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Hidoku Shinai de   
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Don't Be Cruel
Hidoku Shinaide
Treat me gently, please
Wagamama mo Aishite

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NijiNiji Nikubou Scans
Liquid Passion
Yaoi Is Life
Psycho Pandas

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v.10 c.2-5 + Extras by NijiNiji Nikubou Scans over 2 years ago
v.10 c.Animate Extra by NijiNiji Nikubou Scans over 3 years ago
v.10 c.1 by NijiNiji Nikubou Scans over 4 years ago
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11 Volumes (Ongoing)

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Average: 8.4 / 10.0 (524 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.29 / 10.0

Last Updated
March 1st 2024, 9:41am



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Magazine Be x Boy (Libre Shuppan)

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SuBLime (11 Vols - Ongoing)

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by Lucassio
May 25th, 2021, 8:35pm
Rating: 5.5  / 10.0
Maya and Nemu are just boring at this point. It was sorta endearing with how much of an airhead these two can be (especially Nemu) but I don't take kindly to
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Nemu just glossing over that he was raped by Maya at the start of their relationship and it just ruins the sex for that one part
Naoya and Akira are fine, but I'm not super enthusiastic about them. Okino though, best character in the series. The only reason I'd want to continue is because I want to see how his life turns out.
EDIT: Okino's volume came out, and that's something that kinda bothers me. A whole volume dedicated to side character plots. Sorta feels like we're running out of fuel for the main couple, and I way more enjoy Naoya/Akira and Kitani/Okino compared to Maya/Nemu. I was a bit dissapointed that Okino's stuff wasn't more exciting, but it had its charm.

tl;dr Maya and Nemu are a stupid, messy relationship, there's lots of reasons I should give up on this series, but there's little pockets of hope that make me think it's not all that bad.

... Last updated on April 4th, 2022, 4:26pm
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It was well written  
by Terwa
August 2nd, 2020, 2:31am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Although it started with rape(it was unique kind of rape,didn't saw it wasn't forced cruel and the seme was somehow manipulating the uke to go with it Voluntarily,to the point enjoying the sex),anyhow,I like very much how the story progressed in unexpected way to the better,and how their relationship developed to a real life couple,how they understand each other from each one point of view to makeup and keep strong life time relationship,without being selfish,like it more than "blue sky complex",as there was some similarity in both,cause in this manga both couple try to work it out and look for each other feeling
The only thing missing and kept me unsatisfied,is that both were straight to begin with,but the manga ka never told us how it started from the seme side...excited to know
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this and all related works  
by noelle777
May 3rd, 2017, 2:28pm
Rating: N/A
Maya x Nemu (delinquent seme x nerdy uke; seme changed his hair and personality)
Shimakawa x Akira
Jutta x Sanada-sensei
Kutani x small uke (Okino?)
Seiji x Yumeji (shorter younger seme x pretty tall uke)
Maru x Mu (annoying glasses x sex maniac)
Fumi x Shunpei (pretty seme x boyish uke)

side couples:
Shiba x Onosaka-sensei (student seme x teacher uke)
Aki x Keisuke (Keisuke is Shiba' brother)
Inuo x Natsuda (straight playboy goes gay monogamous)
Yuki x Kaneda
Daijuu x Kan
Satonaka x Sakurada (small sadist x poor big victim)
Hagami x Nanami (big creep x sexy thing)

... Last updated on May 4th, 2017, 2:51pm
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Making a review for those who are skeptical on reading this because of the rape tag  
by hirukayuki01
March 16th, 2017, 7:13pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I know many would be skeptical about this because o the rape tag, and it did happen. The rape at the start was unnecessary but don't let it stop from reading this. It only happened during the start and the manga turned out way way better. Especially when they moved up to college. Well if you're looking for some really deep plot then this may not be for you. Hidoku Shinaide is more like an everyday read type of manga and it wouldn't bore you. I've read this countless of times all over and over again lol There really is some character growth that happened and the Seme turned out to be the ideal type. He's actually the typical perfect Seme but there's something else in his character that is charming. Even the uke is interesting. He's the dense kind of type but his character is really funny

So yeah! This is highly recommended and it's one of my favorites
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I just can't  
by Himeowchama
February 15th, 2017, 10:59am
Rating: 7.0  / 10.0
I sweat I remembered reading this a while back and thought it was cute. Now that I've reread it, what the f??!?!? Maya kinda turned into a sweet seme yea whatever, but I just can't get rid of the idea that a) their relationship started as rape (i don't really mind as long as there's no feelings of love attached) and b) Maya kept hurting Nemu (unintentionally, on most part but still) it was soooo annoying and I felt bad for Nemu dang it's veryyyyy frustrating eugh
And I honestly don't understand when Maya pushed Nemu away when it started getting serious. If you don't really like to make your partner make some sacrifices for your relationship (because both of you love each other) then don"t bother letting your partner fall too deeply with you. That kind of plot is like, one of the mooooost annoying plot OF ALL TIME.
I've read this seriously with a voice in my head saying "This gets better...this gets better...put up with it for a while, self" bc I ran out of yaoi (trust me, I did) to read so I was desperate to read one. So to properly convince myself, I read later chapter (around vol 3, I think?), and yep, it did. Maya became an ideal partner for Nemu (tho he gets unnecessary jealousy like, most of the time) and the manga slowly (still not completely but) my negative feelings towards how it started when finally, the "rape" topic was touched.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Maya deeply apologized to Nemu
and I firgive Maya for that. Tho he's a jealous ass, he became mature by understanding that Nemu has other things to prioritize and I commend him for that. Now, I'm hoping that they're relationship will progress as the manga continues.

p.s. I don't really hate Maya now, but one wrong move and I swear I'll-- eugh.

(Previous rating: 1) so don't complain if my rating is not as high bc from my previous rating made a big leap to my current rating.

... Last updated on April 27th, 2017, 7:02am
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Im in love with this  
by yuri_shibuya
December 31st, 2016, 5:50am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I admit that their relationship started with rape.
Normally that's an instant turn-off, but I'm glad I stuck with Hidoku Shinaide.
Don't be displeased!!!!! Cause the story developed even further......

I especially love the character developments between the main protagonist.
Both protagonists grow as separate individuals just as much as they grow as a couple.
Two characters who are incompatible with each other but was able to turn into passionate lovers.
I like how the slow and simple minded Nemu became honest and open with his feelings to Maya.
While Maya became more patient and understanding to Nemu.

How i keep wishing that Maya is real cause i want him for a husband myself.
Maya is the best Seme ever!!!!!!!!!

This manga has a good balance of everything.
It romantic and sexy at the time.
Hidoku Shinaide is surely one of the sweetest manga ever created!
I highly recommend reading this series!!!!!!

... Last updated on August 14th, 2017, 12:50am
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Nemu & Maya  
by Ginny
January 28th, 2016, 2:58am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Nemu is too cute. Oh my gosh. One of my fave uke. He is everything good, sweet, and adorable. With a little spice courtesy of Maya who is a heartthrob. There relationship is too...ummm....beautiful. It's like really sweet but perverted. But there's such comfort and safety between them. Standard for any good relationship but yaoi is really lacking a balance. It's either hardcore or fluff. Anyway...too good.
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attack of the white undies and unappealing rape  
by ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
January 24th, 2016, 5:53pm
Rating: N/A
first let get this straight i am not antirape in my yaois. in fact i enjoy it alot but this was so boring. the characters feel short in every story. and then there's the undies. in every story the uke always had on undies which to me i the most unappealing thing a person could see on a yaoi.
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First Impressions Don't Always Last!  
by nezushi
October 21st, 2014, 8:46am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
The first time I read this manga, I hated it. It only took me one chapter to read before I dropped the series because the characters were so despicable. I mean really, we are introduced to a defenceless, weak boy who gets raped by some delinquent and doesn't even have the power to fight back. Eventually, I started reading this manga again ONLY because I kept seeing it everywhere. (Especially for yaoi recommendations.) I must say it took me a while to get into the story, but at some point, I started to enjoy it. The characters definitely began to develop for the better and it was great to see how drastic the change was.
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
(Personality and appearance wise. Mostly for Maya.)
And surprisingly Maya became one of my favourite seme. The couple was super cute together, MY GOD I can't even explain how adorable they were! and I'm glad they were able to work things out. The art is amazing and the sex scenes are really something else. (;

... Last updated on October 21st, 2014, 7:31pm
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Not perfect, but enjoyable  
by sandyatthebeach1
August 27th, 2013, 11:12am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Yonezou-sensei's art is lovely, as always, and the sex scenes... haha, I would read this just for that XD The rest of the manga depends solely on the characters and their relationship, but I have to say... it's a little lacking in the romance department. Although Nemu and Maya are "in love", I feel like their relationship just doesn't work that well. They're both pretty selfish and dense, and they don't have much in common besides, uh, physical compatibility. They never just chat or laugh together; they're either having sex, trying to see each other despite busy schedules (to have sex), or studying. I'll definitely keep this up since it's well-drawn, sexy, and altogether a good read, but it's missing enough in the love/romance department that I can't give it a 10/10. Nemu and Maya have their good and cute points, but they also have some extremely irritating traits. Neither Nemu nor Maya are perfect, and I don't expect them to be... but their behavior is just weird and irrational sometimes, and I'm not very fond of that. Still, it's nothing intolerable, just a bit irksome. I'd definitely give this a go, though; the art is really good, and maybe you'll like Nemu and Maya more than me!

... Last updated on August 27th, 2013, 11:14am
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