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Usotsuki wa Shinshi no Hajimari   
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Lies Are a Gentleman's Manners

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c.Jewel '11 by The Moon in a Box over 12 years ago
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v.2 c.1 by The Moon in a Box over 13 years ago
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1 Volume (Complete)

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Anime Start/End Chapter

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Average: 8.5 / 10.0 (298 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.3 / 10.0

Last Updated
March 31st 2024, 12:05pm



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OPERA (Akaneshinsha)

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Juné (1 Volume/Print)

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Beautiful Work  
by noboundaries
August 3rd, 2012, 2:22am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Oh, the art... this mangaka really knows how to draw men. Men wearing suits, men wearing polo outfits, men wearing nothing---yes, she draws them like real men. They don't resemble prepubescent girls with gigantic sparkly anime eyes. They're not Schwarzenegger body builder types, either. They are just gorgeous to look at. Yummm.

I'm also impressed with the level of research the mangaka conducted for this work. I was admittedly a little hesitant to read the story at first because it was set in America---and I thought it highly probable that the story would convey a very Japanese perception of the US (similar to how Hollywood productions are always skewing portrayals of other countries). Happily, though, I was wrong. Makes me wonder if the mangaka spent a good amount of time in the States.... Though there are slight exaggerations here and there (it's yaoi, it's a little dramatic, what do you expect?), a sense of realism pervades the storyline and the characters' relationships, a realism that is reinforced by an accurate depiction of college life in New England (or maybe life in New England in general).

The plotline doesn't travel in a straight line; a significant portion of Volume 1 is devoted to the professor's past---but this flashback is a poignant story in and of itself. As a stand alone it would make a marvelous one-shot. The characters are real and complex---you can't decipher them easily, so you can't easily predict what happens, either. In a typical yaoi mangaka, a character will tell you what's on his mind: "I'm worried that my boyfriend doesn't take me seriously! I'm worried that we'll break up! Wah!" But here, there is a lot more showing than telling. Through their words and actions, you get to gradually see all the lovely and sordid layers of their personalities. And they are pretty damn interesting.

Some reviewers here have referred to the "ending" already, most likely because they commented before Volume 2 came out. But it seems the story goes on! Very excited to see what happens, heh. Unfortunately it seems that the group previously scanlating the work has ceased its activities (the LiveJournal link shows that the account was purged). But I urge you to read the story, anyway. Works of this caliber are few in number.
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by phanata
January 11th, 2012, 1:25am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
They love each other for sure, moreover they were created for each other, they have incredibly much in common, but they Never will be together, never! Cause Paul feels too comfortable in his net of lies, and Jonathan is too young and independent to accept it. One day very soon Jonathan will find someone free and suitable (i'm almost sure it'll be a woman) and will create valuable relationship leaving Paul behind. Paul will continue chasing after attractive guys, sometimes feeling melancholy remembering previous feelings (this time including Jonathan),at the same time creating an illusion of an ideal family. It's not a comedy, nor a big drama. It's just life.
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by pleochroic
March 21st, 2011, 9:08am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
there's a new breed of BL mangaka out there, and it delights me. matsuo is one of those stretching the envelope of BL to reach far beyond smut, angst, and soap opera drama into literature. and for once a mangaka has actually done research into the exotic locale used (the US in this case); the names sound right, the WASPiness is right on (if a bit stereotypical for north american readers, but stereotypes are always what makes it across to another culture first), and nobody is waving a gun around (though, *heh*, there is mention of one).

there's a lot of depth here, and the art supplements it nicely, though i am sure it won't be to everyone's taste being as BL is generally so very pretty, and matsuo's art isn't. the characters are all interesting. and though i didn't like paul to start with, and still don't actually like him at the end, i understand him much better.

but that also leaves me profoundly sad for him, and really, anyone who gets close to him.

oh, and excellent scanlation!

... Last updated on March 21st, 2011, 9:09am
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A Funny & Sophisticated Yaoi  
by 2old4yaoi
March 5th, 2011, 11:47am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
I have been reading MU for my manga info for 4 years now but feel compelled to finally join as a member so I can gush about this title. It is the best yaoi title I have read in 2011 so far. Matsuo sensei did an incredible job of on writing such a sexy, funny & sophisticated manga. The art is clean & beautiful - the facial expressions are so spot on. I adore the way she layers her characters development through a series of events that encourage the readers to think more deeply & make her own conclusions. For example, I notice while the seme is obsessed with his receeding hairline, the uke finds that feature irresistable (always mussing it up when they were making out etc). The seme might be far than perfect but so utterly charming and was not as easy going as you think because he intentionally almost expose the good bye sex with his married ex-lover to his wife at a country club. Every chapter in this book is a gem.
Anyway, I would encourage anyone to pick up this yaoi manga & read it. It is simply unforgettable. I have high hopes that Matsuo sensei would continue this series. She shows an uncanny ability to understand the American way of lives for some of the gay folks out there and depict it in her work in such a heart warming & humorous ways. I definitely want to see more of the main couple.

... Last updated on March 5th, 2011, 11:48am
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Delicious, wrong and oh-so-right.  
by tartufo
February 13th, 2011, 7:49am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Like another reviewer said, this is a true gem! It's perfectly polished - both in terms of art and storyline. Nothing's out of place. It reminds me of the colored glass windows in churches - strong outlines and cleanly cut faces, and yet there's this extraordinary subtlety to the characters' expressions, and what's left unsaid often speaks louder than what is said. It's gorgeous and duplicitously simple, hiding the most intricate psychological clockwork behind a bright, lacquer finish of sardonic humor and sex. One of the most realistic portrayals of 'closeted' homosexuality I've ever seen.


... Last updated on February 13th, 2011, 7:50am
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A little gem  
by xehuei
January 22nd, 2011, 7:36am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
This just happened to be a beautiful but extremely cruel manga for it to allow the characters to live in both denial and acceptance of reality in the sense they tried to balance marriage, family values and desires through lies (as hinted by the title). Strangely but gladly, the comedy wasn't overpowering though it did dominate and the mangaka did not try to sugar coat the truth but rather blended itself in, creating bitter sweetness. The flow of events is a little bit faulty, however i do believe the manga managed to patch itself up as the story came to an ending. It appears paul's past wasn't as pointless as i thought since it contains a quite important motif!! I'll have to warn you though, the manga will leave you in a bizarre state of both joy and melancholy; a quite pleasant aftertaste neither less. ^.^

... Last updated on January 23rd, 2011, 3:25am
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realistic feel and humorous  
by xono
January 23rd, 2011, 7:07am
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
The beginning was getting use to the art style. It's not great but not bad either but it has a unique feel to it that in the end, it was like it fitted well with the story. The story felt like it's real with humors spicing it up, which can entertain a reader to finish it till the end. The h-scenes were hot but not that really steamy since they were mostly short and not that elaborate (except I think with one in his past relationships) but the positions were hot and nicely illustrated. The ending might not suit everyone but this manga is worth a read and I think it's not something that one can forget easily after reading it. I'd like to note that there was one arc that really touches me while or after reading it, it was the seme's past relationship and I must say it was done well.
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This is hilarious, in a non-traditional sense  
by Epistasthai
October 22nd, 2010, 7:08am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I'm rating this a 9, simply because I want to keep reading to see what develops, (usually I give a rating this high only after I've read the entire piece. I may change my mind after I've read it in its entirety, of course, but for the moment, I rate it a 9).

This piece is so hilarious. It is a series of short vignettes, with the reader supplying the inbetween moments. The chapters are short incidents in the life of two people who are in the process of forming some relationship (we don't know exactly how deep or even of what sort, really). I found the first two chapters very funny, and the third has left me wanting to know what is going to happen next. The humour is very...odd... but I found myself laughing out loud, very hard. So much so that my family came running in to see what I was reading... 0_o

The nature of a vignette is such that it often leaves the reader at a loss, because the reader has to supply all the 'inbetween' moments. I usually don't really like stories of this nature because of this. But I find myself likeing this work and wanting to know more about the characters. Perhaps as the series progresses (and we can read them), then the chapters won't feel so disconnected to some.
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So real  
by ramama
February 13th, 2011, 9:43am
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
Great storyline and characters, it makes me think there's such real story and people like this out there smile
The ending...what else I can say... it leaves the audience to imagine what will happen next to both of main characters
I wish this manga has more volumes ;(
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by rita
January 22nd, 2011, 1:36am
Rating: 9.0  / 10.0
I thought this was different from your mainstream yaoi manga's. The story gives you glimpses of the characters being attracted to each other and throughout the whole story that feeling is maintained. I thought it was presented in a realistic yet surreal manner which is quite refreshing from what you see in regular yaoi manga's.
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