any development. They felt quite two-dimensional and they all lacked personality. An exception might be Katsuragi. Although he character wasn't even alive during the timeline of the manga, the chapters dedicated to him really fleshed out his character as well as the reason for Akumetsu's actions. I actually felt sorry that he had to die. Putting secondary characters aside, the main character was quite delightful and unique to learn about in the story. The reason I'm still giving this section a good rating is because the manga is supposed to be focused on the point of view of Akumetsu as a man that tries to take on evil by himself. The problem is when he begins relying on the power of the side characters in the end. Without much development of the secondary characters, their collaboration felt somewhat hollow. That being said, the finale was still nothing short of gratifying.

... Last updated on October 2nd, 2014, 10:16pm
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A perfect revenge fantasy  
by Glad-kun
January 28th, 2014, 9:19am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
You shouldn't take all of the stuff depicted in this manga seriously. It's not real. It's a fantasy.
It's somewhat loosely based on real world, but it's not real.
It gets preachy some of the time, but it's just world-building. In the world inside of this manga everything is much simpler.
It's a justice porn. Really good one.
For everyone who imagined simple solution to all the wrongs in the world.
The art is great, the plot is great. It doesn't stumble. It delivers tons of "**** YEAH!" moments. And it stays quite simple.
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I dunno how to react...  
by rennov
January 19th, 2014, 7:22am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Hmm... Although this manga was published a long time ago, and I've read this manga a long time ago too, I feel myself am enforced to write some reviews, especially after I read some comments regarding this manga.

My opinion? Nearly masterpiece, just because some repetitive kills which is lack of twist and become quite boring in a certain point. If not because of that, I will say this manga series is one of "masterpiece" that I've ever read... Why?

First... the plot is amazing (well, the opinions may differ). It's a story of a hero who wants to change "the world" accordingly with the "true law", that is, "an eye for an eye". He questions blind Democracy and blind ethics, with just one statements, "Is anyone here ready to become a martyr under democracy flag?" and "I verdict him guilty solely based on his actions"... Very Simple, but indeed Very Deep... I like it very much because the authors can bring a "understandable" argument with many facts along with it. And it's very rare in the world of manga...

Second... The art is awesome and epic. It matches with the style of story telling... well, you can look it for a moment if you doubt it.

Third... The ending... Well, I weighted my appreciation process heavily in ending. Ending is simply a conclusion, means that the ending will determine the long last impression of a manga (if the reader read it until the end). Good start with bad ending, will bring long last bad impression (bad after-taste), and viceversa. And How about Akumetsu? As for me, Akumetsu can bring me the most realistic of ending of an antihero story... I wont say the details, but well, it's epic and heart-warming... one of the best ending I may say.

Hmm... I guess that's all... Long live to Akumetsu...
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