1st Couple) Umm... was that supposed to be sweet? Ryou is a mentally unstable philanderer and an obvious attempt at a yandere character. Just... without any dere. He was pretty much all crazy and him actually giving a shit about Akio definitely did not come through. It felt more like he just didn't want to give up his favorite toy, not that he actually held any love for poor (stupid) Akio.
And then the mangaka tries to give him a redemption arc? Like, I should sympathize with him because he feels bad about his previous actions and because his mommy and daddy don't love him enough??
Not to mention the whole Tae thing is insinuated to somehow be Akio's fault for not telling the crazy fucker that he loves him??
Yeah, no. I usually like the psychotic characters but this cardboard cutout crybaby of a yandere wannabe just made me feel bored with the whole thing.
2nd Couple) Meh. Harumi has had a crush on Toki, a dude who rides the elevator with him, for a while. After spotting him at a bar, Harumi approaches Toki with the offer of a one night stand. This being a yaoi oneshot, ofc Toki accepts. After some hemming and hawing they then get together. That's all folks.
3rd Couple) Actually the best story in this anthology. The seme is still an asshole cheater but Keito is nothing but upfront about his shortcomings making him both likable and detestable at once. On the plus side he's something of a rehabilitated cheater, if you will and it seems he genuinely cares for Naoki. Speaking of, Naoki didn't have much of a presence (he was asleep for, like, 90% of their story) as the plot mainly revolved around Keito's introspection into their relationship. Though what you do see of him makes him come off as the typical uke for this manga. Wimpy with no backbone.