Edit: Unfortunately, this really fell down by the wayside, at least compared to its premise. It turned into a love-triangle drama fest pretty quickly, and as noted, the MC's denseness is legendary. I'm at the point where I can't tell which I dislike more: MCs being stupidly dense and unobservant, or MCs being stupidly beta and passive and pretending they're dense. Like I get that authors want drama to help hook a reader, but does making stupid main characters actually help their story? Don't get it. Original rating was a 9, now it's just bad. That's not to say it's without merit though, because there are some good things, as evidenced by the strong start - the author CAN do things well. Like when the 'other girl' actually confesses, it's handled in a mature-ish manner. Of course, with a cliffhanger ending or two to add drama, but hey, weekly format. But unfortunately, there's WAYYY too much angsty melodrama to keep this from being anything but low tier.
Original Review As the summary says, a 'sickeningly sweet' story about a childhood friend love lol. Tired of all those RomComs where the CHF is actually just annoying and keeps getting in the way of the Best Girl? Well, here, Best Girl IS the CHF. Only 2 chapters out so far, but I figured I'd give it a review.
The MC is a bit of a loner, but not a depressed otaku loser or anything. He seems quite well balanced, but he's still not part of the popular crowd, so when this 'S-Class' beauty starts inviting him to do things, he kinda panics. It's actually refreshing to see a female lead that knows what she wants and is willing to be active about it. And it's not like she falls under the 'aggressive and annoying' trait that many girls in RomComs do.
Obviously, we're too early on to know how any key aspects of romance will be handled (rivals, love triangles, angsty drama, etc) but it has a really promising start. And this is coming from a guy who normally HATES the childhood friend type characters.